GAMBLING | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

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The Etymology of Tweak-Speak: so your brain can learn something new

Do you ever hear a word and wonder where it came from, and why we use it? That's etymology, my dude.

Wtf is etymology?

Good question. Basically, etymology is the science of investigating how words came to be and how words have developed over time. Rachel Barney has a pretty spicy explanation in the Oxford Studies of Ancient Philosophy:

As practiced by Socrates in the Cratylus, etymology involves a claim about the underlying semantic content of the name, what it really means or indicates. This content is taken to have been put there by the ancient name-givers: giving an etymology is thus a matter of unwrapping or decoding a name to find the message the name-givers have placed inside.

What the hell does this have to do with drugs?

Kind of nothing, kind of everything. These days, there's a lot of debate over the words we use. For instance,

No matter your stance on any given topic, we can all at least somewhat agree that words have weight and significance. Dan Jurafsky, a Humanities professor from Stanford, explains it like this:

Understanding why and how languages differ tells about the range of what is human, discovering what’s universal about languages can help us understand the core of our humanity.

All of this made me wonder about drugs and the people who use them. Drug users have unique slang, syntax, and structure that develops independently of the traditional language. Not only that, but drug users deal with incredible amounts of stigma from the community; stigma which begets even more convoluted terms to describe and label users and their habits. If language can have such a powerful effect on our attitudes, beliefs, mental processes, values, and feelings, I figured it would be worth it to look into a few of the terms we typically pepper into our speech. Maybe understanding the words themselves will help us better understand the community and its relationship to the rest of the world. So...yeah. Check out the history of some American drug slang, if you wish.

The Etymologies of Tweak-Speak:

We'll dive right in with one of the most confusing words on the list. We know that junkie and junkhead both appeared as a way to describe drug users around 1910-1920. The root of the word is junk, and that's where we get stuck. No one seems to know where exactly junk came from, since it's been popping up randomly for the past 800 years or so, with centuries of lost record in between.
The Javanese are an ethnic group native to Java island and the surrounding area, in what is modern-day Indonesia. From as early as 1200 AD, the Javanese were experts at building boats, which they called djons. At this time, seafaring trade was expanding across the world, and China wanted a slice of the action. The only problem was that they really didn't know how to make boats sturdy enough to go all the way to the Indo-European regions where most of the trade was happening. So they copied the djons, which became junks.
Fast forward to the mid-14th century, and the junk ships were a huge part of international trade. The Portugese were so impressed with the junk ships, they created the word junco to describe them. From there, it became a maritime word that sailors used. This is the first time we see junk in English - which meant "old cable/rope used for caulking ships".
Basically, if your boat got a hole in the side, you could use some old rope (junk) to patch the hole. The English use may have been influenced by Old French as well, where junc was a type of native reed (the reeds were fiberous enough to possibly be made into ropes and other things). In sailor terms, junk was used to describe a lot. Salt junk became a popular term for the meat that sailors ate while away at sea. The preserved meat they ate was like beef jerky, and salt junk described how tough it was, just like the junk ropes they used to repair their ships. It's the first time we see junk used in a negative way. The sailors would rather eat a sirloin steak, of course, but if they were at sea they were stuck eating the salt junk.
By the early-1800's, the American settlers were using junk not just to describe old rope, but anything that was old/needed to be thrown out. In a journal entry, one man describes "junking" lumber, stripping it down for firewood and getting rid of the excess.
Fast forward to the Prohibition Era. American gangsters had enormous power in the smuggling/trafficking of drugs and alcohol since people couldn't purchase them legally. It's unclear exactly how junk came to describe opiates, but the term was popularized with morphine and heroin users.
From there, junkie emerged shortly after. There's a theory that junkie is because addicts were stealing scrap metal (junk) to fund their habit, but there isn't a lot of evidence this was the case. In fact, we had a lot less scrap metal in the Prohibition Era than we do today, since it was reused in future building projects. The stereotype of drug addicts selling copper wire or other scrap materials probably came about later.
It's also interesting to note that the "-ie" ending in junkie is what we call a "diminutive possessive". Big words, but it basically means if you have an object, adding -ie or -y is a Dutch ending that describes the person who has a relationship to/owns the object. It's used it to show affection, like a familial relationship. For instance, a babe became a baby, a pup became a puppy, and a mama became a mommy.
So while junkhead or junker meant someone who literally "used junk", the word we use (junkie) seems to indicate someone who literally "loves junk". I love junk, how about you guys?
It's also important to understand that junk really means something different from trash. For instance, we have junk sales (or "rummage sales") in the United States, but we don't have trash sales. Trash and garbage are words used to describe things that are rotten, expired, absolutely no good anymore. Junk, on the other hand, is something that is just in disuse, but the idea is that it can be repurposed and reused again. So maybe junkies aren't trash after all, but people who can be repurposed into something even better someday. Just a thought.

Addiction in terms of drug use came about in the early 1900's. Again, it was first used in the context of morphine. Not long after, an addict came to mean someone who was addicted to a certain drug or behavior. The word itself is very old and has an extremely confusing history. Richard J Rosenthal investigated the whole thing to an amazing extent in his piece for the Journal of Addiction Research & Theory in 2018. He's way headier than I am, so I'll just let him tell you about it.

Addictio, the abstract noun derived from the verb, was the technical Latin term for the judicial act by which a debtor was made the slave of his creditor.
The sentence was pronounced, or spoken, by the judge, or praetor, according to the ancient law of the Twelve Tables. Where exactly did this leave the addictus, which in the passive form referred to the hapless individual who was physically handed over to his creditor by the praetor’s authority and physically led off in chains, to be held for sixty days or until the debt was paid? Failure to pay the debt after the lapse of the statutory sixty days rendered the debtor his creditor’s permanent property. He could then, at the creditor’s discretion, be kept, killed or sold as a common slave.
For the Romans, enslavement became increasingly associated with the passive forms of addicere, which of necessity would take on a very different connotation from the active form. To understand this, one must appreciate the distinction Romans made between active and passive forms of the verb, and in fact between active and passive in all forms of behavior. To be the recipient, to be acted upon, was to be less than. A passive human subject was a defeated individual, the object of someone else’s power. Being sentenced to be another person’s slave would be particularly humiliating. It would mean not only the loss of one’s citizenship but of one’s personhood.
The theme continued to be developed well into the imperial period. The most striking aspect of the use of addicere in each of these instances is the idea of bondage or enslavement. However, the object of that enslavement had evolved over the course of six centuries. What started as literal, the fate of the debt bondsman (addictus) under the ancient Law of the Twelve Tables, became metaphorical. One could become enslaved by vice (e.g., gambling, drinking, gluttony). A behavior like gambling, which previously might have led to one’s being sentenced into slavery, now was the enslavement.
The English verb ‘addict’ found particular resonance among the early church reformers. It’s earliest known appearance in English was in a tract by the Protestant reformer John Frith. It involves the act of choosing between two or more things. He apparently understood it as ‘preference’ or ‘choice,’ meaning (in a Christian context) the individual’s preference for a particular doctrine or interpretation of the Bible. [The Church] emphasized the dangers associated with a mistaken choice (Catholicism, the Pope, icons and idols). Most prominent was the danger of grievously offending God or of being led down the wrong path away from God. The Reformers extended their concerns to the physical realm, where one could be addicted to physical pleasures like gluttony and drunkenness.
Such ‘choices’ need not be actively chosen, however. The most influential of the Protestant Reformers next to Luther, John Calvin, [believed] man was so corrupted and enslaved by sin that he was incapable of choosing correctly. It was only through God’s grace that one was turned away from depravity and bad choices. An accomplished Latinist and writing in Latin, Calvin drew upon the legal, rather than the augural, usage of the Latin verb addicere to indicate that it is something done to or for one; it is not voluntary or within one’s control. This would be in line with the early legal meaning of addictio in Latin, where one did not act freely but was acted upon by the law [and] made the slave of one’s creditor.
[Writers from the 16th century on] were using medical metaphors to convey the seriousness of the problem, and we can't help noting that the language of disease was used both for the individual and for society. Furthermore, it was not addiction itself that was the disease, it was drunkenness or gambling, and when they referred to addiction, it was to convey ‘attachment’ or ‘preference.’
When the word addiction was deliberately omitted from four consecutive editions of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, it was because it was considered pejorative, stigmatizing, and too difficult to define. There were simply ‘too many meanings’ the term lacked any ‘universally agreed upon definition’: the result of using it was ‘conceptual chaos’.
Inclusion in DSM-5 represents behavioral addiction’s first official recognition as a diagnostic entity. It is therefore especially notable that, in addition to the lack of a definition, there are neither criteria nor guidelines for the assessment of potential disorders. For sure.
Can we all just take a minute to remember that this song existed though? God, 2008 was a simpler time. (If you wanna get hit over the head with a brick from the past, I encourage you to listen to Paralyzer or Disturbia again, just sayin)
Then we end the root with -er, which is for "connected with, pertaining to; the man engaged in". That comes from the old Latin -arius and -arium, which is the same reason an aria is an opera solo. So I mean, referring to tweakers in general as tweakarium and a tweaker as a tweakarius is valid (probably not, but it sounds cool).

We can trace tweak through history fairly well. It starts with the Proto-Indo-European word \dwoh,* meaning "two".
[Side note: We currently can't trace words farther back than Proto-Indo-European (PIE) or any "Proto" language. There's no written record of PIE, and we really can't prove it was a language at all. Linguists compare words from newer languages that are alike in sound and meaning, and from there, group them into the "families" of Proto languages. PIE may have originated as early as 3300 BCE, which is old as shit (like before people were using wheels and domesticating horses). PIE is the most influential Proto language and has been studied the most, since English, Portugese, Russian, Italian, Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali, German, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, and many others have all originated from PIE]
From there, \dwoh* was found in Old Armenian with կից, meaning "a cross-road" and in Old English as tweo, meaning "two".
Both of these words created the Old English tweag later on, meaning "trouble, doubt, distress". It makes sense when you consider how someone at a "cross-roads" is faced with a tough decision, because they could go in one of two directions. In Old English, tweo became tweonleoht, which is where we get "twilight" from. It literally means "two-light", as in the part of the day when it's night and day at the same time.
Tweag became twikken, which has multiple meanings: trouble/doubt, plucking/pulling something, and twitch. All of these definitions are loosely connected to tweag with the idea that there is some type of problem (distress) that needs to be fixed. If you had a thorn in your foot, you might be distressed and pluck/pull it out. If you had an illness or were fearful (distress), you might twitch, and so on.
This was the definition until the 1980's, when tweak came to mean "a fine adjustment". For example, resetting a spring inside a clock would be a "tweak", but completely renovating your house would not, since it's a big project/adjustment. From there, we got tweaker, which is an interesting phrase because it only applies to methamphetamine (and rarely other stimulants), instead of all drugs. This meaning traces itself back to twitch, and a tweaker is someone who is constantly twitching/super high/sporadic and uncoordinated because of using meth. Nervousness/paranoia are also described with this definition.
The -er root, again, gives the word a literal meaning of "someone who twitches".
Personally, I like the "minor adjustments" definition. Like, "Nah bro I'm not tweaking, just making minor adjustments to my neurochemicals, thank you".

At least where I live, crank is quickly becoming an outdated/obsolete term. I don't know of anyone personally who refers to meth as crank - my guess is that in the next couple of decades it will fall out of use in this context unless a particular area or community hangs onto it. That being said, it has been widely used as a way to describe meth for 50 years, and it started in an interesting way.
In the Proto-Germanic language, \krank* was "to bend or curl up". This is also the origin of cringe, experiencing something so uncomfortable that you physically curl away. \krank* became crincan, "to bend or yield". This turned into cranc, which was used in Old-Middle Engilsh as crincan "to weave", crencestre "a spinster (woman who weaves)", and crankstaef, "a weaver's instrument (a loom)".
In the 16th century, the definition was generalized and used in other things, always meaning "to twist or bend" in some way. In the 1590's, we see records of crank meaning "the twists and turns of speech" (imagine how the stereotypical politician never gives a straight answer, "talking around" the question to avoid saying something that might sound bad). In 1848, crank was used to describe "an unreasonable act" (something that would be done by a person with twisted judgement. Even today, if we see a person behaving in a particularly cruel or cold manner, we might say that they have a "twisted mind").
By 1834, crank had become a tool. This hearkens back to the days of weaving, since a crankstaef was a piece of the loom that helped the wheel spin. By 1908, the rate of automobile manufacture was increasing. Building cars required the use of a crank, and it was around this time that crank also described the action of "turning a crank". In this way, it's quite possible to crank a crank, but you can also crank a dial, crank a lever, etc.
It's a little unclear how crank came to be used as a word for meth, but the most probable theory comes from the Hell's Angels and similar motorcycle gangs that have been active in the U.S since the 1940's. In the 1970's, the U.S outlawed methamphetamine due to the increase of people abusing the drugs. It was around this time that the motorcycle gangs controlled a majority of production and distribution, usually to rural areas. Bikers used their bikes, of course, to transport and distribute the drug, sometimes concealing it in the crankshafts of their motorcycles. The theory is that this method of crankshaft transport lent meth the street name crank.
The only thing I question is how much meth you could realistically fit in the crankshaft of a motorcycle. If you've ever seen the crankshaft of a bike, they're really not that big. Plus, they get pretty hot, which would be a little problematic. That being said, motorcycle gangs were known for customizing and adding to their bikes for a variety of different reasons. They were usually expert mechanics who could customize their bikes to be faster, more durable, and go longer distances. So I suppose there's a hundred ways, in theory, that you could increase the available space in your crankshaft and keep it from getting too hot.

Gacked is one of those expressions that has varied use depending on the community. When I lived on the West Coast, gacked was used quite often, then I moved to the Midwest and hardly encountered the phrase at all. Just my experience, not sure if it holds any water.
Anyways, gacked is a product of geeked, "to be filled with excitement or enthusiasm". You can be geeked over a new video game or makeup palette. Geeked for Christmas, geeked for the weekend, geeked to get your dick sucked. Whatever.
We usually use geek to describe someone who's very enthusiastic about a particular subject. While being a nerd requires extensive knowledge on a subject, being a geek requires only enthusiasm. We find geck in Scandinavian and Germanic languages in the 15th century. Geck was "to croak, cackle, or mock". By the early 16th century, geck was used to describe a person, "a fool or simpleton".
Fast-forward to the 1940's, when traveling circuses and freak shows were a big deal. The freak show performers came to be known as geeks - the public saw them as eccentric simpletons, entertaining but not smart enough to cope for themselves or be considered legitimate members of society.

In the 1980's, college kids began to use geek to describe their fellow classmates who were socially inept and obsessed with the computers and technology that were rapidly developing. By the 90's, we could say that someone was geeking out or geeked out if they were ignoring opportunities to socialize/have sex/etc. in favor of obsessing over tech gadgets.This explains how geeked became connected with stimulants. When you're geeked, you might show signs of social ineptness, like talking way too much, not being able to hold a normal conversation, displaying odd and erratic behaviors, or expressing ideas that seem strange and inexplicable.
I think the connection to hyper-focusing is interesting as well. In the 80's, a geek was obsessed with computers to the point where they took notice of nothing else (other people/other responsibilities /other hobbies etc.) Stim users, of course, can show this same intense and unwavering obsession, which may have strengthen the linguistic connection between geeks and meth users.
Gacked may have been a natural evolution to distinguish "meth geeked" from "geeked about other stuff", but some people believe gacked evolved from geeked because of the way you can throw up/get nauseous if you overdose on stimulants. If you were insanely high, you might vomit (or gack), and would be gacked as a result.

-- K imma end it there for right now because I'm tired of looking at this etymology dictionary. You learned something today, bitch! Yayyyy. Proud of u. Go forth with your new and probably-useless knowledge, tweakarius.
submitted by TrippyTweaKitty69 to Stims [link] [comments]

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    1. "Why is New Jersey called the Garden State?" (176 points, 8 comments)
    2. Need Glasses? (115 points, 1 comment)
    3. Ban on Irish butter in Wisconsin sends shoppers across state lines (94 points, 12 comments)
    4. Six Queens of Henry VIII: Matryoshka Doll Edition (56 points, 4 comments)
    5. Pita Taufatofua, "Tonga Guy," Sporting the Internet's favorite uniform at the 2016 and 2018 Olympics (52 points, 5 comments)
    6. "They’re doing all of the usual worm things: flying around and dropping trees onto cars and houses, spitting venom at people, and eating stray cats and then leaving large mewling pellets all about town." (31 points, 0 comments)
    7. "Ladies' Night": well-written, short comedy film about friendship and taking Plan B (17 points, 2 comments)
    8. Forty years after the book was published, a cartoon was created based on Saint-Exupéry's characters. (16 points, 0 comments)
    9. Liz Lemon: "Can we have our money now?" (16 points, 1 comment)
    10. New Jersey: leading the nation in Superfund sites! (15 points, 0 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. 0and18 (260 points, 194 comments)
  2. sbroue (140 points, 71 comments)
  3. rwwman50 (140 points, 5 comments)
  4. PhillipBrandon (106 points, 25 comments)
  5. martyz (96 points, 1 comment)
  6. EarphoneTangler (94 points, 2 comments)
  7. jaykirsch (76 points, 40 comments)
  8. art-man_2018 (67 points, 16 comments)
  9. alesserweevil (58 points, 8 comments)
  10. twitch1982 (49 points, 12 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. Australian couple corrects 19-year-old misprint by EKrake (277 points, 18 comments)
  2. Breaking the world record for largest hula hoop spun by PhillipBrandon (250 points, 6 comments)
  3. In Canada there is a discount brand called No Name with extremely minimalist packaging. by iorgfeflkd (222 points, 27 comments)
  4. For a moment, I thought that UFO, a 1970 British SciFi series, had done a decent job predicting the modern smart phone. by sverdrupian (209 points, 5 comments)
  5. The 1995 movie "Four Rooms" is about an insane night for one bellhop at the Mon Signor Hotel on New Year's Eve. Each room is directed and written by a different person, one including Quentin Tarantino. Tim Roth, Antonio Banderas, Bruce Willis, Jennifer Beals, and many more! Highly recommended! by jostler57 (201 points, 11 comments)
  6. Companies owned by Disney by ThriftyRiver (194 points, 19 comments)
  7. The critically endangered saiga antelope is originally from parts of China and Mongolia. The floppy nose is used for dust filtration and to control body temperature. by goofballl (192 points, 7 comments)
  8. Stefani Germonatta at an NYU talent show before she became Lady Gaga by bigtcm (183 points, 2 comments)
  9. "Why is New Jersey called the Garden State?" by codename-sailorv (176 points, 8 comments)
  10. Spy vs. Spy by Prohías by 0and18 (165 points, 3 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 96 points: martyz's comment in Lance Armstrong calls out Joe Rogan and the Golden Snitch in IG comments section
  2. 89 points: rwwman50's comment in Lance Armstrong calls out Joe Rogan and the Golden Snitch in IG comments section
  3. 73 points: EarphoneTangler's comment in Lance Armstrong calls out Joe Rogan and the Golden Snitch in IG comments section
  4. 41 points: AuthorTomFrost's comment in The Heaven's Gate cult committed mass suicide in 1997, but their website lives on
  5. 37 points: videowordflesh's comment in word puzzle
  6. 36 points: rwwman50's comment in Lance Armstrong calls out Joe Rogan and the Golden Snitch in IG comments section
  7. 35 points: rodion_kjd's comment in Companies owned by Disney
  8. 34 points: Aegon_the_Conquerer's comment in In her autopsy of The Hobbit trilogy, Lindsay Ellis identifies one music cue that perfectly encapsulates the essence of those films. [Timestamped to 31:16]
  9. 33 points: CrazyEddie041's comment in The Heaven's Gate cult committed mass suicide in 1997, but their website lives on
  10. 32 points: Creativation's comment in For a moment, I thought that UFO, a 1970 British SciFi series, had done a decent job predicting the modern smart phone.
Generated with BBoe's Subreddit Stats (Donate)
submitted by subreddit_stats to subreddit_stats [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: RedditDayOf posts from 2018-07-26 to 2018-12-31 12:01 PDT

Period: 158.42 days
Submissions Comments
Total 993 1861
Rate (per day) 6.27 11.73
Unique Redditors 186 825
Combined Score 25995 6386

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 3187 points, 138 submissions: sbroue
    1. Windows 3D Space Cadet (153 points, 7 comments)
    2. Inappropriate (110 points, 4 comments)
    3. Protect your personal space on the subway (101 points, 7 comments)
    4. Why The Painting of "Dogs Playing Poker" Has Endured for over 100 Years (101 points, 5 comments)
    5. Samuel Johnson compiled the first English Dictionary in 1755, his definition of "oats" is a classic (93 points, 11 comments)
    6. The Big Potato: Robertson NSW. Australia (88 points, 9 comments)
    7. "I'm just waiting for a mate" - classic arrest on Australian "Cops" (74 points, 7 comments)
    8. Super slowmo dragrace tyre (74 points, 2 comments)
    9. The Emu in the sky: Australian Aboriginal Astronomy (71 points, 2 comments)
    10. Baby Javan Mouse deer 'no bigger than a hamster' born in Spain (70 points, 2 comments)
  2. 2288 points, 48 submissions: PhillipBrandon
    1. Breaking the world record for largest hula hoop spun (250 points, 6 comments)
    2. Translator's Note — from the forematter to "The Inferno" by Dante Alighieri, translated by John Ciardi (155 points, 11 comments)
    3. Pedestrian-powered hair dryer (138 points, 4 comments)
    4. In her autopsy of The Hobbit trilogy, Lindsay Ellis identifies one music cue that perfectly encapsulates the essence of those films. [Timestamped to 31:16] (134 points, 8 comments)
    5. In 2014, Lars Mittank went on holiday in Bulgaria. The night before his flight home, he sent a text message to his mother stating that he did not feel safe, that she should cancel his credit card and that he was hiding from four men. Airport CCTV footage is the last known sighting of him. (133 points, 4 comments)
    6. Moving Day in Amsterdam (133 points, 6 comments)
    7. "A Chindōgu invention isn't useless, but not quite useful either." (129 points, 5 comments)
    8. In 1984 an Irish trade union went on strike, its members refusing to sell South African produce in protest of the Apartheid regime. The strike lasted two and a half years, until Ireland banned the sale of South African fruit and vegetables in Irish stores. (121 points, 6 comments)
    9. My BIL makes annual code-breaking challenges. Here is 2017's. The challenge has 10 codes, each getting a little harder as you go, each separate puzzle has a code word solution. I only got through seven. (98 points, 4 comments)
    10. Among the 13 pieces of art stolen from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in 1990 which have never been recovered was “Christ In The Storm On The Sea Of Galilee,” the only seascape known to be painted by Rembrandt (96 points, 7 comments)
  3. 2022 points, 184 submissions: 0and18
    1. Spy vs. Spy by Prohías (168 points, 3 comments)
    2. Family bathing in London 1938 (129 points, 15 comments)
    3. Southerners Weren’t 'Lazy,' Just Infected With Hookworms (73 points, 4 comments)
    4. The Unemployed Man and his sidekick Plan B (56 points, 0 comments)
    5. Inventor of the Theremin also helped bug the US Embassy for the Soviet Union. (54 points, 2 comments)
    6. Aquaman and Topo (53 points, 4 comments)
    7. Yurts: Dwellings used by Hun warriors and the nomadic tribes of the near East and Central Asia (51 points, 1 comment)
    8. Inside the Resurgence of Discordianism – the Chaotic, LSD-Fuelled Anti-Religion (40 points, 5 comments)
    9. August 30 - Countries that No Longer Exist (39 points, 9 comments)
    10. We Get Signal: ‘All Your Base Are Belong to Us’ Is 17 Years Old (36 points, 4 comments)
  4. 1294 points, 27 submissions: cossack_wannabe
    1. Who would've thought that Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg would hit it off on a cooking show? Their hit show 'Martha and Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party" enters its 3rd season on VH1. (139 points, 10 comments)
    2. Wintergatan, a Swedish "folktronica" band, invented a semi-autonamous and programmable musical instrument called "The Marble Machine". Their entire Youtube channel is dedicated to the innovation of new musical devices. (125 points, 5 comments)
    3. Washington DC hosts an annual drag race at Dupont Circle, featuring 100 or so drag queens racing in high heels in a 0.1 mile sprint down 17th street. 2018 was the 32nd annual race. (113 points, 4 comments)
    4. For several decades, not only was pinball illegal in the United States, it was linked with organized crime, gambling, and even became an issue of political scandal during the Kennedy Administration. (110 points, 7 comments)
    5. Japanese television has long used lubrication they refer to as "lotion" as a comedic prop. In this popular segment, contestants have to climb lubricated soft foam stairs to reach prizes at the top. Quite amusing :-) (102 points, 7 comments)
    6. Cargo cults came about during WWII during the pacific campaigns. Native tribes saw the cargo being airdropped and developed an entire belief system by attempting to recreate the movements observed at airfields, without understanding how any of it actually works. (94 points, 11 comments)
    7. Bob Hawke is the former prime minister of Australia. Unlike many former world leaders, Bob Hawke has enjoyed much popularity after leaving office due to his legendary ability to chug a pint of beer in just a few seconds, even well into his 80s. Truly a man you could sit down and have a beer with. (89 points, 4 comments)
    8. One of the older internet memes came about when a guy uploaded a VHS video of his cat playing a keyboard....forever known as Keyboard Cat (80 points, 11 comments)
    9. A "Potemkin village" signifies any deceptive or false construct, conjured often by cruel regimes, to deceive both those within the land and those peering in from outside...created solely to impress Russian tsarina Catherine the Great. (77 points, 4 comments)
    10. Mr. Wizard was my one of my favorite tv shows growing up. Here is his demonstration about Magnets. (57 points, 6 comments)
  5. 1291 points, 51 submissions: jaykirsch
    1. "Icelandic Fairy Tales" amazing 1897 compilation in pdf format, 334 pages fully indexed, link to full text and illustrations in comments. (101 points, 2 comments)
    2. Archie & Edith, 1970s (88 points, 6 comments)
    3. 'Catch Me If You Can' the story of ultra-scammer Frank Abagnale Jr, not a pilot, nor a lawyer, nor a doctor, but a damn fine check forger. Addt'l links in comments. (77 points, 13 comments)
    4. Dead Parrot Sketch, Monty Python (1969) (77 points, 11 comments)
    5. Still shot: One bird will win. Ether way, fish loses. (71 points, 1 comment)
    6. The state of New South Wales, Australia's top-producing agriculture area, is now considered 100% in drought conditions. (68 points, 8 comments)
    7. Gusanos de Maguey, agave worm dish from old Mexico (58 points, 7 comments)
    8. The amazing chalk art of David Zinn, link to his gallery in comments (55 points, 1 comment)
    9. THE Fork in the Road - Carlsbad, CA, c.2012 (42 points, 2 comments)
    10. Kokopelli, The Anasazi Humpback Flute Player - two videos: the story, and an explanation of the legend - links in comments (41 points, 2 comments)
  6. 1084 points, 32 submissions: joelschlosberg
    1. Carl Sagan on the "stillborn religion" based on the martyrdom of JFK (126 points, 4 comments)
    2. Robert Wadlow (1918-1940), who still holds the record for the tallest verified height of all time, with his 5'-11.5" father. (109 points, 9 comments)
    3. word puzzle (106 points, 5 comments)
    4. Tommy Wiseau's (74 points, 1 comment)
    5. Sylvester Stallone, the only writer-actor nominated for an Academy Award in both categories for the same movie who has never won. (60 points, 8 comments)
    6. The world's first full-length movie was about the Australian outlaw Ned Kelly; its makers were among those who regarded him as a Robin Hood-like folk hero of their country. (59 points, 2 comments)
    7. The Sega Genesis game Decap Attack, in which the player fights a variety of monsters as a mummy named "Chuck D. Head" with a main head in his torso and another supplementary head that can be detached and, well, thrown. (58 points, 2 comments)
    8. the glass armonica, an invention of Ben Franklin, whose sound is "nearly indescribably creepy, but in a whimsical sort of way" (55 points, 7 comments)
    9. Batman vs. the Penguin (49 points, 4 comments)
    10. The "Space Cadet" pinball game that was included with many copies of Microsoft Windows is from Maxis's "Full Tilt! Pinball" software, which also had two other pinball tables: Skulduggery and Dragon's Keep. (47 points, 1 comment)
  7. 1060 points, 62 submissions: coffeeblossom
    1. Hippo Sculpture (123 points, 3 comments)
    2. The Original Jolt Cola (72 points, 10 comments)
    3. Wedding dress trends from 1915-2015 (62 points, 7 comments)
    4. What Is CRISPR? (50 points, 1 comment)
    5. How to take care of carnivorous plants (38 points, 0 comments)
    6. How the Spanish Flu Killed More People than World War One (37 points, 1 comment)
    7. Fawlty Towers (36 points, 3 comments)
    8. Why Does Dial Up Sound The Way It Does? (An Explanation) (35 points, 0 comments)
    9. The X-Files TV Tropes Page (34 points, 0 comments)
    10. Pittsburgh, PA has 446 bridges! (33 points, 1 comment)
  8. 971 points, 24 submissions: alesserweevil
    1. The Rhodes Scholarship is prestigious scholarship for postgraduate students at the University of Oxford. It was established by Cecil John Rhodes in 1902. Here's to Kris Kristofferson (Merton College), still the only Rhodes Scholar to have gone on to make a living out of singing and songwriting. (118 points, 2 comments)
    2. The lock picking lawyer: a strangely addictive YouTube channel in which a which a locksport enthusiast demonstrates various ways of opening locks - in this one he picks a lock with “secret” magnetic pins. (112 points, 6 comments)
    3. Werner Klemperer (Colonel Klink in Hogan's Heroes) was the son of famous conductor Otto Klemperer and an operatic baritone himself. (104 points, 3 comments)
    4. Leonid Rogozov, the doctor of the sixth Soviet Antarctic expedition, removing his own appendix in 1961. (101 points, 8 comments)
    5. James Tiptree, Jr - the pen name Alice B. Sheldon chose for her science fiction work because "I've had too many experiences in my life of being the first woman in some damned occupation." (86 points, 7 comments)
    6. McGyver on the importance of "Plan B". (68 points, 1 comment)
    7. How to make a FULL BRIDGE RECTIFIER from one of the best channels on YouTube. (63 points, 2 comments)
    8. A young Arthur C Clarke with his painstakingly collected (he was living on a farm in England), almost complete run of Amazing Stories and other science fiction pulp magazines. (60 points, 0 comments)
    9. Portable soup: a staple of the Royal Navy in the 18th Century. (60 points, 4 comments)
    10. Props to Ronin (1998) for having the first (and arguably still the only) classic car chase to feature a woman driver (Natascha McElhone). (60 points, 16 comments)
  9. 712 points, 25 submissions: Sanlear
    1. Locals complain after church uses gravestones to build 'peace path' (84 points, 8 comments)
    2. 'There's no paper in the classroom': why Los Angeles teachers are moving toward a strike (82 points, 2 comments)
    3. South Africa's ancient lost city of Kweneng rediscovered by lasers (78 points, 1 comment)
    4. Europe heatwave: Thousands of fish die in Swiss Rhine (69 points, 1 comment)
    5. Petition Launched Against Catchphrase From Disney’s ‘The Lion King’ (50 points, 31 comments)
    6. Smurfs turn 60 and fans can visit the Smurfs village and take a virtual reality ride (36 points, 0 comments)
    7. WW1: Tennessee's most famous soldier, Alvin C. York, didn't want to go to war (35 points, 1 comment)
    8. Intoxication deaths triple in Maryland since 2010 (31 points, 0 comments)
    9. Merkley accuses DHS of 'scandal' in taking funds from FEMA (28 points, 1 comment)
    10. Nuance-ticklers and word nerds: celebrating the art of translation (28 points, 1 comment)
  10. 679 points, 25 submissions: codename-sailorv
    1. "Why is New Jersey called the Garden State?" (175 points, 8 comments)
    2. Need Glasses? (114 points, 1 comment)
    3. Ban on Irish butter in Wisconsin sends shoppers across state lines (98 points, 12 comments)
    4. Six Queens of Henry VIII: Matryoshka Doll Edition (59 points, 4 comments)
    5. Pita Taufatofua, "Tonga Guy," Sporting the Internet's favorite uniform at the 2016 and 2018 Olympics (51 points, 5 comments)
    6. "They’re doing all of the usual worm things: flying around and dropping trees onto cars and houses, spitting venom at people, and eating stray cats and then leaving large mewling pellets all about town." (29 points, 0 comments)
    7. "Ladies' Night": well-written, short comedy film about friendship and taking Plan B (18 points, 2 comments)
    8. Forty years after the book was published, a cartoon was created based on Saint-Exupéry's characters. (16 points, 0 comments)
    9. Liz Lemon: "Can we have our money now?" (14 points, 1 comment)
    10. New Jersey: leading the nation in Superfund sites! (14 points, 0 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. 0and18 (258 points, 193 comments)
  2. rwwman50 (143 points, 5 comments)
  3. sbroue (139 points, 70 comments)
  4. PhillipBrandon (108 points, 25 comments)
  5. EarphoneTangler (96 points, 2 comments)
  6. martyz (96 points, 1 comment)
  7. jaykirsch (75 points, 39 comments)
  8. art-man_2018 (66 points, 16 comments)
  9. alesserweevil (59 points, 8 comments)
  10. goodoldfreda (53 points, 11 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. Australian couple corrects 19-year-old misprint by EKrake (272 points, 18 comments)
  2. Breaking the world record for largest hula hoop spun by PhillipBrandon (250 points, 6 comments)
  3. In Canada there is a discount brand called No Name with extremely minimalist packaging. by iorgfeflkd (222 points, 27 comments)
  4. For a moment, I thought that UFO, a 1970 British SciFi series, had done a decent job predicting the modern smart phone. by sverdrupian (211 points, 5 comments)
  5. The 1995 movie "Four Rooms" is about an insane night for one bellhop at the Mon Signor Hotel on New Year's Eve. Each room is directed and written by a different person, one including Quentin Tarantino. Tim Roth, Antonio Banderas, Bruce Willis, Jennifer Beals, and many more! Highly recommended! by jostler57 (199 points, 11 comments)
  6. Companies owned by Disney by ThriftyRiver (196 points, 19 comments)
  7. The critically endangered saiga antelope is originally from parts of China and Mongolia. The floppy nose is used for dust filtration and to control body temperature. by goofballl (189 points, 7 comments)
  8. Stefani Germonatta at an NYU talent show before she became Lady Gaga by bigtcm (183 points, 2 comments)
  9. "Why is New Jersey called the Garden State?" by codename-sailorv (175 points, 8 comments)
  10. Spy vs. Spy by Prohías by 0and18 (168 points, 3 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 96 points: martyz's comment in Lance Armstrong calls out Joe Rogan and the Golden Snitch in IG comments section
  2. 89 points: rwwman50's comment in Lance Armstrong calls out Joe Rogan and the Golden Snitch in IG comments section
  3. 74 points: EarphoneTangler's comment in Lance Armstrong calls out Joe Rogan and the Golden Snitch in IG comments section
  4. 39 points: Aegon_the_Conquerer's comment in In her autopsy of The Hobbit trilogy, Lindsay Ellis identifies one music cue that perfectly encapsulates the essence of those films. [Timestamped to 31:16]
  5. 38 points: rwwman50's comment in Lance Armstrong calls out Joe Rogan and the Golden Snitch in IG comments section
  6. 37 points: AuthorTomFrost's comment in The Heaven's Gate cult committed mass suicide in 1997, but their website lives on
  7. 37 points: videowordflesh's comment in word puzzle
  8. 34 points: rodion_kjd's comment in Companies owned by Disney
  9. 32 points: BenevolentCheese's comment in How a 17-year-old traded an old phone for a Porsche
  10. 32 points: CrazyEddie041's comment in The Heaven's Gate cult committed mass suicide in 1997, but their website lives on
Generated with BBoe's Subreddit Stats (Donate)
submitted by subreddit_stats to subreddit_stats [link] [comments]

[Discussion] - What does an 890 Jump mean to you and how would you choose to use it in PU?

As of late, certain posts have *piqued my interest in the semantics of 'luxury' and how CIG will deal with this dynamic and others in the persistent universe.
'Luxury' is defined as: "a state of great comfort and extravagant living" according to Google's current definition resource and is similarly defined when using other resources such as Oxford Dictionaries or Merriam Webster for reference. Luxury is something that we often associate with the rich, very deep pockets of society and not-so-usually with middle class and lower. It is explained at the ship-specs page that the Origin 890 Jump is an "interstellar super-yacht with exquisite styling and an array of quality upgrade options..." and that it is "the epitome of luxury, class and refinement." I'm interested in how we, as players will use/experience the dynamic of 'luxury' in Star Citizen.
I can imagine many scenarios in which luxury plays a key role in the social environment of SC, both negatively and positively. Will we eventually see nightclubs that employ bouncers as a means to remove 'uninvited guests'? Could we possibly see gambling upgrades coming to such platforms as the 890 Jump, effectively transforming it into a Space Casino? More importantly, since CIG intends on putting an emphasis on 'luxury' in the game, will there be any creative ways you can actually use a super space-yacht other than for simply "traveling the stars in style"?
With feature creep being a topic of discussion lately, Chris Roberts has had to personally recognize and talk about it like he did in a recent gamespot interview. I wonder just how far certain features will go with their level of fidelity, and if they will be intricate and engaging enough to make certain aspects such as 'luxury' meaningful by the time the game is released.
Alongside all of this, I'd like to know what you think of 'luxury' in Star Citizen; how it could be used, what luxury could mean to the environment of the game and possibly what the future of social interaction looks like in such a seemingly promising world that quite a few of us have spent extravagantly on.
submitted by The_Wizard_Lizard to starcitizen [link] [comments]

How to make NIP great again - Part 4: Constructing a post Major Dream team

How to make NIP great again - Part 4: Constructing a post Major Dream team

How to make NIP great again Part 4: A post Major dream team

Introduction – Do or die

Welcome to part 4 in my ongoing series “How to make NIP great again”. Many things have changed since I released part 3 and I thought it would be valuable to re-analyze my previous points with all these new developments in mind. NIP now stand at a crossroad, with things happening both in the team and in the scene as a whole which could either make or break them. This post Major shuffle will be, in my opinion the biggest indicator how dedicated NIP truly is to winning. All the pieces are there, the timing is correct but do they have the will, daring and willingness to spend in order to make it happen? If things go completely wrong, then NIP could potentially find themselves in a very familiar situation as they did when they missed out on Olofmeister and Krimz. A failure of such proportions that they still, almost 4 years later haven’t made up for.


  • · This post Major shuffle will determine if NIP is serious about becoming the best team in the world. Are they satisfied being just good?
  • · This team will never be top 5 and considered truly elite.
  • · Dennis is done in this lineup and the obvious candidate to replace him is Brollan, the biggest talent in CSGO right now.
  • · Brollan is a once in a generation player and will determine who becomes the best Swedish team for many years to come.
  • · Fnatic will make roster changes and NIP cannot afford to lose out again.
  • · Get Right should take up the IGL role.
  • · Lekr0 is good but not good enough.
  • · Pita should be replaced with either 1, Pronax 2, Seangares, 3, Threat.
  • · First option to replace Lekr0 is Olofmeister due to his AWPing, second option is Krimz due to his defensive abilities.
  • · A team consisting of F0rest, REZ, Brollan, get Right and OlofmeisteKrimz would automatically be a top 3 team and could even be era defining.

Oh, how the mighty has fallen!

It is a sorry state of affairs when any small success for NIP is hailed as a great victory. First making it to the Major was seen by many as a clear sign that the team was finally back on the map. Then they almost made it into the top 8 and a lot of people came out and praised the teams seeming progress.
-Oh, how the mighty has fallen…

Would anybody praise Astralis or Navi for making top 8 at this Major? Would fans complain how hard it had been for Liquid if they had played the same teams on the road to Legend status? The answer is no on both questions and demonstrate the huge difference between the current NIP and the truly world class. Both Astralis and Navi are expected to make it to the last round. Liquid is ranked number 3 in the world and should beat almost all teams standing in their way.
Where fans see progress, I see mostly weakness. When fans praise NIP´s Major run I see only the realization that such praise comes from the fact that they were never expected to make it in the first place. Lastly, I only see an endless amount of platitudes that have served no one in the past, with the worst one being more “hard work”. This last statement irks me the most because it is the only thing I have heard as a NIP fan for the last 3 years. More hard work, we will work even harder, now is the time for hard work, we have gotten far and now hard work is required, and on and on it goes. I was told the only thing missing with the Friberg lineup was hard work and then I was told the same thing with Pyth. I was told the same thing with Xizt and now finally I am being told the same thing with this lineup. NIP at this point feels like a single continuous work in progress with no clear end in sight.
Don’t get me wrong, as a NIP fan I am happy the team made it to the Major and almost into the top 8. I also realize that the change of IGL does require some time to properly implement, especially since Lekr0 is so new to the role. However, when everything is put into the proper context I don’t see how hard work is going to propel NIP to the number one spot, something I assume is the goal of every team and organization. If Lekr0 was an Ex6TenZ type IGL with a massive system he wanted to implement then I could maybe buy into the hard work aspect, but from what I understand his calling style is even loser than Dennis. And if the team had been working hard before the change, then it wasn’t hard work that was required but rather a change in leadership. I understand fully that putting in both the effort and hours are necessary and that some teams do work harder than others. However, it’s not enough to simply work hard, you also have to work smart. Some players and lineups will never reach the top no matter how many hours they put in and that has been the case for almost all previous NIP teams. For NIP this realization have almost always come too late and as a consequence they have never regained their former glory in any consistent way. Hard work might very well be the answer to continuous success for proven lineups like Astralis, or teams with unpolished but extremely skilled player like NAVI. You see a proof of concept with team such as Astralis, Navi, Liquid and Faze. I see no such proof with the current NIP lineup and no amount of “hard work” is going to fix what is in its core a flawed team. It is telling that Fnatic is in complete disarray from a similar Major result while NIP is seemingly happy with theirs.

-how the mighty has fallen indeed

Even though the honeymoon effect might be a bit exaggerated I do believe there is a certain truth to it. When a team makes drastic changes, either to leadership or roster there is an uncertainty factor that other teams still hasn’t considered. Opponents still haven’t figured you out and surprise is a powerful weapon. NIP just had their honeymoon period with Lekr0 and it got them top 4 at Dreamhack and into the Major. At its core this is still the same team that had done absolutely nothing up till this point. What happens when the honeymoon period is over? Why do fans believe things will only improve from here on out? If anything, this is the high point in this lineup. I am sure other teams will study NIP more closely after this Major and how is Lekr0 and NIP going to counter such scouting? Nothing exists in a vacuum, a point I will get to further down in the article. Other teams are already preparing to create new super teams and or improve in other ways. The teams of today will not be the same teams of tomorrow. If everyone else improves and NIP remains as they are then where does that leave NIP?
Almost every win in the last couple of years has come as a result of a roster change and I would argue that NIPs youngest player acquisition has been the driving factor in every good result these last months. The current NIP lineup is by no means a bad team, it is just not good enough to be truly great. So instead of putting the cart before the horse, let’s get the players NIP need and then put in the hard work!

My thoughts on the In-game leading issue

I suggested in my last article that NIP should change IGL from Dennis to Get Right. Nothing Dennis had done up to that point had convinced me that he was the right man to lead NIP. Obviously NIP felt the same way and changed IGL to Lekr0 during the summer. Get Right revealed during a recent Major interview that it ultimately came down to him and Lekr0 for the IGL position and once again Get Right thought that he would be the one called upon. He did not reveal why the team decided to go with Lekr0 but I think that decision was a mistake. At the same time, I am very happy that Get Right once again stepped up and volunteered for the position as it means that he would be willing to take up the mantle if needed.
Making Lekr0 the IGL is a strange decision in my opinion. He doesn’t really strike me as a long-term solution and every interview I have seen seems to indicate that its more of a gamble then anything thought out. Even though NIP have been doing better with Lekr0 as the IGL I don’t see how this is a permanent solution. Does he really want to retool and become a permanent full time IGL, or is this something NIP is just testing to see how it goes? This move strikes me as being the latter and I wouldn’t be surprised if they change again in a couple of tournaments.
Get Right is in my mind the best candidate for IGL in NIP. He is at a stage in his career where switching to IGL could increase the longevity of that career and allow him to leverage his experience and dedication. Something equally important is the fact that this move allows NIP to replace Lekr0 with one of the other two options in my list and I don’t see how fans wouldn’t see either Krimz or Olofmeister as an upgrade no matter how good Lekr0 has been playing lately.
Is Get Right an equal or better IGL then Lekr0? Yes. Would Get Rights experience, obsessive demo watching and waning skill make him a more suitable candidate? Yes. Would making Get Right IGL allow NIP to pursue better players without sacrificing their current effectiveness, yes and yes!

Threats Law – The coaching issue

I have always been highly critical of Pita as the coach. Nothing he has done since his inception have changed my opinion on this point, no matter how much praise he receives from the NIP CEO. NIP is at most a moderately tactical team with basic strats and executes. Pita failed to make Dennis into an adequate IGL and I don’t see how he would do much better with Lekr0. NIP still has issues that should have been ironed out long ago, such as basic communication errors, poor team chemistry and a lack of clear identity. But perhaps the biggest failure in my opinion is that he still hasn’t figured out how to utilize REZ properly. To be fair, even Threat failed in that regard and it still remains one of the most pressing issue to date.
Threats law is something I came up with and it aims to explain the power dynamic between an IGL and the coach. Threats law can be summed up as follows: The more inexperienced or less suited an in-game leader is the more experienced or suited a coach needs to be. It might very well have been called Zews law after team Liquids coach because both coaches embody this relationship.
Whether NIP goes for Get Right or keeps Lekr0 as the IGL they would still need a world class coach to compensate for the fact that both are relatively inexperienced and new to this role. Pita is not in my opinion a world class coach and has done nothing so far to indicate otherwise. Good or adequate is simply not enough when you begin from such a huge deficit compared to the Fallen and Glaives of the world. I would rate the coaching issue as extremely pressing and something that needs changing whatever else might happen.
I also think NIP needs more of a team building coach that understands the fundamentals, that can teach the young players and build a cohesive unit. Somebody that knows the players and can construct a team based of those players unique strengths and weaknesses. I make the distinction between a team building coach and a tactical coach to highlight that each team has different needs. The Fnatic of 2015 had some of the best natural team chemistry in the world but lacked the more tactical aspects of the game. In that scenario a coach like Threat would have been a good choice compared to a Zews. In G2 you already have the tactical side covered with Ex6TenZ and would probably benefit more from a Zews type coach.
NIP needs a Zews type coach more than a Threat. Tactics are all well and good but if the team chemistry and roles within the team isn’t function properly then the former loses much of its effectiveness. A new coach would have to figure out how to use and guide REZ so he can finally display his true potential. He would have to pretty much do the same thing with Brollan to make sure he grows into a superstar. The blend between young and old, experienced and inexperienced would require careful consideration and the first priority would be to get everybody on the same page. Lastly comes the task of guiding Get Right to make sure he is comfortable in his position as IGL and make sure the transition goes as smoothly as possible. All this is the reason why I rate both Pronax and Seangares above Threat as my dream coach. Threat is an excellent coach and definitely an improvement compared to Pita, but even Threat failed in some regards when it came to team building and managing roles. While Pronax and Seangares might not be as tactical astute as Threat I think they could build a better function team in terms of chemistry and roles.

Understanding Opportunity cost

The New Oxford American Dictionary describes opportunity cost as:
"the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen."
This is a key concept that I feel many fans are missing when it comes to understanding roster moves, and it even seems that some organizations sometimes don’t quite get it. Let’s look at some real and theoretical examples to illustrate my point. Theoretical; Are Rain or Olofmeister bad players? No. Would replacing either Rain or Olofmeister with Simple make Faze a better team? Most likely. So, if Faze had the opportunity but didn’t replace Rain or Olof with Simple then the opportunity cost, or loss in this case, would be the skill difference between the players. However, CSGO is not all about pure skill, so one could argue that what Rain and Olof brings to Faze is greater than the increase in skill gained from Simple, thus moving the opportunity cost in the reverse direction. This is a simplified version but demonstrates the basics of the theory.
Let’s look at a real-life example. NIP decided not to purse Krimz and Olofmeister and instead keep Fifflaren and Friberg. The opportunity cost in this example is the difference between the two pairs and I am sure we can all agree that NIP lost by not making that trade.
When I make the case for removing both Dennis and Lekr0 I am not saying they are bad players but rather that there are better ones available. The opportunity cost of keeping Dennis and Lekr0 could potentially be missing out on Brollan and Krimz and that in my mind makes the opportunity cost of keeping the former players greater then acquiring the new.

Nothing exists in a vacuum – Staying ahead of the competition

The old 1.6 SK gaming team was probably one of the greatest teams at recognizing the macro aspects of the CS scene. They had a strategy of almost always acquiring the best upcoming talent in the Swedish scene, even when it wasn’t even needed. This had a doubly positive effect, because not only did it mean that SK was always home to the best players, it also denied those very same players to other rivalries.
The willingness to win at every cost and be absolutely ruthless in terms of making roster moves is something more associated with the likes of MIBR or Faze then any Swedish team currently active. This unwillingness to make the hard decisions has cost NIP many years of wallowing in the middle range of teams. Good enough to stay within distance of the top ten but never even close to being the best. NIP have always had a strong emphasis on the family part of the team, a positive aspect in most cases, because a house divided will always fall. But there also comes a time when a relationship has to end and sacrifices needs to be made for the greater good.
But roster move comes down to more than just willingness. Several factors make up the decision tree that an organization has to consider. First is availability of talent, second is the possibility of acquiring said talent and thirdly the willingness of the talent to join your organization.
Availability of Talent
The first prerequisite of any roster change is the availability of talent. It doesn’t matter how bad a team is, or how much they want to make changes if the available player material simply isn’t there. While the Swedish CSGO scene in general is weak there is still world class talent out there ready to be picked up. I think there are only three players outside of NIP that would be an automatic upgrade to the current roster.
  • The first player on my radar is Brollan. Potentially the most important signing for any Swedish team since LGB disbanded. He is an Olofmeister level talent that will determine the power hierarchy in Sweden for many years to come. Whoever picks him up and correctly nurtures his talent will almost be guaranteed to have a top 3 player in the world in a couple of years.
  • Second player is Olofmeister. I would probably rate him as Sweden’s best AWPer despite not being a dedicated one like Draken. His high skill ceiling and unmatched game sense makes him an asset for any team. I get the impression that he is to Faze what F0rest is to NIP. A veteran player that brings so much more then just frags in the server.
  • The third and last candidate is Krimz. The star player of Fnatic and fundamental extraordinaire. Krimz was probably one of the best players in the world in the beginning of the year. He propelled Fnatic to several titles and could go toe to toe with the likes of Simple on his best day
Possibility of acquiring talent
It is not enough that there are good talent out there, there also needs to be a realistic possibility of acquiring them. Everyone knows Device is a great player, but what are the chances that he would leave the current Astralis? Slim, to nonexistent would be my guess. This means that other Danish teams like North and Optic probably doesn’t even consider Device as an option when thinking about roster moves. Another good example is NAVI. It is common knowledge Simple and Flamie almost left the team a couple of months ago for MIBR. There were obvious signs that something wasn’t right in the team and things must have been really bad for Simple to consider leaving. There are still rumors circulating that a move might still be on the table unless NAVI wins the Major, so my guess is that we probably haven’t seen the last of the Simple transfer saga. The parallels between Simple and Device are interesting for many reasons. Both are obvious talents that any team would like, but unlike Device there is a chance that circumstances would make Simple leave his current team. Simple is in this example a realistic prospect for transfer unlike his Danish counterpart. This is what I mean with possibility of acquisition. There is more unavailable talent than available. The demand side of the market is greater then the supply side and this is one of the reasons why the best players always have the upper hand in negotiations.
Finally, I want to touch on the contractual aspects of CS. Because there are certain scenarios where a player is available, wants to leave but is unable to do so due to contracts and/or an unwillingness form the organization to part with the player. There is also the possibility that the asking price is to high, like in the case with NBK and Apex. There are many hurdles to overcome in a roster transfer but if the player is willing and wants to move then that is a good first step towards solving the more technical details.
  • Brollan
Buying Brollan would not be a problem as long as NIP meets the buyout sum.
  • Olofmeister
A couple of months ago I would have ruled Olofmeister out as a possible candidate. Faze would never have parted with one of their signature signings. But that was before Olofs injury, so now I am not so sure. There have been rumors that Faze is looking to make roster changes so maybe there is a chance that both Olof and the organization could be persuaded to make a deal. Whatever the chances, they are much better now then even a couple of months ago.
  • Krimz
Another player I thought it would be impossible to acquire only a couple of months ago. However, the recent turmoil within Fnatic might leave Krimz open to a great offer. If NIP takes a wait and see approach and Fnatic manages to fix their internal issues then I predict that the opportunity of signing such a good player will likely never come again. The uncertainty within both Faze and Fnatic is the reason why I think this is such a crucial moment for an organization like NIP. Both these players might never again be available so NIP needs to act and act now.

Willingness to join
NIP does not unfortunately have the same current reputation like a Faze or an Astralis, no Swedish team does at the moment. This leaves them at a severe disadvantage when it comes bidding wars between multiple organizations. If a new player had the option of either joining Faze or NIP at the moment who do you think he would choose if he wanted to win titles? My guess is Faze as they are already at the top with proven players and a proven system. But even Faze had to start somewhere and they clearly demonstrated both ambition and intent to never settle for second best when they signed Guardian and Olofmeister. Their transfer policy matched their words and as a result they became an organization for only the best players that wanted to win. With NIP it is almost the exact opposite. They are known for never changing and making the big signings. REZ was a big step in the right direction but other than him they have always been a passive actor in the scene. They now have the opportunity to change that and signal to the world that NIP is back.
  • Brollan
I think Brollan would be very open to joining NIP. He clearly wants to play in Sweden and since he is on the third best Swedish team the only way upward is either Fnatic or NIP. He has already played with Fnatic as a stand-in and probably know those players very well. Therefore, I think this decision is harder then it looks. Even though I believe NIP to be the superior team I don’t think Brollan would be so certain if it came down to choosing between the two. It would be the task of the NIP management and players to convince Brollan that NIP is the right organization for him going forward.
  • Olofmeister
It is difficult to gauge how open Olofmeister would be to the idea of joining NIP. I think he is more open to it now then he was in the past, but it will also, to a large extent depend on how well Faze does at the Major and subsequent tournaments. The atmosphere within the team seem good but there has been rumors that a change is coming after the Major. If Olofmeister feels that he is not guaranteed a spot then he might very well be open to leaving Faze. NIP would have to demonstrate that such a move has more merit then remaining in Faze. Olofmeister would not join a team that wasn’t dedicated a hundred percent to winning so recruiting Brollan and approaching Olof would send a clear message that NIP are willing to do whatever it takes. The opportunity to play with F0rest and Get Right is also a selling point that could convince most players.
  • Krimz
Fnatic looks to be in complete disarray following the early exit from the Major. Every member on the team vented their frustrations on Twitter after the Hellraisers loss and non-more so then Krimz. Talk about negativity began speculations about the current atmosphere of the team. I think the whole Draken affair affected the team and I wouldn’t be surprised if he leaves in the next couple of weeks. So, the question then becomes, would Drakens exit solve the internal problems or are there deeper underlaying issues. The answer to that question probably makes or breaks any potential move for Krimz. Because if there are deeper issues within the team then Krimz might feel that it is better to look for other options. Unlike JW and Flusha, who do seem like a more tightly knit pair, Krimz has shown a willingness to play without the other core members of Fnatic. First, he did what everyone thought impossible and left Olofmeister for GODSENT, he later reversed that move and left JW and Flusha to go back to Fnatic. I think Krimz could very well be open to a move to NIP if the organization clearly showed the benefit of such a change in scenery. Once again, I think Brollan and Forest and get Right is key in this decision. NIP needs to outline a vision for the future and show how it is demonstrably better then the current Fnatic team. The two best up and coming talent in Sweden coupled with the two greatest Swedish players of all time might just be enough to convince him to make history in another team.
There seems to be a consensus amongst most analysts that changes will have to be made to the current Fnatic lineup. I don’t necessarily believe its all down to results or skill but rather the chemistry within the team that’s at a breaking point. This fact is of major consequence for NIP as they are effectively competing for the same talent. The rumors so far have dealt mostly with Twist but I think they might throw a curveball and go for Brollan and this is where it gets tricky for NIP. Fnatic can not be allowed to sign a talent like Brollan, especially considering the current state of NIP. I cannot stress this point hard enough. In the fictional universe of Dune, it is he who controls the spice that has the power and the same thing goes for Brollan. Whichever team that manages to sign him will be the best team in Sweden for many years. This means that even if NIP, for some ungodly reason had decided not to make any changes, they would have to sign Brollan just to deny him for Fnatic. Fnatic are welcome to Twist but they cannot be allowed to sign Brollan.
But it is not all doom and gloom. Fnatics problems could also be NIPs gain as I have outlined above. This might be a once in a lifetime opportunity to sign their best player and one of the worlds absolute best.
NIP once again find itself in a position similar to the one before the LGB disbandment. The talent is out there, the timing is right, will NIP make the same mistake the second time around or have they truly learnt from their past errors?

Outgoing roster moves – Mouse and Cloud 9

  • Lekr0
This is what I wrote about Lekr0 almost a year ago in Part 2 regarding his potential as a NIP player:
Lekr0 currently plays for GODSENT and has in my opinion the role of second/third star in the team. His deagle play is phenomenal and he is a strong rifler. He is without a doubt a good support player but unfortunately NIP needs more than that at the moment. When you consider that he is already 23 years old, the second oldest player on the short list, and hasn’t fully developed yet, it strikes me as already being a little bit too late for someone you want on NIP for years to come. Lekr0 has many good qualities and would make a good support player but his relatively old age, lack of star potential and the current needs of NIP excludes him from a place on my dream team.
All these things still hold true today and are the main reasons why I don’t consider him the future of this team. It might sound strange to say that NIP lacks star power, considering the names in the team. Nevertheless, it is true that even though they potentially have a high level of skill across the board, they still lack that super star that will deliver every tournament. NIP is currently a team filled to the brink with third/second-star type players. Lekr0 is the type of player that can have good games and the odd great tournament. A player that would do a good job behind a Niko, Krimz or Device.
REZ still hasn’t fully blossomed into the super star the team needs him to be. F0rest is less up and down but brings so much more than juts frags to the table. Dennis is mostly at the bottom of the score board and Get Right is the dedicated support player. Lekr0 was terrible at the Major but had a decent run at the Minor and the Challenger stage. This just reinforces my point that he is also a very up and down player that ends somewhere in the middle when analyzed as a whole. I even predict that his output will decrease as the strain of leading fully takes its toll.
I am going to say it again, Lekr0 would be a good fit in a team that was missing that bridge between the stars and support players. A solid middle level player that does his job and can have the odd tournament when everything clicks. Lekr0 did an excellent job behind Krimz and JW and even joined the latter being the second star of the team in some games. That’s the role he excels at but exactly who is he supporting in NIP. Its not Dennis or Get Right. It can be F0rest and REZ but even that is not a given considering how up and down they can be. Lekr0 unfortunately fulfills a role already taken and when you consider he could be replaced with the likes of Krimz or Olofmeister then I think the decision is easy.
Potential team: Cloud 9
I think Lekr0 would be a perfect fit for Cloud 9. Not only would he bring some much-needed firepower he would also be reunited with his former IGL. Lekr0 played well under the leadership of Golden and I have no doubt that Maikil would appreciate another Swede in the team. Lekr0s stock has been slowly rising which means that NIP could probably demand quite a high buyout sum. This could then be used to fund the other transfers. There are however other players rumored to Cloud 9 so if I were NIP I would notify them immediately and let them know that Lekr0 will become available.
  • Dennis
While I do think Dennis is a very skilled player he is in my opinion slightly overrated. Fans remembers his tournament with Astralis, or the beginning of 2016 with Fnatic and use that as a baseline measurement. However, if you dig a little deeper and examine his record as a whole then the picture alters slightly. In the past 12 months he has had one good tournament (with Astralis) and one decent (Katowice with NIP). His stats are probably worse due to the fact that he was the IGL but his form has not returned despite giving up that role to Lekr0. He is already 27 in an already too old team and even if he somehow returned to form it would still not be enough. NIP needs a super star and young talent to help them make the transition that is coming. The problem with having so many players approaching 30 is that their best years are behind them. Dennis also has a family so how many hours could he realistically invest outside of team practices in order to match his younger counterparts. Dennis was very up and down even when he was at his best and that is the problem with all the players in NIP. You can’t rely on any of them always delivering. Dennis, similar to Lekr0 would be a nice addition to an already function team similar to the 2016 Fnatic that he was in.
Dennis was a gamble from the beginning. It was very uncertain how good he would be as the new IGL and NIP probably hoped he would sustain the tournament form he had with Astralis. Unfortunately, he turned out to be a poor IGL and his form has not been maintainable. The choice between him or Brollan is an easy decision in my eyes.
Potential team: Mousesports
Dennis already almost signed for Mousesports and considering how poorly they did at the Major they might be very open to get such an experienced player. The absence of calm experienced players is something I feel the current Mousesports is lacking so it would be a good fit in that respect.

The foundation for success, the core of the team!

  • Brollan
If you have read any of my previous work then you already know what I think of Brollan. He is by far the most promising Swedish prospect since Olofmeister in CSGO and the only player in Sweden right now that has the potential to be the best in the world. I would go so far to say that even if NIP had won the Major I would still have advised them to pick him up. I think Brollan will become the youngest player ever in the top 20 next year if he joins NIP or Fnatic before the end of December. He is the super talent that Sweden was missing and should be an auto include in any team that’s building for the future.
  • F0rest
The gaming genius, Da-King, GOAT, the list of titles to describe F0rest is as long and storied as his career. F0rest is the most experienced player in counter strike today and a leader of men both in and outside the game. Any team would want F0rest or a player like him in their squad. Not only does he bring experience and calmness, he can also frag with the best. F0rest combines the talents of a star with the game sense of a support player, a combination which makes him unique in CSGO. He is the perfect player to act as mentor and leader for the two other young guns.
  • REZ
The second mot promising talent in Sweden and while he is not a newcomer anymore I still think he hasn’t shown us his true potential. He has been NIPs best player this past year and instrumental in any success the team has had. Often praised for his raw mechanical skills he still has lots of things to learn and improve, especially when it comes to timing and game sense. Despite not yet showing the consistency of a top 10 player he is still, by far one of Sweden’s best players and could with the right help become truly frightening.
  • Get Right
Sweden’s second greatest player of all time. Get Rights possess a winner’s mentality that might be unrivalled in CS history. He has never once waivered despite being greatly ill and has always gone beyond what duty calls. He is together with F0rest the experienced veterans of the team. A wise mentor and guide that can help the younger players grow and mature. Even though his raw skill has diminished over the years he can still be a tremendous asset to the team by playing supportive and being the IGL. It is his experience and love for the game that makes him a natural IGL in my opinion. Somebody who is willing to put in the extra hours of demo watching, who together with a world class coach could play out the last of his years leveraging that knowledge and experience to help the team on a strategic and tactical plane.
The four above mentioned players constitute the perfect blend of potential and old veteran savvy. Sweden’s two most promising talents coupled together with Sweden’s two most experienced players. This core mixes the future with the past and takes the best from each. REZ and Brollan have hopefully many long successful years ahead of them and could be the new dynamic duo in Swedish CSGO. All that is missing is that last piece, the last player who could truly take this team to the top of the counter strike world.

Constructing a world number one dream team

Team 1: World breakers, the Swedish Faze!
Predicted rank first year: 1-2
  • · F0rest
  • · Get Right
  • · REZ
  • · Brollan
  • · Olofmeister
The Swedish version of Faze without the “poor” label attached to it. This five-man lineup would probably be the most skilled Swedish lineup in CSGO history. A perfect blend of young talent and experienced veterans. The thing that makes this lineup the best in my opinion is Olofmeisters AWP capabilities. Even though Liquid have shown us it is possible to play a five-man rifle setup, there is no denying the added effectiveness of a capable AWP´er, especially against certain opponents and on certain maps. Olofmeisters high skill ceiling also makes him a safer investment in the long run. Even just playing at 80 percent would be enough to outmatch most players, meaning that he could probably play longer at a higher level. Of all three lineups, this one would be the most future proof.

Team 2: The Ying and Yang, Success through balance, the Swedish Astralis
Predicted rank first year 1-3
  • · F0rest
  • · Get Right
  • · REZ
  • · Brollan
  • · Krimz
The addition of Krimz instead of Olofmeister probably makes this a more balanced team in terms of offense and defense. F0rest, Brollan and REZ would be the aggressive players, looking for picks and opening up the map, both on the T and CT side. The measured, defensive roles would fall, naturally on Krimz and Get Right, thus balancing the team on both ends. NIP would still not have a dedicated AWPer and probably lose a bit in terms of raw skill compared to the Olof lineup, but if there ever was a team that could do what liquid does and just have five riflers then this is probably it.

Team 3: A first stepping stone to greater things, the Swedish Mousesports
Predicted rank first year 4-6
  • · F0rest
  • · Get Right
  • · REZ
  • · Brollan
  • · Lekr0
An interim team but nevertheless a good first step to something greater. The addition of Brollan makes NIP a serious playoff team for many years to come. However, this team still lacks that certain something something, but unlike the current team you have enough young talent to wait for that last missing piece.

Thank you for reading

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