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(GME DD) One DD to rule them. One DD to find them. One DD to to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

(GME DD) One DD to rule them. One DD to find them. One DD to to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

Ok retards listen up. Been seeing lots of cucks writing small DD pieces of bullish or bearish shit. You cucks need to read this cos this is the whole fucking thing.

this is also basically my magnum fucking opus so upvote retards. Dont give me awards, legit go buy a powerup membership for a year. Cant tell you to buy shares because we gonna get closed down by SEC somehow.
im also not some fininacial advisor or whatever just read this and make your own conclusions degenerates. Im not fucking liable lmao but i am balls deep 125 shares @ 19 average now, its literally all I have on this earth.
TLDR: GME DD sumarized, Margin wont affect longs the same way as shorts right now. Dont buy shares on margin though and get ready to supply collateral regardless. Short interest is up and some smart retards are on our side. Read the post to raise your IQ from 8 to 9 though. 🐻 🌈s mega fuk and even posting high level bear shit to scare us.
Compulsory 7 rockets so you autists dont start having a seizure or something:
Basically been seeing posts about "blah blah margin this, short interest this, WS to clever blah". Going to split this post into distinct sections but im no english degree cuck so dont expect any bear bloomberg level shit or something

1. GME is a fucking steal regardless of squeeze. Buy now or be left on a dying planet while we head to alpha fucking centauri.

So basically everyone here knows about Ryan cohen and his horsemen of the apocalypse coming to steal melvins lunch money. This man bought apple stock in 2017. Hes fucking rich. Hes also an eccommerce wizard, taking CHEWY from a measly 100k co-founded company to a $4 Billion company in 2017 at which point he sold it to petsmart or something. Its now valued at $40 Billion, granted anything eccommerce now gets money thrown at it like a stripper in a high flying strip club or some shit idk im a virgin so dont listen to me, so it may well be a bubble. Regardless the thing grows its revenue like bacteria doing binary fission on agar jelly 🚀🚀🚀🚀.
THEY SELL FUCKING PET FOOD. the market for that is like what? $1?. Gaming is going to the moon and is basically recession proof because of how cheap game is compared to other things for how much you get out of it. Any bears saying that Gamestop cant compete with digital or with amazon. Ryan cohen already slapped amazons head in with a no name brand. Hell fucking do it again. About digital everyone here already knows, microsoft deal, Ryan cohen also mentioned the possibility of having "Digital game exchanging" or something, image below.
Online trade ins. It says online.🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
He also mentions streaming, digital content etc and aside from all the digital stuff wants GME to move to a community centric structure where big stores operate with VR centres, Internet cafe, table games like Dungeons and dragons and 40k (rapidly growing somehow will boom post covid) and as we now might know due to this post:
BUILD YOUR OWN PC KIOSKS. This is the literal smell of money. Go to your Gamestop to build your PC with your kid? Gamestop is already the goto place wher your parents go to get you your latest digital fix so now they can go build PC's and it cant go tits up?
Now for some pussy boomer talk (aka fundametals or something).
The expected Q3 EPS was -0.84$ or something close to that. The actual loss was -0.53$ but boomzoids only talked about the revenue drop. No shit sherlock its closing all its dead weight stores.
In the holiday report I will talk about a bit more below, 11% of stores were closed and revenue dropped only 3%. Comparitive store sales increased nearly 5%. They cant get enough consoles to sell so expect the momentum to carry on for the whole year I expect. Eccommerce is up 300% over holidays. In Q3 they reported 800% to date. In 2020 Gamestops eccomerce went up 24x. YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT. Online sales now account for ~33% of Gamestops sales now. This is literally gold dust for ryan cohen.
We are still trading at 0.38 P/S at this price. The average P/S for the SP500 is 2.753. Massive upside on these two numbers alone.
Burry got in this for the MOASS and the intrinsic value. At the time intrinsic value was like $22 and this will pump up as RC takes it to new heights.
GME in Q3 somehow halved the expected loss. Big Bad Boomer sherman somehow didnt fuck it up that bad by saying "omnichannel" at the speed of light. Yes the revenue dropped 30% but thats covid for you. As the PC kiosk post above shows GME now sells small items basically so fast they have to have fake stock lmao. The new console cycle always spikes the share price sky high too, as youll see in a crayon drawing later. The potential revenue that this console cycle brings in could be huge. Biggest ever is potentially a true statement and Gamestop sells every fucker they get. Combine the fact that they share game pass ( a massive hit) revenue from the xboxes they sell, something no other retailer has, revenue could be sky high.
Now I know you autists are starting to develop short term dyslexia or something but keep reading. This could be the most important piece of shit you read in your life. How do you think I feel? My brains overheating just trying to write coherent sentences.
Holdiay report was a bear trap imo, saw people saying the decrease in revenue was bearish blah blah blah. Lies. Comparitve store sales rose 5% and thats with some towns having like 4 gamestops. When the leases dont get renewed and these stores get liquidated (Also in Ryan cohens letter) they can just get this influx of cash and pay down debt and invest in logistics and marketing and new growth. Gamestop realistically needs like 1/2 the stores they have now and just need to improve efficiency. this article the messiah himself wrote. In it he states:
At Chewy, we had maniacal discipline when it came to how we spent money. The company-wide culture of frugality came from his example. Free cash flow was our unwavering governor of growth. We grew Chewy from $200 million in sales in 2013 to $3.5 billion in 2018 while spending only $130 million in capital, all of which went into opening distribution centers across the country and acquiring new customers.
Maniacal. Thats all I need to say. The guy is going to get to mars before papa musk and he wont even break a sweat. When FCF starts to catch up to WS expectations every analyst who donwgraded them is gonna get ditched and upgrades will start to happen.
So in the heading i said its a steal. That implies some future higher price target right? Well here is my guess for a conservative price target based on the information above and also some more I probably forgot cos im a retard.

The difference is where share price looks to be and where market cap places us is due to difference in outstanding shares (another reason shorts are fuk)
The difference is where share price looks to be and where market cap places us is due to difference in outstanding shares (another reason shorts are fuk)
This alone means if for not inflation adjusted terms we reached 9.8Bn or whatever the crayon chart says we should reach:
9.8/2.48 = ~3.95 3.95 * $35.5 = ~$140. The share price now to reach old mkt cap is $140 fucking dollars. Thats a 4 bagger from now. It gets better.
from statista :
Considering the annual inflation rate in the United States in recent years, a 2.24 percent inflation rate is a very moderate projection.
If we take 2.24% inflation, the this share price target in todays money means we should reach $182 because of $140 * 1.0224^12, = $182 in adjusted. Thats more than a 5 bagger. basically we could see $10 GME price from short manipulation and buying more is basically a lottery ticket!
I really dont understand the bear thesis. The only bear thesis ( short term this one) was that margin would affect longs more but I looked at it on ortex and its basically bullshit. Buy shares with cash though dont use margin. Own your piece of GME dont borrow it. Bears just spout "DigITaL" or "BlOCKbuSTER" so much Ryan tweeted a shit emoji at them. All the bears think theyre clever. What the fuck makes those cucks special? How are they different now than the ones from $2, or $4, or $10.
Bears are betting against:
Ryan fucking cohen, buisness legend CHEWY from 100k investment, now 40 billion
Michael burry, Investing legend, predicted the housing crisis and is in GME since april
u/DeepFuckingValue , the new WSB god chad, now basically a whale
Reggie Fils-Aimé, gaming and buisness legend, former COO of nintendo
Senvest, a mega fund thats actively managed
Norweigan sovereign wealth fund
Fidelity, Vanguard and blackrock own this shit and are never selling they literally dont give a shit
All of WSB has now formed a shield wall against the bears
Microsoft gave GME highly discounted azure deals and free office use for all employees and a revenue sharing agreement. Bears are stupid if they think MSFT didnt vet GME.

Some valid bear thesis left now (the only ones left) -- Ryan Cohen dies.

2. Now some analysis on the short squeeze and some technical data on puts and calls and ortex data.

Ok everyone on here and their cat, dog, bedbugs and wifes boyfriend knows about the squeeze. Jimmy chill aka cramer even talking about it. Gamestop is literally the most shorted stock of all time and space. The squeeze makes every autist salivate because its basically free money while cucking big money out of like what 1% of their fund.
Although I know all you cucks hate shares, and hate holding, if the squeeze doesnt happen selling is probably the most retarded thing anyone could do. Its literally buy high sell low and you fucking disgust me. STONK ONLY GOES UP.
This squeeze is so monumental that its been sucking sharks in like fresh blood. Most of the funds where shorting this from 30-15 dollars before this year so they didnt really care. It all changed with 2 people. u/DeepFuckingValue and Dr. Michael Burry. These guys are as OG as it gets with GME. I think u/DeepFuckingValue may have even sniffed this trade out before the legend himself. Since then funds will have churned this through their rules and started jumping on this train. Ive been in since $13 with 125 shares. If I had more money Id be buying but im just some stupid student ok. Im merely a medium for this money made information.
The stats for this stock now short wise are, from ortex:
Concrete short interest as of 31 December 2020: 71 Million.
Estimated short interest, January 11th data: (This isnt predicted, this is from data in flow, has margin of error) : 77 Million
Short shares on loan 7 days ago: 50 Million
Short shares on loan now (This breaks the bearish margin calls affect longs more thesis): 54.2 Million
% of known float short: 147% as of 31 December 2020
% of know free float on loaned shorts: 108% as of January 11th.
Some guy on here took into account extra buying on wednesday, Institutions, Burry, RC's extra 7% and WSB ownership (something so stupendously retarded no serious firm will do it) that float on short could be in the 100s of %. Total short float now I would say could be 200-400% if the numbers are correct. This pisses on all other short squeezes. Some countries ban shorting above 100% cos of how autistic it is.
The recent hike in interactive brokers available shares is probably a mix of sell off on friday (remember some guys are now buying lambos with GME money. If they held they could buy 10), calls exercising and puts being covered and brokers ditching the shares. Nakedshort even reported 5 million naked GME shorts on friday. This is bullish as fuck because the best the shorts could do on a red market day was -10%.
Gamestop is still on the SECs threshold list for 27 days now.
This shows naked short selling and downwards pressure hasnt capitulated
Need rockets 🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀:
Ok so now if WSB owns an estimated 6-8% of the stock and we all know to move over to cash accounts now to avoid margin calls, we should be minimizing longs getting margin called. Every bear on stockwits is a clueless cuck who spouts "blockbuster" and these guys dont even know what margin even is so my bet is the colossal 54 Million shares short on loan are gonna be affected by the margin calls more. Why? Because every long on margin is in the green, and now a true zealot/extremist/autist for ryan cohen so will supply their account with collateral to avoid margin call. Shorts are in the massive red zone. How do I know you ask?
Ortex data from Jan 4th 2021:
This is the data from ortex for short interest for Gamestop for Jan 4th
So this shows for jan 4th the estimated short interest is 66.98 Million shares. From the exchange reported 71 Million on december 31st this makes a lot of sense because the share price fell from ~21 to ~17 so shorts took profits. The shares on loan arent for longs too. This is all purely short data, and 47M shorted at $17 this shows.
These shorts are in a circle of hell we cant comprehend and makes satan scared.
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Now for the data for this week:

Ortex short data for Jan 14th for Gamestop
Cost to borrow is also up, estimated short interest is up to a cataclysmic amount.
Longs on margin need to supply collateral, but we are in the massive green zone, shorts are underwater. Margin calls will ravage the shorts and sting the longs. We also have the uptick rule in place until the end of the day, so shorts can only short on the way up. Im not saying itll happen but this shit is skewed in our favour big time. we need to 💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌.
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Seen a lot of talk about Gamma hedging and delta.
You realize that the fucking bankers and brokers dont understand gamma hedging right? That shits up their with the black-scholes equation and feynman-kac solution. Forget about it. The retards claiming to understand it are either payed by hedge funds or lose money. The guy who took out outs thinking options exercising and gamma hedging would lead to a collossal sell off on friday lost money on his puts because no one except some quants in a goldman sachs server room know this shit. The idea is simple about neutral delta on options that people take out, but the simple system interacts with every other thing in the stock market, and wow who couldve guessed it, like nearly any other element of the stock market predicting something by the day is nigh impossible. That guy talking about Gamma , Delta and margin calls is on weeklies. Hes no more autistic and equally retarded as all of us. Hes a chill guy though so dont berate a fellow brother.
Now weve established the likelihood of longs getting margin called is far smaller than shorts, on to the options distributions
Two images now: Top one is before the end of the 15th, the other one is after market close:

This shows the suspected melvin puts (51000 contracts, 5 Million shares, rolled up from july, strike price $24) and lots of big ITM calls.
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This shows the big put contract didnt get rolled over and the big ITM calls got exercised on friday. Large puts are underwater big timem while calls are in the big tendy zone.
These two graphs, show before market close and after. As we can see the massiver 51000 put contracts didnt get rolled over and the chances that those were melvins july puts rolled up is very high. They expired worthless. Lots of calls are printing big time while huge amounts of puts are worthless and bleeding money.
Something else we can extrapolate from the charts is that massive options trades are not present on the scale we saw before (tens of thousands).
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We are seeing a discrepancy in the number of puts/calls opening up at the higher prices with calls gaining fast. This could show that some funds are now becoming optimistic on the long or short term prospects of gamestop. There are also more puts than options and if we assume this for shorts vs longs on margin (without even taking into account that all shorts are borrowed shares and pay interest further bleeding cash) then shorts are likely on more margin than longs.
Regardless fellow autists my main point is two show that the bears are underwater and the bulls are flying high with regards to options.
Now lets compare this possible squeeze with others.
Bear in mind this is the most shorted stock of all time, but differences in free float change the share price differently.
Kodak went from $2.16 to $33.2
Volkswagen went from ~200 euro to nearly 1000.
Overstock went from ~$21 to $123
Blue apron went from $2.31 to $18
Ive been seeing some estimated that 1 million shares is roughly a dollars move in share price. This maths is about to be pretty autistic so bear with me degnerates.
$1 now is 2.81% of the share price. Everything in the markets is exponential and based on percentages. So if we assume a full squeeze of ortexs estimated short interest (This assumes no sell off and no new shorts, new shorts can be positive or negative depedning on when in the squeeze they happen) $35.5 * 1.0281^77 = $299. GME to moon. 🌑 .
This shit can happen. Hold on.
GME has squeezed and been manipulated before and it always happens around the console cycles. Shorts never win and they wont win now.

This post right here I found months ago and got me in the squeeze from the honourable and valiant u/Uberkikz aka Rod Alzman
Basically the crayon chart shows green (outstanding shares) orange ( short shares) purple (Market cap) and cyan (Share price). In 2006-2008 the share price rose in tandem with short interest ( Like now ) Until console releases when you can see an abrupt squeeze happend mooning the share price.
This happend to a degree in 2013 with the xbox one but worse conditions for the company and a worse console launch lead to slow short covering but the share price still mooned.
Now we get to the best part. History is repeating itself for the third time and the shares sold short are literally higher than the outstanding shares, which have been decreasing since 2010. Short shares are also at the highest point ever and GME hasnt had a brighter future, well ever. Ps5 and Xbox Series X. are the two most hyped consoles since the Ps2. This is setting up the foundations for massive price movements weve never seen before. This shit has literally never happend, ever. Uncharted waters and we are the captain.
For the insurmountably retarded autists who think that the squeeze has happend look upon this and despair:
Ihor I quote:
A long-buying tsunami ... is the primary factor for the price move
Ihor Dusaniwsky is managing director of predictive analytics at S3 a firm similar to ortex. He told bloomberg that the squeeze hasnt happend yet and that this was long buying. If someone knows this shit its him. He was talking about the tesla squeeze in january 2020. He has access to resources we can only imagine. Barrons cut his comment that the squeeze hasnt happend yet out it was that fucking bullish. All the media ramming down "Short squeeze has happend" down peoples throats because bears are fucking scared.
The bots on stocktwits spamming bearish sentiment should show how rattled they are.
Edit: You fucking degens just enlightened me that cramer pump is real, funds are ruminating over the long weekend, and stmmy bills pumps stonks and that stimmy bill buys many an xbox. See you at andromeda! Also more rockets.
Edit**: Some autists thought lottery ticket was misleading so instead, gauranteed lottery numbers!**
Edit 4: Amazing post here showing that unlucky prize guy was wrong like I said. Ihor also talked about the hypothecation agreement.
Edit 5: This is true and I forgot to add
from u/luncheonmeat79 via /wallstreetbets sent 2 minutes ago
There’s also the chance of a ratings upgrade. Moody’s and S&P have GME at B3 and B-, which is rated “highly speculative”. Ratings are reviewed every quarter, and a review might be due this month (i.e. this coming week or next). Good chance that the agencies might upgrade GME to a B2/B, or even better to the next higher band (Ba/BB).
Edit 6: We are scraping 42 in frankfurt. Granted its low volumes but pre market should open at these prices I think?
Conclusion: Buy shares with cash not margin. Hold shares forever unless RC dies (Shame hes a cybernetic demigod), Melvin bad, Shorts fuk, 🐻 🌈 posting bearish shit are doing weeklies for the second time after they expired red on friday, GME to $200 without squeeze, Ryan cohen a god, GME is still a value play, Good luck have fun.
submitted by TitusSupremus to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Post AEW Dynamite 1/20/21

It's Wednesday Night. You Know What That Means. ​🖐👁💜
Match Winner Post Match Brawl?
-1's Birthday Celebration: Adam Page & Dark Order Vs. TH2 & Chaos Project Page/Dark Order Yes
Cody "Cody" Rhodes Vs. Future AEW Champion Pretty Peter Avalon Cody No
Jon Moxley Vs. Nick Comoroto Moxley No
Top Flight & Matt Sydal Vs. Hardy Party Hardy Party Yes
Penelope Ford Vs. Leyla Hirsch Nyla Rose No
Inner Circle Tag Team Challenge (Winner becomes IC's Tag Team) Jericho/MJF No
Future Announced Matches
Next Week:
Beach Break (Feb. 3rd)
No Date Yet But Announced
Outside of Dynamite
  • On IMPACT's Hard To Kill PPV:
    • In the MOTY candidate, Ethan Page Vs. Ethan Page, Ethan Page ripped out Ethan Pages heart so now only Ethan Page remains. . I should note that allegedly Ethan Page tweeted "hahaha that was dog shit" briefly before deleting it, but I myself consider this to be the pinnacle of wrestling as art.
    • PS, have you ever seen a barb wire N64 controller in a hardcore match
    • Don Callis came to Moose, reminded him that he still has Moose signed to Impact for 2 more years. He says man it would suck if you were stuck here for two years and you were the one that cost us this match. Moose says fuck that, bitch. I'm gonna win tonight, then I'm gonna beat Swann, and then I'm coming to AEW and I'm taking Kenny's belt too. Don is pissed but seems incapable of stopping the Moose from doing what the Moose wants to do. Moose fucking rules btw.
    • Omega and the Good Brothers won the match, but only after hitting Rich Swann with about 30 finishers. Here's the end of the match. I really, truly think you owe it to yourself to see this match in its entirety. It's really good. Honestly the whole show top to bottom was just excellent. There were no post-match angles set up, but surely this is not the end. I mean, for example, just looks at this insane shit Moose did. This whole PPV was excellent
  • On Dark
    • Luchasaurus once more stressed in a short promo that there was no such thing as dragons, and for Brandon just to get the hell out there and fight him. If you want to see a Luchasaurus singles match, this is the one for you. I won't spoil the match if you haven't seen it, but get to it.
    • There was another EXTREMELY long promo from Sammy this week. I won't bother linking to it, but I'm not sure why they keep sticking him out there for minutes long monologues. Future AEW World Champion Peter Avalon also did more yapping about the pageant, but none of it is really relevant to Dynamite.
    • Unfortunately, the Lucha Bros. were able to win against Chaos Project. I have to admit, it was a fair fight this time, despite Japanese Deathmatch Legend and The Original Death Dealer Doctor Luther doing a Bulldog onto snakeman to try and kill Pentagon. It didn't work. THROW EM UP ANYWAY. 👉🤪👉🤪👉🤪👉🤪👉🤪👉🤪👉🤪👉🤪
  • On IMPACT this Tuesday:
    • Welcome back to the Impact Zone.
    • Don is congratulating the dudes on a big win after beating Swann. He gets everyone out of their room and then Don turns around and talks to the cameraman. He says tonight you're gonna get to see the behind the scene of the Invisible Hand. Don says you're gonna have to be patient for a little while. They have business to take care of in Jacksonville. "Don't think, just feel". This seems to be the end of this particular beat of the story with Impact.
    • Moose, after the match comes up to Swann. Their interviewer asks Moose for his feedback. He immediately slams Swann into a wall. He says he kept his promise. Bell to bell he was gonna be the best team mate he could have been. Match is over now. Swann says he's done with all these games, so now MOOSE V SWANN SOON BAYBEEEE. This is a highly Pro-Moose write-up from now on.
    • The Good Brothers come out to their dope ass theme song. They ask how many more times do they have to do it! How many times do they have to prove THEY'RE THE DRAW, BABY! They brag about their win over Swann/Moose/Sabin. Sabin comes out and crashes the promo, he says he doesn't know whether they're drunk right now or stupid, he calls for a title rematch with the Good Brothers. He brings out IMPACT LEGEND JAMES STORM to be his partner since the other guy in MCMG is still missing. They talk for a minute then MATT HARDY comes out with Private Party. "I HAVE RETURNED TO THE IMPACT ZONE", he says. He says since there are now open borders, he's brought Private Party here for a warm-up match, he then goes on to cut a Steiner Math promo, and now EVERYONE is mad. Matt Storm says this is a private conversation, not a private party. Now Private Party needs to get a title match TONIGHT. Matt says those belts are his, he lost them in a stupid teleportation bit that didn't even make sense!! Matt wants Private Party to win BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Instead they'll be fighting MCMG for a title shot with the Good Brothers.
    • It's The Tony's, doing Tony's stuff and promos. You get it. You understand the bit. Watch it if you want. Jerry Lynn is there, kinda. TK says he can't out-carny Impact, but Matt Hardy for sure can. THEN A TWIST, IT TURNS OUT TK AND JERRY LYNN ARE IN THE IMPACT ZONE.
    • Private Party was able to get the W over Sabin/James Storm thanks to... a cheating Jerry Lynn?! The show ends with a big brawl between Sabin/Storm, Private Party and the Good Brothers, so it seems Impact is even getting invaded by AEW's bad habits. The wrestling world is in Chaos (Project) right now.
At Dynamite
  • On the Pre-Show before Dynamite, Alex Abrahantes received a gift from -1. It seems he's fully finished his Kool-Aid.
  • Show starts with -1 coming out in Brodie's old coat on Ten's shoulders for his birthday. They play his promo against Japanese Deathmatch Legend and The Original Death Dealer Doctor Luther. They light the cake and -1. Silver says "TONIGHT IS A VERY SPECIAL NIGHT". He says Adam Page is about to join them, and its SOMEBODIES BIRTHDAY. We then get a Silver led Happy Birthday singalong, God bless us everyone. Japanese Deathmatch Legend and The Original Death Dealer Doctor Luther and snakeman come out and saw AEW is just a daycare center. Japanese Deathmatch Legend and The Original Death Dealer Doctor Luther is really heated about the promo -1 cut on him. The crowd chants "YOU LOOK STUPID". Japanese Deathmatch Legend and The Original Death Dealer Doctor Luther says his face is perfectly symmetrical (PPA looks on, suddenly). Japanese Deathmatch Legend and The Original Death Dealer Doctor Luther calls -1 a stupid looking doofus. He says Chaos does not like children OR -1. They are going to RUIN his birthday. This leads to a brawl, and then Hangman enters, the match is now essentially underway as Page jumps into everyone. THROW EM UP 👉🤪
  • After Japanese Deathmatch Legend and The Original Death Dealer Doctor Luther goes into the birthday cake facefirst and Dark Order got their win with a nearly four way finisher, -1 gets the headshot on snakeman, and says "MY BIRTHDAY WAS THREE DAYS AGO YOU IDIOTS" and nails Serpentico with some papers, cementing the fact that Dark Orders leader is now literally a 9 year old. Silver tells Adam how good and pretty he is. They ask him to join on bended knee. The crowd shouts "DO IT, DO IT" but he says no right as the "HE SAID YES" banners fall and celebratory music plays and a mariachi band comes out(?). Adam says he's had fun, but he's done the group thing and it didn't work out. The crowd straight up boos Hangman maybe for the first time ever. He grabs a bottle of whiskey and leaves the arena. This is heartbreak city dudes.
  • Marvez is with Jericho/MJF. He asks them about their tag team challenge. MJF ignores it, and tells Jericho he's worried this tag team challenge will break up the Inner Circle. Jericho says that's impossible, it's a pact between the sexy hooligans and nothing more. At the end of the night, everyone will move on together like always. MJF says perhaps he's right, and if so they will be the next tag team champs.
  • Schiavone is in the ring, and says it's been a week since Darby won over Cage with the help of Sting. Tony says Sting has something to say to Darby, so here he comes. We get a few good WOOs in, then Darby enters. Sting says there's something Darby that reminds him of himself. He wants to be the first to congratulate him-- he also wants everyone to understand he wasn't trying to interrupt the fight, just wanted to make it fair. Taz, on video, says that's bullshit. Darby and Sting cheated, they fight dirty. Taz says his guys are gentlemen. But if they wanna go hard, and nasty, let's take it to the streets. Darby says you wanna take it to the streets, be careful what you wish for cause it just might happen. He and Sting leave together.
  • Marvez apparates near the young bucks. They're meeting with Kenny. Nakazawa leads them to an INSANE portrait of Don Callis and Kenny Omega. Don says he had it commissioned. The bucks are pissed about what he pulled last week. Don says "Kenny is unable to attend this interaction". Don says too many marks had Kenny's number so they've changed his number, that's probs why Kenny won't talk to them. Nakazawa is instructed to take Marvez and the camera guy to "The Dungeon". Don says their investment with Kenny has paid off, but it's time to go. He cuts them a check and says it's time for them to go. The Bucks says it's pretty audacious to assume they'll throw away a 12 year friendship for money. Don says truthfully, you're holding him back. The Bucks rip up the Impact checks. The Bucks beat up Callis and he crushes the camera, ending the segment. Obviously Callis is a fool if he think walls can stop Marvez. NO WALLS CAN CONTAIN MARVEZ. HE ARRIVES PRECISELY WHEN HE WANTS.
  • FTR, noted weenies, are backstage. Tully says they're the number one contenders for the belt, but they need the belts. Jungle Boy says he sick of this, he thought they were supposed to be the best, but Jungle boy thinks being with them taught him he could beat either of them. Dax, the bald weenie, agrees to a one on one. It's next week!
  • After beating Nick Comoroto with a choke, Mox asks for a mic. Mox says ANYTHING can happen on Wednesdays. He says he can't keep track of anything anymore. Who's in Impact, who's in bullet club, he doesn't know. He says all you've done is brought more bodies for more violence, he LOVES this. The bigger the mountain the better the climb, and he will climb again. You can bring all of Nashville, all of Japan, all of Mexico, but all roads lead through him.
  • Dasha is with Eddie Kingston and his family. She's asking him about his match with Lance. He says he doesn't prepare, he just fights. He says he's gonna fight him! Good enough. Lance interrupts and they yell for awhile, but Jake gets REAL riled up about it. The censors are able to finally catch something Eddie says, but Jake's cursin' sneaks right in.
  • MARVEZ IS BACK WITH KENNY. AS PREDICTED, NO WALLS CONTAIN HIM. Kenny meets with Don, who has a big bruise on his face, he says it was an accident. Don says he doesn't want Kenny to get upset. Marvez interrupts but Don kicks him out. This is pointless. Does he really think he can stop Marvez? This is feud of the year. Man Versus Magic.
  • A brawl breaks out, with Private Party seemingly embracing Matt's new philosophy. MJF heads to Inner Circles' dressing room. MJF says he doesn't want this to happen, but since Jericho wants it, we're doing it. Sammy gets in MJF's face. MJF says no, we keep doing this, but I love you, and these guys, cause we're family. He respects Sammy because he doesn't hide his opinion. MJF says he's no sociopath (HE IS), he wants whats best for Inner Circle. The group agrees.
  • Miro wants Charles Taylor, his butler to come give everyone an update. OC looks on from the crowd. Miro says he can be mean whenever he wants, but he's a nice guy! He wants to show Charles where he can go! He tells Chuck he has to tell OC he's his best friend now. He does it. OC and Chuck Taylor have a real Genie with Jafar and Aladdin "I got a new master now" moment.
  • The Good Brothers are destroying Pentagon backstage. Kenny joins in. Don tells him to watch his hands. Karl gets a wire wrapped around Penta's neck, while Kenny beats him up with his boot and drives it into his eye. Someone shouts "TNA" while the announcers struggle for words.
Trivial Bullshit / Post-Show Poll Results
  • 1/6 Results:
    • Overall Rating: 4.26
    • Best Match: Omega Vs. Fenix (94.1%)
    • Worst Match: Hikaru Shida Vs. Abadon (61%)
    • Wrestler of the Week: 1st: Fenix & Omega (Tie, 41.4%/41.4%), 3rd: Wardlow (5.2%)
    • Full results here
  • 1/13 Results:
    • Overall Rating 3.87
    • Best Match: Allin Vs Cage (61.3%)
    • Worst Match: Taylor Vs. Miro (50.8%)
    • Wrestler of the Week: 1st: Darby Allin (46.2%), 2nd: Brian Cage/Tay Conti (Tie: 12.4%/12.4%)
    • Full results here
  • I'm honestly surprised to see you all rated the 1/6 show that much higher than 1/13, but that Bullet Club reveal may have had a much bigger net impact on how the show was received generally than anything else. There were only 2 other matchups that even got a single vote for Best Match for that week, (Wardlow V Hager with 5 votes and Cody V Sydal with 2 (Cody V Sydal also received 23% of the vote for worst match). It's also funny/extremely unlikely we got ties for WOTW twice in a row.
  • So, excluding tonight's results, who exactly is the best tag team within the Inner Circle? For simplicities' sake, we will exclude any 3+ man matches, 2 on 2+ (like Parking lot brawl, Stadium Stampede) and only look at strict 2v2 tag team matches on Dynamite & PPV's exclusively. No Dark matches.
    • Santana and Ortiz: 4 wins, 6 losses
    • MJF & Wardlow: 1 win, 1 loss
    • Jericho & Sammy: 4 wins, 3 losses
    • Jericho & Hager: 5 wins, 0 losses
    • Jericho & MJF: 1 win, 0 losses
    • Ortiz & Sammy: 0 wins, 1 loss.
    • Strictly speaking, though Santana and Ortiz have been in the most, they're nowhere close to the most dominant. It was personally surprising to me that Jericho/Hager have even had this many matches together, it's just not something I've considered very often. It's of course no surprise that having Jericho in your corner amplifies your chances of winning, but it is surprising they've been so good considering they've had almost no stories built around their team (besides this broader one).
  • This was Penelope Ford's first 1v1 match on something other than Dark Since July 1st, 2020. Just to put that into perspective, her last singles match was about 3 weeks after Jimmy Havoc and Kris Statlander had their last matches before Jimmy got sent to Oops You Did A Sex Crime Island and Kris' leg no longer doing what legs are designed for. About 2/3's of Brodie Lee's work with AEW took place in the interim, as well the grand bulk of Moxley's championship run. She has made routine, completely silent appearances throughout this wretched never-ending wedding/bachelor party angle, an appearance at the Brodie Lee tribute show, losing immediately in the YouTube women's tag team tourney, and the all time worst AEW match ever to date, the 1v2.5 match where Swole beat Reba/Penelope and a screaming Britt Baker. They've never really said why they dropped her off a cliff into the world of background characters, but part of me wants to believe that they partially blame her for the hot-ass shitbutt disaster that was that handicap match with Swole. I personally do not fault her for that, her championship run against Shida was perhaps the highlight of Shida's entire reign as champ for me personally (it actually got a substantial amount of TV time, and the championship match was superior to almost all Shida has had) but, I also don't book a wrestling TV show, I just write recaps that are way too fucking long. Speaking of, here's the section on Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
Hacksaw Jim Duggan Buries All Elite Wrestling
With a wrestling career that's lasted more than 40 years, Jim Duggan's power level is beyond comprehension. If he hasn't beaten an AEW wrestler directly, he's beaten them through a few degrees of separation.
Could Hacksaw Jim Duggan defeat Jon Moxley?
  • 7/28/2017 - Hacksaw Jim Duggan defeats The Amazing Graysons
  • 8/2/2019 - The Amazing Graysons defeat RJ Rude & Zane Bernardo
  • 12/18/2018 - RJ Rude & Zane Bernardo defeat Private Party
  • 10/9/2019 - Private Party defeats The Young Bucks
  • 9/29/2018 - The Young Bucks defeat EVIL & SANADA
  • 11/19/2019 - EVIL & SANADA defeat Jeff Cobb & Mikey Nicholls
  • 7/14/2019 - Jeff Cobb defeats Jon Moxley
Yes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan could easily defeat Jon Moxley (And The Young Bucks)
Hacksaw has previously defeated:
Kenny Omega, Colt Cabana, Hikaru Shida, Kris Statlander, Eddie Kingston, Chris Jericho, Darby Allin, John Silver, Evil Uno, Hangman Adam Page, Private Party, Alex Reynolds, & Matt Hardy.
And has lost to only one man:
The Exalted One, Mr. Brodie Lee
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submitted by SmurfyX to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

$SLV is not going to get squeezed...$SLV is the Trojan Horse for the squeeze THAT'S ALREADY HAPPENING

I have no horse in the GME "fight" right now. I wish you all the best, and it is the biggest trading mistake of my life so far. I was talking about GME with my friends in March 2020, and even did trade some options then for a loss. I must have read DFV at some point, as we were discussing Burry and a "technical short squeeze" happening. But I missed the real boat, so good on DFV and all of the rest of you degenerates.
Instead, I focused my market attention during quarantine on precious metals. My opinion is that in the long term (10+ years) they will provide the only real hedge against inflation in the world as every CB on the planet is exploding the supply of fiat to deal with COVID economic disruption.
In the short term, I believe that the "powers that be" are engineering the largest short squeeze in the history of markets. We do not have the power to effect whether this happens, it is simply an inevitability. HFs, banks, and other large institutions are going to extract an enormous amount of wealth from the world during this squeeze. This money will be taken from the future pocket of every consumer of industrial goods for the next several decades in the form of inflated prices on everything: batteries, electronics, solar panels, EVs...even jewelry and silverware.
We cannot stop them, but I have decided to try to hop on for the ride. The last few months aside, I never saw WSB as a force for societal change, because the people who control the money are always going to win the most in the end. WSB is a place where we can learn the tricks of a market that is structurally rigged against us, and use those tricks to our advantage. To use an analogy that I think we all know: I am not, and will never be, Ender. But I can learn that the Enemy's Gate is Down, and play The Game that way.
The tl;dr is this: the market for silver is the most manipulated physical market in the history of the world. $SLV is the vehicle that is currently being used behind the scenes to vaccum up ownership of every available physical bar of silver in major bullion vaults in the world. When it has completed doing that, the "paper" markets that have held down the price of silver for decades will become disconnected from the physical markets. The energy that has been artificially held back for decades by this paper will explode the price of physical silver, and I have no idea how high it will go. $SLV will stand (mostly) alone as the world's exchange traded product for electronic trading of physical silver.


Silver has been used as real currency for thousands of years, and there is an argument to be made for returning to "sound" money through the use of silver and gold. However, that is not the argument that I am making.
Silver is a highly industrial metal, and it's usage for industry will only continue to expand as we electrify the future. Silver is important for electrical applications b/c it is the most-conductive / least-resistive metal in the universe ( It is used heavily in all electronic applications (even more since RoHS has pushed us away from Tin/Lead and towards Tin/Silver solder blends, with silver being added to mitigate the longevity problems of 100% Tin solder growing Tin whiskers and shorting out components). But the largest new demands on silver are going to come from solar panels and EVs. Utility-scale solar is now virtually tied with wind as the cheapest new sources of energy in the world and is only getting cheaper every year. As fossil fuel plants continue to reach the end of their service life, they are going to be replaced with solar and wind technologies. As EVs become more prevalent, their components (ESPECIALLY their batteries) will produce additional demand for Silver.
As smart investors are wont to do, this coming demand for industrial silver has been front-run and large quantites of silver have been sucked into investment products so that they can produce financial returns when demand begins to increase. 2020 showed remarkable investor interest in silver, to the tune of an estimated 350Mtoz moving into exchange traded products like $SLV. $SLV alone added ~200Mtoz of silver to it's holdings in 2020.
Unfortunately for the market, supply cannot meet demand: Of the 930.9Mtoz estimated for 2020 demand, only 236Mtoz was available for physical investment, because the rest was consumed by industrial uses. This means that $SLV alone absorbed almost the entire world's capacity for silver investment in 2020, and as you'll see soon, this is only accelerating in 2021.
Source for demand/supply/investment numbers:


Now it's important to understand that huge amounts of "silver" is traded on "paper" markets, and these markets have historically decided the approximate cost of physical silver in the world, in the form of the "spot price". I'm not going to give anyone a primer on how this works, go read about the London Fix and COMEX paper on your own time. But the important thing to know is that there are a bunch of silver bars in vaults in London and in the U.S., and electronic claims on them are traded on the LBMA and COMEX continuously, without the silver ever leaving the vaults.
However, these vaults have concrete numbers of physical bars in them, and trading contracts against them technically means that you can show up at a window somewhere and demand your 5x 1000oz bars that a COMEX warrant entitle you to. This redemption happens all the time, and it can be used to extract physical silver from the unallocated storage at bullion vaults and release it to industrial or consumer bullion uses. However, these bars can also be moved into "registered" or "allocated" accounts without them leaving the overall vault storage. This means that a quantity of individual silver bars that an owner holds title to can be physically moved inside the vault onto a different rack, and the owner has individual serial numbers of bars that they own. These bars can be withdrawn on demand only by their owner and are not available for general redemption of a COMEX warrant.
So how many bars are there? Well between LBMA and COMEX, there are 1480.3Mtoz sitting in vaults (sources below when I start doing math). This includes all allocated AND unallocated bars. Now, obviously London and NY are separated by an ocean, but people always like to bring up that bars could be moved b/w London <-> American COMEX vaults. This is an enormous undertaking, but let's make a "spherical chicken in a vaccuum" level assumption and say that LBMA + COMEX vaults are a singular source of inventory for both $SLV and other market participants.
If you read the $SLV S-1 (which I did: you would learn that the custodian of the $SLV trust is required to hold all silver weight (with an exception for 1100toz of unallocated, lol) that is owned by the trust in allocated accounts, where the individual bars are physically segregated inside the vaults, and the serial numbers of the owned bars are explicitly recorded. The idea that there is "no physical silver" backing the SLV trust and "you could get settled with cash" is ridiculous. iShares publishes a report listing every serial number of every bar that is owned by the trust, along with the total weight contained in the bars. It is 10847 pages long (you can read it here if you have trouble sleeping at night: and is updated frequently.
The underlying silver is owned by the trust. It cannot be removed from the trust unless "baskets" of 50000 shares are redeemed by an "Authorized Participant" which is only a few large brokers. It cannot be removed by the bullion vaults and given to other customers because it is physically segregated inside the vaults.
People who have recently beaten down the idea of a silver squeeze love to talk about how JP Morgan is the custodian for the SLV trust. And because JPM just paid a $1B fine for historical manipulation of the paper silver market, they aren't going to be honest about this. This is crazy talk.
When it comes to the dishonesty of a big bank, there is "fraud" and there is FRAUD. "Fraud" would be them saying "Oh sorry, we didn't realize that a laundromat bringing in $300k/week of dirty dollar bills was out of the ordinary". "Fraud" happens all the time, and the banks get away with it regularly. FRAUD would be them saying "Oh yes, 3rd party customer (iShares) who services dozens of other large banking institutions in the world, here is objective evidence, with serial numbers, that we have these silver bars in the vault" and then just making up the data. It is QANON-level crazy, IMHO, to think that JPM is going to commit FRAUD by publishing a list of serial numbers that is completely fake.
I believe the exact opposite: since they have just gotten caught, they are playing it straight this time and have just switched sides in order to go long. On the COMEX alone, JP Morgan Chase is long 193.9Mtoz, or just north of $5B.
(COMEX depository data by weight:
The problem for the futures and options markets is that their continual trading of paper contracts is chasing a smaller and smaller amount of physical silver that is not owned by $SLV. And the market participants (minus, now, JPM) who have gotten away with naked selling of paper contracts and mostly settling them for cash are going to soon find the underlying vaults empty and no metal to give to warrant holders who come looking for it.


$SLV inventory math:
$SLV is holding 669,357,789.40 troy ounces in trust, and has 720,500,000 shares outstanding.
(If you are curious why $SLV/share trades below the spot price, it's because: 669.4Mtoz / 720.5M shares = .929 toz / share)
($SLV data from here: )
(screenshot from tonight for posterity:
Bullion vault inventory math:
London (LBMA) silver stocks are 1080.5Mtoz (
US COMEX silver stocks are 399.8Mtoz (
669.4/(1080.5 + 399.8) = 45.2% of the vaulted silver in the world is already owned by SLV
Subtracting what SLV already owns, leaves us with: (1080.5 + 399.8) - 669.4 = 810.9Mtoz
(This is completely ignoring the fact that a lot of that remaining silver is owned in registered or allocated accounts by individual owners. E.g. there is 150.2Mtoz in "registered" on the COMEX which means those bars are already specifically deeded to an individual owner. But they could theoretically sell it to SLV so I included it as available.)
810.9Mtoz is the ABSOLUTE THEORETICAL MAXIMUM available in LBMA + COMEX silver that is not already owned by SLV.
Now how short are the shorts? Some more math:
OI on COMEX futures:
+ 179786*5000toz + 130402*5000toz + 8245*1000toz + 1903*2500toz ---------------- 1,563,942,500 = 1563.9Mtoz 
in currently open interest that could be demanded for delivery. Just on the COMEX, there could be demand for twice as much silver as there is in the combined LBMA + COMEX vaults that is not explicitly owned by $SLV right now.
Using the same basic methodology–total shorts divided by shares [toz in this case] outstanding–as is used on a stock to calculate short interest (and gave us the infamous 140% short interest on GME) we get......drumroll please:
1563.9 short / 810.9 physical = 192.9% short interest.
But it gets even worse.


I pulled the data for all current OI in SLV options. There is a large number (5.7 million) of call contracts open (here are the totals:
Using the .929toz/share number, we can calculate that there are up to 527.2Mtoz that would have to be bought during an absolute runaway Gamma Squeeze. Call options on $SLV max out right now at $55, so the spot price would only have to increase by around 122% to reach the point that all of that weight would need to have been purchased. But at some point, it could become self-reinforcing, and the gamma squeeze continues to cause more gamma squeezing.
I believe that this almost happened Sunday evening (2021-01-31) as evidenced by the huge premium that $SLV was trading to the futures price for a few minutes when trading opened. (My comparison chart:
The Silver ETF that trades on Sunday in Tel Aviv ( closed up >6% (and was consistenly rising for the entire session) before any american spot markets opened. I believe that hedging algorithms at MM firms that write options saw this spike as a need to buy shares in $SLV to cover their deltas, and so they bought the opening of $SLV like crazy. $SLV opened up 17.6%, while paper only opened up about 6%. Paper market players had to sell 23.8Mtoz of paper in the first minute of trading to keep the price under control. I have never seen an imbalance like this before, and it was covered up quickly (within 2 hours of trading). But to me, it sounds like Vincent's heartbeat monitor in GATTACA when he runs out of fake signal: there was a cover up required to hide this explosion.
When the day comes that this cover up is not executed properly, stuff is going to get ugly, b/c $SLV won't just gamma squeeze like a normal stock...


The squeeze in silver will be FAR WORSE than the combination of a gamma and short squeeze in a stock, because shares of stock cannot be removed from the market. Eventually somebody holding $VW or $GME is going to say "sure, I'll sell at $42,000.69 per share" and that share can go back to cover a short. But if instead of doing that, the holder of that share withdrew it from the market by converting it to a physical token b/c they thought that the physical token would be more valuable than the share (the retail premium on physical silver vs. paper silver), the short interest would INCREASE as shares were converted into tokens. And since there are currently more "shares" of silver than there are bars of silver in the vault, the shorts can be caught with a literally illiquid market that has nothing to buy.
Zero. Zilch. No silver available.
The doomsday scenario (for paper silver holders and writers) is the following combination:
COMEX warrant holders who try to demand metal that doesn't exist will literally break the market.
The CBOE will probably step in and decide to force settle the contracts for cash at the last known good price, and COMEX paper warrants will cease trading forever.
The physical market price will then be disconnected from the paper market, and $SLV as an exchange traded product will stand (mostly) alone as the new "paper" market for silver.


Well I could always buy physical silver, if I can stomach the premium and wait 8 weeks for it to show up. Or, I could just get long on $SLV. Since I believe that $SLV will stand alone after the dust settles as the one true claim on bars in the vaults, I could be long the actual $SLV ticker in several ways:
If I wanted to maximize my contribution to the Gamma Squeeze, I'd probably buy as much Delta/$ as I could get using weeklies, which would be 2/5 $26.5C or 2/12 $28C
(Max delta/$ calculations: and
Current open positions for me are: (
Footnote, all the pictures I think I used, in case i missed something:
submitted by jobead to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

"I think I've lived long enough to see competitive Counter-Strike as we know it, kill itself." Summary of Richard Lewis' stream (Long)

I want to preface that the contents of this post is for informational purposes. I do not condone or approve of any harassments or witch-hunting or the attacking of anybody.
Richard Lewis recently did a stream talking about the terrible state of CS esports and I thought it was an important stream anyone who cares about the CS community should listen to.
Vod Link here:
I realize it is 3 hours long so I took it upon myself to create a list of interesting points from the stream so you don't have to listen to the whole thing, although I still encourage you to do so if you can.
I know this post is still long but probably easier to digest, especially in parts.
Here is a link to my raw notes if you for some reason want to read through this which includes some omitted stuff. It's in chronological order of things said in the stream and has some time stamps.


CSPPA - Counter-Strike Professional Players' Association

"Who does this union really fucking serve?"

ESIC - Esports Integrity Commission

"They have been put in an impossible position."

Stream Sniping

"They're all at it in the online era, they're all at it, they're all cheating, they're all using exploits, probably that see through smoke bug got used a bunch of times"

Match Fixing

"How many years have we let our scene be fucking pillaged by these greedy cunts?" "We just let it happen."

North America

"Everyone in NA has left we've lost a continents worth of support during this pandemic and Valve haven't said a fucking word."


"TO's have treated CS talent like absolute human garbage for years now."


"Anything that Riot does, is better than Valve's inaction"

Closing Statements

"We've peaked. If we want to sustain and exist, now is the time to figure it out. No esports lasts as long as this, we've already done 8 years. We've already broke the records. We have got to figure out a way to coexist and drive the negative forces out and we need to do it as a collective and we're not doing that."

submitted by Tharnite to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

Inside the mind of a hedge fund executive...

Imagine you’re a hedge fund CEO or senior executive.
You’ve always had an inflated ego, and going to Wharton for an MBA definitely didn’t help in that regard. You interned at GS for the summer of 2003 and told all your friends about it, probably even brought it up oh so casually on dates. When you were hired as a trader by a moderately good to great fund, you probably lost a good deal of friends from your previous life, because they “just don’t get you now.” You’re in a different league than them, even your classmates that now work at lesser funds. You act friendly, liking Facebook posts, returning their calls, but there’s a nagging feeling that they’re holding you back. That you’ve made it, and you don’t need some loser that doesn’t even work on the East Coast.
Jump ahead a few years
It’s September 20th, 2008. Bear Stearns closed months earlier, Lehman went bankrupt a few days ago. "Buddies" of yours from both funds have been texting you, some you know from college. Maybe you’ll take pity on them and put in a good word, maybe you’ll tell them nothing’s available right now and that you’re sorry. You don’t tell them you were part of your fund's effort to short sell theirs into oblivion. Maybe you really are sorry though. What you’re more sorry about, however, is that your bonuses are probably going to be shit for a few years. They could even dip into five figures, god forbid. Your thoughts are of course directed to the millions of people losing their jobs across the country by the news, but inevitably your bonus reduction resurfaces as your biggest concern. “It’s not like I can do anything,” you say, after downing some wine. You go to sleep fairly easily, while across the country, innumerable people are forced to contemplate moving.
Let’s jump ahead a few more years
It’s mid-March, 2020. At this point, its become evident that COVID-19 is going to ravage the world, in some capacity (not gonna put politics into this because that’s not the point). As either a CEO or senior executive at a mid-range hedge fund, your thoughts gravitate towards your craft. It’s clear the market is going to tank, so you do what you do best. You short the shit out of several clearly sinking industries ( But you don't stop there. You go on CNBC, Fox Business, maybe even the BBC, and announce doom and gloom. Doing this will get people to dump their stocks, meaning your shorts print even more money. Oh well, if there’s a positive to be gained from this whole thing it’s your fund making good money, right? By late March or early April, your wife convinces you that going with the kids to the Hampton’s would be the best choice, since the upper east side is getting a little claustrophobic. You’ll need to cancel your two week St. Barts vacation, what a bummer. You rent out a nice beach house in Sag Harbor for 125k a month, managing to beat out the other bidder by upping them by 10k. Once again, millions of people are losing their jobs, and you’re shorting the companies they work for. What else should you do?
Only a few months forward this time
It’s October. Weeks turned into months, and while you’ve started getting back to the city more and more, you’re still staying in Sag. Sometimes you have family friends over for an ostensibly socially distanced wine + cigar. You don’t think much of the events of the summer, aside from that one tweet you had PR send out in July. Your kids might have thoughts, you haven’t asked.
Just a few more months, I promise
It’s January. For really no other reason than the prospect of making more money, you along with a few other funds have decided to open naked shorts on GameStop. While technically not allowed, there are loopholes. Why would the loopholes be there, if not to be exploited, right? Not like you don’t do the same thing with your taxes.
Then, the unthinkable happens
A bunch of retail investors, led by a specific part of Reddit, decide to fuck your position by dramatically raising the share price. Since you firmly believe these people incapable of sticking to such an audacious play, you do nothing. Before long though, you start to become slightly unnerved by how steady the growth of the stock is. It's approaching $100, and you're losing hundreds of thousands to millions every day on short interest. So, you decide to take action. You get on CNBC, and cry about fundamentals. About volatility crushing these people. They don't listen, and keep buying. A week passes with you and your rich friends trying various strategies, none of it working. You're aware of another fund leaning on a popular trading app to force them into not accepting buy orders for GME, amongst others. You're not above sacrificing pride for money, so you announce your fund has closed its shorts. You're lying, of course. What kind of looks what you get at future parties if you cowed to these people? No, fuck that. You've read all the right books, been to the right schools, made the right friends, networked at the right parties and functions. You will not close, everything in your life has conditioned you not to. In fact, you'll double down. You go on CNBC some more. Artificially lower the stock price by trading between a few other funds. None of it's working, and you're intensely aware of another potential gamma squeeze on Friday. Restrictions on buying help during the day, but after hours, the stock jumps. That momentum carries it into a solid Friday. You won't budge, but at this point you're losing millions of dollars a day.
So, here we are
These people do not care about you. You're the least of their concerns, actually. They care about money and fund image, in that order. We have a real chance to make guys exactly like this hurt where it counts (for them), and I want people to understand that. I'm not saying throw your rent into GME. I'm saying you have the chance to really be a part of something, to screw the people that have been doing the screwing for your whole life. The house has been running a fixed casino, and you have the chance to hit back.
Do not close. We have them, and they know it. We're winning, and if we keep winning they will give in.
submitted by IASIPFL to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

🚀💎🙌 GME (Almost-)ULTIMATE DD 🙌💎🚀

🚀💎🙌 GME (Almost-)ULTIMATE DD 🙌💎🚀



PDF VERSION HERE (20+ pages) with all the references and better quality illustrations but without updates and typo corrections. This is the FIRST VERSION of the post, but there could be more edits. I wanted to do a more extensive DD but as my exams start tomorrow I don’t have more time. If you want to take my work and extend it, please feel free to do so, just give a little shout out.
This DD is just my own analysis. I put my money where my mouth is but this is definitely not advice. Do your own DD.
Last thing: Some stuff might be unsourced in this post but everything is sourced in the pdf version. While it’s not impossible that I might have missed some stuff, most of the time I put the stuff that I quote from other sources in italics. My ego is not big enough to feel like reformulating other people’s ideas and even less to steal other people's ideas. All I do is just gather insightful facts, figures, ideas and analysis.

Big picture

1.1 Macroeconomic View

I will be brief here, I think everyone knows what’s up basically.
Figure 1: although the USD is worth a lot less, the S&P 500 is doing alright. Thanks Jerome.
Enthusiasm is the key word here as we are in an environment with a very accommodative monetary and fiscal policy (thanks for the stimulus checks). Equities and Bitcoin hit record highs thanks to positive vaccine news and the markets hope for a fiscal package. The Federal Reserve is going heavy on asset purchases, bailouts and loans. And its balance sheet is expanding as well as money supply. Interest rates are extremely low.
Check for example, the Shiller PE ratio to see the enthusiasm driving the markets.
On a macro-level side from the risks related to the pandemic, the only worrying signs would be the shrinking money velocity or a suddenly-rising inflation (hyperinflation is bullish for stocks but not for the real economy).
That being said, we know how the FED and the government reacted to support the economy and the markets. Low interest rates and weak US dollar which is continuing to depreciate is very bullish for stocks overall.
I keep the macroeconomic view very short for that GME correlation with the S&P 500 is low - about 28% over the last 6 months. Moreover despite GME’s heavy reliance on brick-and-mortar stores, GME continues to get closer to profitability even with the pandemic.
If the pandemic would make the stock market to crash again during the trade, I wouldn't sell at a loss but wait a few days and then buy a LEAPS. This is my plan. Don't follow it, just make sure you have a plan in case it happens, it's important to avoid buying too much the first dip (because you might get a better price later) or worse, avoid a panic-selling and take a loss instead of tendies.

1.2 Sector(s) View

Figure 4: Video game market value worldwide from 2012 to 2023 (in billion USD)
Figure 5: Retail ecommerce sales in the United States from 2017 to 2024 (in million USD)
Video game total adressable market and ecommerce total adressable market keep growing, that's all we need to know on a macro-level. Now, the real question is not about the market itself but about the compny business model.

GameStop Corp.

  • Market cap $1.31B
  • 1-year performance 209.87%
  • Shares outstanding 69.75M
  • Short interest 68.13M (97.68% of the outstanding shares)
  • Held by insiders Between 13.6% to 27.3%
  • Held by institutions Between 110.5% to 122.0%
  • Owned by Ryan Cohen 12.9%
  • Owned by BlackRock 17.1%

2.2 Timeline

Table 1: GameStop timeline.
Short-term the sector is pretty hot with quarantines and the launch of next-generation consoles which will impact positively year-on-year sales growth. The pandemic could have been an opportunity but GME has still too many physical stores and not enough ecommerce presence yet to take advantage of it.
For the next earning release, the question is : how much PS5 and Xbox GameStop was able to get? And how much they sold in bundles (at high margins)?
Although it’s still unclear from what I’ve found it’s pretty bullish:
GameStop Corp. employees across the country were caught by surprise on Saturday when the video-game chain suddenly announced new shipments of the highly coveted PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X consoles -
Figure 6 :
The recent Microsoft deal is extremely bullish for GameStop and could help the company to reach profitability sooner than expected. Here are the details about how it could impact GameStop’s profitability:
  • In years 3 and 4 combined, if just 5 million customers extend the subscription for two years, GameStop makes $180 million in incremental profit with zero cost involved. That's nearly a quarter of GameStop's current market cap in recurring income at 100% margin. - Justin Dopierala, “GameStop Revenue Sharing Agreement With Microsoft Shifts Sentiment.” SeekingAlpha.

2.2 Business Model and Management

  • Gamestop is omnichanneling into online activities according to Ryan Cohen recommendations although it doesn’t mean they will execute it perfectly this is bullish.
    • GameStop needs to evolve into a technology company that delights gamers and delivers exceptional digital experiences – not remain a video game retailer that overprioritizes its brick-and-mortar footprint and stumbles around the online ecosystem.” Ryan Cohen.
Table 2: GameStop is dangerously (for the shorts) getting close to profitability.
  • The company attributes the losses this quarter to the end of the console cycle and the limited hardware and accessory availability that came with that, as well as various game delays, and an 11% reduction in its store base - partially offset by recaptured sales at other locations and online. → The company should be profitable very soon despite being priced for bankruptcy for a long time → Expectations are incrediblly low until recently, more investors are believing in the vision esp. with Ryan Cohen.
  • GME e-commerce sales were up 257% year-over-year.
  • GME reduced its selling, general, and administrative expenses by $115 million.
  • GME repaid $10 million in debt in Q3 2020.
  • GME is diversifying sales to include more high margin items like PC accessories, PC monitors, etc (If I speculate, there may be partnerships with certain brands).
  • Focusing on loyalty programs like power ups and rebranding.
  • As of Feb. 2020, GameStop had 5,509 physical stores.
  • GME is closing unprofitable locations: they are closing 1,000 stores in Q1 2021 (by the end of March of 2021).
    • I’d like to quote a fellow GME gang member on this: It's no secret that brick and mortar is falling off, and if GameStop were to fight tooth and nail to remain a largely brick and mortar retailer they would go bankrupt in no time. It is also a fact that underperforming stores drain cash, which lowers net income and thus lowers earnings per share. Any store that is LOSING MONEY or is barely breaking even is keeping the stock price down because it's preventing future growth and killing net incomes. Closing underperforming stores will lead to a higher EPS and more cash that can be allocated to growth. - horny131313.
  • Gamestop is rebranding, and shifting to becoming the one stop video game and video game related product online retailer. While we haven't seen exactly what this will be, it is bullish to see them pivoting into other products besides just video games. Headsets, TVS, PC parts, you name it. You've seen the omnichannel memes, but we know that If they are bullshitting, Cohen will step in. Expect to see real progress made.
Some words from the last earnings:
  • "We anticipate, for the first time in many quarters, that the fourth quarter will include positive year-on-year sales growth and profitability*, reflecting the introduction of* new gaming consoles*, our* elevated omni-channel capabilities and continued benefits from our cost and efficiency initiatives*, even with the potential further negative impacts on our operations due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.*" George Sherman, CEO.
Possible catalysts (from KYJELLYTIME69):
  • A possible new Nintendo console release in ~1-2 years
  • Currently distressed commercial REITs = ability to negotiate lower rent = more $$$
  • Likely return of inflation (debatable but money supply ballooned and we are seeing velocity pick up a bit) with JPOW promising to keep rates at 0% even when inflation comes back = bullish for all stocks, bears will get slaughtered
  • OG printer Yellen manning the treasury in a month + possible dem senate = more stimmy checks = more money going into GME
  • If sales improve and balance sheets continue improve, we might see more credit upgrades
  • Better sales = possible dividend reinstatement, I couldn't care less about dividends but guess who's going to be paying? The shorts lol. If Sherman had balls, he would pull an OSTK and announce a special dividend , which will actually lead to a short squeeze while wsb laughs collectively as we get meme returns from this boomer move.

2.3 The Short-Squeeze Thesis

Figure 6: Stare statistics from Oct. 2019 to Nov. 2020
In terms of metrics, the DTC (days-to-cover) actually decreases, lowering the probability to get a short-squeeze short-term. Don’t get me wrong, this DOESN’T mean that it can’t happen, the % of shares shorted is still crazy high.
Days to cover: It gives investors an idea of potential future buying pressure. In the event of a rally in the stock, short sellers must buy back shares on the open market to close out their positions. Understandably, they will seek to purchase the shares back for the lowest price possible, and this urgency to get out of their positions could translate into sharp moves higher. The longer the buyback process takes, as referenced by the 'days to cover' metric, the longer the price rally may continue based solely on the need of short sellers to close their positions. Additionally, a high 'days to cover' ratio can often signal a potential short squeeze. This information can benefit a trader looking to make a quick profit by buying that company's shares ahead of the anticipated event actually coming to fruition. (Investopedia).
In terms of corporate actions, here is a quote from September mentioning the hostile takeover from Ryan which would trigger a massive short-squeeze, here is the explanation:
Short Squeeze Potential - If Ryan Cohen successfully negotiates a purchase price with the Board then the shareholders will have to vote on it. Unlike the proxy battle where Hestia and Permit were running a minority slate of directors, an offer to purchase GameStop would force institutions like Vanguard and Blackrock to call in their shares. By doing so, the shorts would be forced to close out their positions and GameStop would finally have the greatest short squeeze of all-time. Ironically, Cohen could use this opportunity to sell all of his shares and use the proceeds to entirely fund the acquisition of GameStop going down as the first person in history to acquire a billion dollar company... for absolutely nothing. In fact, his acquisition price would be less than zero. It will be exciting to see how it all plays out as according to Bloomberg/WSJ there are now 58 million shares short as of 8/31/2020 with only 65 million shares outstanding.
If I were short, I'd be sweating bullets right now. This won't end well and will ruin many.
Justin Dopierala is President and Founder of DOMO Capital.
How to know when the potential short-squeeze could happen?
  • Massive volume in short dated calls. [...] If you have shares, DO NOT SELL COVERED CALLS FROM THEM. by doing this you make the likelihood of a squeeze decrease. - horny131313
  • Unwind their short position with some behind closed doors deal. A scenario like this could include: Melvin offering shares of other stocks at discounted prices in exchange for GME shares or to unload a portion of their short shares. The second party to this deal could also offer to buy GME shares for higher than market prices - horny131313
If you want to do a further analysis on short-metrics I put some additional figures - you might find some kind of pattern idk.
Figure 8: Share statistics of December 2020
Figure 9: Available shares to short vs. fees in %.

2.4 Is GME Manipulated?

I know there is actually a prob. with the % daily returns (it isn't equal to 100% BUT the proportions still hold true on a non 100 point basis). The main point is that: negative daily returns were much higher than positive ones.
If you are familiar with the stock market, you might have noticed that winners do not act like this usually: total return was +21% yet there has been 53.3% red days. If you look at regular stocks which have positive cumulative returns it doesn’t happen that often (outliers aside).
This is why I suspect that the stock is being manipulated but the weird stats might be explained just because the stock kept being shorted although it was not enough to keep the price down.
Another opinion on this:
  • Melvin and BoA both have short positions, and are desperately trying to drive the price down. Unfortunately, it is getting harder and harder to convince people that gamestop is a failing business. They are sweating and will continue to sweat. Given the buy side volume, they could close these short positions gradually without triggering a massive squeeze, however it WILL drive the price up significantly higher than it is now. - horny131313.

2.5 What 2020 Has Taught Us?

I think at this point it is the wrong question to ask (is the stock being manipulated?). To me, the most important thing is what is the upside potential and the risks associated? Then, how to trade GME?
  • If you're new to gamestop, the volatility will seem scary but the shorts fight hard with this one. -10% days followed by +20% days are not unusual. - horny131313
I would like to elaborate on this very idea. For this, check GME statistics for 2020:
  • Whether the stock is manipulated or not, MOST of the 2020 trading days were negative.
  • The worst daily returns were hard to handle honestly we are talking multiple worst than 14% daily drawdowns.
  • You could more than triple your money WITHOUT LEVERAGE.
  • Let’s say you bought late Apr. and sold late Aug. you could have been at -13% returns and +31% the next week if you had diamond hands. For the real diamond hands you had +147% returns the next 2 months.
Psychologically this was a hard trade for sure. But for those who had diamond hands, it was pretty amazing. If you don’t feel comfortable being at -20% or even -30% returns for months before the stock literally BLOWS UP… Reduce your position and diamond hand with a smaller size. Better to win with less than lose with a lot…


3.1 Upside Risks

  • RC Ventures LLC increases its stake.
    • It could be VERY soon. On the 31 December 2020, someone bought 900K shares, it could be Ryan Cohen given the size of its last purchases:
Figure 10: Last RC Ventures GME Purchases. Notice how the biggest numbers (e.g. 800K & 500K) while the smaller ones weren't (e.g. 320K, 256K or 128K).
Figure 11: Check who tweeted this on the same date as the 900K shares purchase?
EDIT : the recent 900K-share purchase after hours were not "purchases", it was quarterly option settlement. - KYJELLYTIME69.
  • This is very bullish because after the disclosure of additional buying from Cohen last time, even though it strangely took 1 full trading day for the market to pop up, GME shot up 29%.
  • Surprise investors with their holiday sales and/or EPS.
  • RC Ventures LLC gets more than one seat on the board.
  • RC Ventures LLC begins a hostile takeover.
    • On top of its increasing stake, Ryan is supported by both a lot of small and now large investors too.
    • Moreover “there is a decent amount of evidence that Ryan Cohen spent the summer of 2020 hiring a badass lawyer and crafting a pretty solid plan to wrest control of a struggling Mall-based gaming retailer from its out of touch Boomer Board and CEO so he can turn it into an ecommerce juggernaut like his baby Chewy. the attorney listed on each of the 13Ds filed by RC Ventures. [...] Chris Davis, Activist Attorney Extraordinaire and His Successful Use of the Consent Solicitation to Remove Dipshit Boards/CEOs” - CPTHubbard.
  • Moody's Upgrades GameStop's credit rating a second time in a row
    • Hoping for a PR soon confirming the recent redemption of the 2021 notes. Potential credit upgrade from Moodys could come now that GME has officially redeemed 63% of their 2021 notes. If we don't get that now, we should get it in March when the entirety of the 2021 notes are retired. Debt considered investment grade and not junk is a big positive and one most overlook. - Stonksflyingup
  • Short sellers close a part of their position huge short position.
  • A major hedge fund takes a significant position on GME.
  • Dividend reintroduction.

3.2 Downside Risks

  • New short sellers open a position and current ones scale up theirs.
  • Momentum towards profitability dies out and the company goes bankrupt.
    • Honestly if you read this far you know this is extremely unlikely.
  • Share dilution.

3.3 Overview

Table 6: Upside risks
Table 7: Downside risks

3.4 Commentary

Figure 12: GME is one of or even THE most shorted stock for its valuation (in terms of % short interest).
This means two things:
  • It is very unlikely for the shorts to continue to short the company especially when its credit rating is being upgraded - we will see if it keeps getting upgraded or not in March.
  • If the shorts get to short it more (or new short sellers open a position) it will:
    • Drive the stock price down (lower market cap), drive the short ratio higher making the unwinding of the short sellers even harder and as a result making the probability to have a short-squeeze VERY BIG if good events happen moving forward.
    • Push Ryan Cohen to accelerate its plans.
      • I will personally increase my share-position if it happens.


4.1 Prices Targets

Here is a summary of my post:
When the short % of free float went from a high point (~160%) at around February 2020 to a low point (~140%) - which by the way are in absolute terms both huge numbers- the stock went up ~94% BUT most of the gain took place at 2 key moments: at the recovery of the market crash and then in late August which shows that 💎🙌-ing is key to capture most of the gains.
Figure 13: GME returns from 3 Feb. 2020 to 1 Sept. 2020
Why do I say this? Because when holding the stock you could “feel” like you bled when you watch the stats:
Positive daily returns Negative daily returns
49.3 % 50.7 %
Best daily return Worst daily return
23.0 % -13.7 %
Imagine you sold GME when the -13.7% happened. You would not have captured the 94% returns. So just 💎🙌 and let those shorts go bankrupt.
Table 8: PTs.

4.2 Valuations

“Wallstreetbets - GME 4Q20 Financial Model 🚀 🚀 🚀.” Reddit,
“GameStop Rips Higher as Hedgeye Pitches the Long Side of the Trade.” SeekingAlpha, 23 Dec. 2020,
Thanks for reading.

4.4 Letter to the GME Gang

💎🙌 🚀
Sincerely yours,
ShortTheNasdaq, a proud member of the GME gang.
💎🙌 🚀
EDIT 2: Delos Capital Advisors turns BULLISH for GME throughout 2021 (
MORE LINKS (not included in the pdf):
FAQ 1 : Is GameStop going bankrupt? 300%+ yearly growth ecom sales, already closing top ~20% of their most unprofitable locations, high margin partnership with Microsoft, new gaming console generation, Moody's recent credit upgrade on 8 Jul 2020 from C (negative outlook) to B3 (stable outlook)... So extremely unlikely.
FAQ 2 : GameStop employees complain about the company, so is the stock going down? Well listen to Apple's iPhone manufacturers or Amazon employees... There is no correlation between their words and the stock price, if any there is a negative one.
Positions: shares, Nov. calls and some cash on the sidelines to buy the dips.
PDF VERSION HERE (20+ pages) without the corrections and updates but with ALL the references if you want to work from this post or dive deeper on certain points.
submitted by ShortTheNasdaq to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Pre-Match thread, West Ham vs Liverpool, 31/01/2021: KO: 16:30

Pre-Match thread, West Ham vs Liverpool
Premier league
Venue: One of those London Stadiums
Referee: Jonathan Moss(nooooooooooooooooooooooo). Assistants: Marc Perry, Dan Robathan. Fourth official: Andy Madley. VAR: Craig Pawson(noooooooooooooooooo). Assistant VAR: Gary Beswick.
Team News
Form guide +/-
Liverpool: 40/23 DLDLW
West Ham: 30/24 DWWWW
Possible line-up from The Gaffer
Alisson Becker
TAA - Nat Phillips - Henderson - Robbo
Gini - Thiago - Jones
Salah - Bobby - Mane
Match build up
submitted by PM-Me-Salah-Pics to LiverpoolFC [link] [comments]

[English Football] How a youtube channel revolutionised fan engagement while turning one of England's biggest clubs into a laughing stock

Apologies for the delay in getting this one out. I had a spell of writer's block which I fixed with some cricket writing earlier this week.
Welcome to the English Football Hobbydrama series, a deep dive into some of the petty feuds, arguments, drama, and shithousery in the Home of Footballtm. The first six episodes covered Nottingham Forest's 21st century woes, the dickpic that consigned Notts County to the non-league, a reignited rivalry between Derby County and Leeds United, Stoke City's legendary shithouse era, the English Golden Generation of the 00s descending into farce, and Wimbledon FC's controversial relocation to Milton Keynes. A Scottish Football spin-off also explored the story of Rangers' liquidation.
Today we have the first instalment focusing on one of the 'big clubs' of the Premier League, I have generally focused this series on clubs which don't have worldwide fame and fanbases, but the drama is just too spicy to ignore. Welcome to the wild ride of Arsenal Fan TV
Background - The Establishment Club
Arsenal long enjoyed a reputation as a staid yet respectable club, part of the furniture in the First Division. They are the long serving top flight club, being continuously in that division since the end of the First World War. Arsenal is also the record FA Cup winner, winning it 14 times (and being the current holders), along with being London's most successful club in terms of time spent in the top flight and domestic trophies in a sport where clubs from Northern England have historically punched above their geographic weight.
After 'glory years' in the 1930s the club tottered along in the top flight, generally able to finish in the top-half most years and enjoy frequent cup success, but generally not winning the League title often. Arsenal won six titles from 1930-48 (a period including six years of no official league football), and then won the title only twice between 1948 and 1989.
During this period Arsenal were widely seen as the 'good guys', a classy club who represented a slightly moralistic and small-C conservative way of going about things, playing fairly and treating others well without being unduly worried about winning titles. The headlines of 1950s-80s English football belonged to drama merchants such as Leeds United, Liverpool, and Brian Clough's two East Midland clubs, not to the rather quiet perennial First Division participants from North London.
All this changed in the later 1980s, with Arsenal winning the 1989 and 1991 League titles under George Graham, with the 1989 title being decided in a legendary final-day match against title contenders Liverpool. Suddenly Arsenal were in the limelight as they achieved things like the 1993 FA Cup/League Cup double or winning the 1994 European Cup Winner's Cup. Graham left in 1995, embroiled in a bribery scandal, while his successor lasted less than a year.
Arsenal's 1996 managerial appointment would define the club for a generation. The aptly named Arsene Wenger was a mercurial aesthete of the game with strong views on how football should be played. He strongly advocated for attractive and attacking football in a league where the more old-fashioned playing styles popular in England still dominated, and he signed a substantial number of players from his native France as Arsenal became one of the first teams to have a substantial playing contingent not from the four British 'Home Nations' or the Republic of Ireland.
Wenger's Arsenal is remembered for the 'Invincible' season of 2003-04, when Arsenal became the first club ever to go unbeaten in a 38 game season (the only previous 'Invincible' season, that of Preston North End in 1888-89, was in a smaller league with a 22 game season). They had won two League titles (those of 1998 and 2002) before this legendary season, as well as three FA Cups and two League Cups and being the losing finalists of the 2000 UEFA Cup, but this was definitely Arsenal's peak achievement under Wenger.
Arsenal won the 2005 FA Cup and became the first London team to reach a Champion's League final in 2006 (losing to Barcelona), but generally the flurry of honours under Wenger slowed.
By 2012 Arsenal had not won a trophy since the 2005 FA Cup and many fans started to feel the magic was dying off. Fortunately for them, they were to gain a legendary platform to air their views
Enter Robbie
Robbie Lyle had worked in media as a presenter on BBC radio specialising in reggae music but now found himself working as a surveyor. In late 2012 he, and a cameraman, set up a youtube channel called ArsenalFanTV, pioneering the concept of fan-led football punditry.
When interviewed in a Vice piece some years later Robbie explained his concept
We’ve all had enough of the so-called pundits, most of whom aren’t even at the games. So I started my own channel to hear from the real fans, with real opinions. That was my aim with the site.
Robbie's idea was simple, but infectious. Give fans a platform for banter, rants, and hot takes, and the content would essentially create itself. Football punditry had long sought to maintain a light-hearted approach with a lot of banter in order to appeal to a generally young and male audience, but nobody had yet proposed to essentially set up a camera crew outside the ground for any supporter to say their piece and have it broadcast.
In the channel's early days it acquired an eclectic stable of presenters and contributors, all of whom had their own 'gimmick'
The differing views on the club created a good dynamic for generating youtube drama. See this compilation of Ty and Claude as Ty tends towards optimism while Claude maintains a pessimistic outlook epitomised by his catchphrase 'it's time to go'.
For the first few years Robbie's concept ticked over, with his microphone becoming a standard feature at a certain spot near the Arsenal ground after matches, ready for fans to deliver the latest hot takes, but it wasn't until 2016 that things really took off.
It's Time To Go
Arsenal finished second in the 2015-16 Premier League, but the trophy drought since Wenger's success days had started to bite. The 2016-17 season was worse for Arsenal on the pitch as they failed to finish in the top four places (important for qualification to European competitions), but it was also the season that ArsenalFanTV gained real notoriety and exposure in the mainstream media.
DT from ArsenalFanTV started flying these banners at matches, drawing attention to the section of the Arsenal fanbase who wanted to part with Arsene Wenger, in contrast to those such as Ty who wanted him to stay.
After a promising enough start to the 2016-17 season, results flagged and Arsenal appeared on course for their first finish outside the top four since the 1990s. Sky Sports pundit Gary Neville criticised the atmosphere around ArsenalFanTV in February 2017, the first major pundit to directly address the channel and what they perceived as a sensationalist drive towards rants which attracted views.
A piece the following week in the Guardian asked whether these channels really did appeal towards supporters of those clubs, or perhaps gained popularity through notoriety and a steady stream of car-crash moments and on-screen drama.
The strongest ranters, such as Troopz, lent themselves so easily to compilation videos highlighting only the hottest of their takes, and people from fanbases sought to get on in the action. ArsenalFanTV-inspired imitator created viral videos such as this of a Manchester United supporter.
2017 went from bad to worse as Arsenal Fan TV took part in a video collaboration with the tabloid paper The Sun. Any sort of work with The Sun is, to put it mildly, contentious amongst football supporters. In the wake of the 1989 Hillsborough Disaster when a combination of poor policing and a dangerously unsafe ground lead to a crush which killed 96 Liverpool supporters the Sun had printed various falsehoods about Liverpool supporters at the match, and it has been subject to a boycott ever since by supporters of both Merseyside clubs and to a lesser extent those supporters of other English clubs who sympathised with Liverpool's plight. In all fairness to Robbie, he deleted the video and apologised, but more high-profile drama and scandal was to come.
Arsenal actually won the 2017 FA Cup final, their first piece of silverware since 2014. Had Wenger turned a corner, and finally won over the fans spewing hot takes over the internet?
Of course not, things were only just starting for ArsenalFanTV
The players get involved
Hector Bellerin, the Spanish fullback, became the first Arsenal player to speak openly. He was the first ever Premier League player invited to speak at the Oxford Union, the debating society of Oxford University with a strong track record in attracting speakers from the highest avenues of public life for its members. Bellerin essentially questioned whether the youtubers were real fans and suggested that, although players have long learnt to avoid social media, they were making money from resentment and failure at Arsenal.
At about this point, many supporters of other clubs asked 'what failure?'. Arsenal had won an FA Cup the season before Bellerin's comments, regularly qualified for European competitions, and won a huge array of domestic titles within the living memory of most supporters. The 'resentment' became perceived as one grounded in entitlement and a failure to appreciate blessings that the majority of English clubs do not have. Clubs wax and wane, and there are formerly successful clubs in far worse straits than Arsenal (such as Nottingham Forest, Sheffield Wednesday, and Derby County) yet it was not those clubs who gained notoriety through a youtube channel aimed at allowing fans to air their views and grievances.
Nonetheless, the show continued throughout 2017-18, a season which saw Arsenal once again qualify for the less prestigious Europa League rather than the Champion's League.
In August 2018, the channel rebranded to AFTV, with the club seeming no longer willing to allow the channel to occupy the space it did and use the Arsenal name in full.
The last two seasons
The Europa League wasn't so bad for Arsenal. They made it to the final, as the world enjoyed the irony of two London clubs being forced to play their final in Azerbaijan owing to that country's greater willingness to pay backhanders to UEFA.
It wasn't so good for AFTV. A contributor, Lee Gunner, talked about donations made and profiting over an Arsenal loss when his microphone had been left on over half time. Lee was removed from the channel and never appeared again, but the episode did little to dispel suspicions that the channel was a grift.
This period also saw an interesting story where AFTV influenced the club. Striker Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang developed a close relationship with Troopz from AFTV, appearing on the show several times and inviting Troopz to watch games in an executive box at the ground until Arsenal's hierarchy put a stop to this. Granit Xhaka had been stripped of the captaincy after telling fans to 'fuck off' for booing him in a home draw to Crystal Palace, with Aubayemang being his replacement, a decision which rankled with fans owing to his connections to AFTV which had been perceived as having a vendetta against Xhaka.
A blog piece accused Robbie Lyle of profiting from Arsenal fans' toxicity, interestingly accusing fans who believed in a media vendetta against Arsenal for being too London-centric, journalism in the UK is highly centred on upper-middle class Londoners who naturally write about clubs they are more likely to support, such as Arsenal, Chelsea, or Tottenham Hotspur.
At the backend of 2019, Robbie had a police escort out of Goodison Park, not to protect him from Everton fans, but from Arsenal fans angered by his presence.
It probably didn't help matters that one of Robbie's biggest defenders was Piers Morgan, a man almost universally reviled in Britain for his unscrupulous time as a tabloid newspaper editor.
Even with COVID, could 2020 gives us a bit more drama?
Of course it could.
The lack of fans outside grounds reduced the amount of hot fan takes on offer from AFTV, but Claude was sacked from the channel in the summer of 2020 for referring to Korean footballer Heung-Min Son as a 'DVD' during a game against Tottenham Hotspur, this is apparently a slur in some parts of London for East Asian people who are stereotypically associated with selling bootleg films at markets.
Given Arsenal's status as possibly one of the most cosmopolitan fanbases in Britain (a consequence of playing in Britain's most multiracial area) and Robbie Lyle's admirable work talking about racism in football, for a longstanding contributor to leave on such terms was perhaps more sad than anything.
What have we learnt from this?
AFTV has changed the game of fan engagement in the era of social media. We all have opinions, and the more colourful ones definitely do well with online algorithms that promote the divisive 'hot takes', causing an arms race of extreme views as channels and presenters seek to outdo each other.
Personally? I find it difficult to feel too much sympathy for supporters of a club that remains one of the big players and has given their fans more in the last three years than my own club has achieved in the last generation. But we are all passionate about our clubs, and for better or worse, AFTV pioneered giving fans a viral platform.
submitted by generalscruff to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

Pre-Match Thread: Sevilla vs Barcelona [Copa Del Rey]

Match Information:

Match: Sevilla vs Barcelona
Competition: Copa Del Rey
Date: Wednesday, 10th of February 2021
Time: 21:00 CET / 15:00 EST - Convert to local time
Venue: Ramón Sánchez Pizjuán, Seville - 42714 capacity
Referee: Antonio Miguel Mateu Lahoz

Lineups and Squads:

Barcelona - Official squad confirmed
GK: Ter Stegen, Neto, Iñaki Peña
DEF: Dest, Piqué, Araujo, Lenglet, Alba, Sergi Roberto, Umtiti, Firpo, Mingueza
MID: Busquets, Pjanić, Riqui Puig, Coutinho, Pedri, Matheus, De Jong, Ilaix Moriba
ATT: Griezmann, Braithwaite, Messi, Dembélé, Trincão, Ansu Fati, Konrad, Álex Collado
Unavailable: Piqué, Araujo, Sergi Roberto, Pjanić, Coutinho, Braithwaite, Ansu Fati (injured)
Not called:
Sevilla - Official squad to be confirmed
GK: Tomáš Vaclík, Bono, Javi Díaz, Adrián González, Alfonso Pastor
DEF: Joris Gnagnon, Sergi Gómez, Karim Rekik, Jules Koundé, Navas, Escudero, Diego Carlos, P. Pérez Rico
MID: Lucas Ocampos, Nemanja Gudelj, Suso, Joan Jordán, Ivan Rakitić, Óscar Rodríguez, Aleix Vidal, Marcos Acuña, Óliver Torres, Franco Vázquez, Alejandro Gómez, Fernando, Antonio Zarzana, Kike Ríos, Juanlu
ATT: Luuk de Jong, Munir, Youssef En-Nesyri, Carlos Álvarez, Iván Romero
Unavailable: Lucas Ocampos, Óscar Rodríguez (injured)
Not called:



Form guide:


Comments (Post-match thread):

Author: tygrysor090 | Score: 361 pts | Source
There are 3 temas we can draw with and we shouldnt be butthurt: Sevilla Atletico and Real. This Sevilla side is really good, and we seemed very tired. Dont overreact.
Author: Patopatoduck | Score: 308 pts | Source
Pjanic > Busquets
Author: nigworms | Score: 146 pts | Source
I’ll take a tie versus this Sevilla team. A lot to improve on but we didn’t look terrible with a new system and some new players as well
Edit: also Messi pressing in the 93rd minute?? What has Koeman said to this man
Author: Gabrielplz1 | Score: 135 pts | Source
Pointing a great performance by a player today is tough, Araujo was easily the best. Our whole defense was alright, despite the occasional misplaced pass, but holy fuck our midfield was horrible.
Coutinho was playing well and the only reason I think Koeman took him out was to maintain aereal prowess in midfield. Busi and De Jong were constantly getting dispossessed and had trouble progressing the ball.
Messi created the goal and a couple more chances by the end but it wasn't his night, Ansu was well contained by Sevilla's defense and Griezmann had a terrible game. It's a shame because he had been looking promising and this is a system in which he could fit, but his confidence look really low, he had 2 great chances but couldn't finish.
Lopetegui was smart, blocking the left because they knew Griezmann can't create in a 1v1, but even then, Roberto was making some great runs and would get ignored. Trincao was the right sub to make, even if he was average tonight. Pjanic should've come in for De Jong.
Pedri and Dest look really promising though, looking forward to watching more of them.
Author: RAMIbest | Score: 113 pts | Source
We weren't that bad. Don't be overdramatic
Author: [deleted] | Score: 109 pts | Source
In spite of the draw, I am kinda impressed, we tried hard till the last minute. Had this been under our previous managers we would have given up by the 80th minute and coasted to a draw. Also we need to remember this is just the 3rd match after the apocalypse, and this is a Sevilla team that could have defeated Bayern in the European Super Cup. I think we are in for some more good stuff. #I trust Koman.
Well nothing really to say about the referees or VAR. Everybody has a pair of eyes.
About Griezmann, this guy needs Pjanic and Dest on his side to regain his confidence. There were a few good signs, Araujo's long ball to him and his run, a couple of good combinations with Couts in 2nd half, that chance in the 1st half.
Messi I don't know but I feel like he is playing too deep and his shooting attributes are being wasted. I hope this will get sorted out after international break.
Man it felt really bad to watch Puig and Dembele sitting while others were getting a chance to play. Guess u/DakMontana was right about Koeman and the pair. But I really hope Koeman will give these two some chances to prove themselves.
Author: dhuan79 | Score: 83 pts | Source
Trincao was the wrong sub imo should've been dembele especially with De Jong, Busquets and Pjanic on pitch.
Busquets was better than De Jong but seems to me Busquets out is the cool new thing..
Also, De jong ended up at CF really lol, even Braithwaite is better their.
Draw is fine against Sevilla but maybe could've been better.
Author: Tezemery | Score: 49 pts | Source
Such a frustrating match, the passing was terrible at times, Frenkie especially for much of the game.
Author: RodneyRuxin_ | Score: 44 pts | Source
That stat towards the end of the first half ... something like 7 attacks down the middle, 5 on the left, and 0 on the right
Author: Erquiaga | Score: 42 pts | Source
Griezmann needs to be shipped out. We could probably use that money for an actual striker.
Author: DJSkrillex | Score: 35 pts | Source
Watch how Sevilla will forget what football is against RM and will lose by 2 or 3 goals.
Author: vrooom16 | Score: 34 pts | Source
Dembele should start ahead of Griezmann.
Grizzy literally is very very little to this attack.
Trincao losses the ball and after first appearance, he seems to be not doing anything amazing. BUT he feels more alive and interesting than Grizzy.
Fdj is going to be Koeman's Rakitic, isn't he? Never subbing him of. Also Busi.
Puig not even making it as a sub, what a shame. Pjanic coming late, not really having a lot of time and freedom to do his things.
Dembele not getting any minutes is worrying me, maybe he's gone. That would be not cool.
Messi was today uninterested.
Arouja was good, Coutinho was good.
Dest didn't have much time, but faired well for his debut.
Author: LeoEmSam | Score: 28 pts | Source
I see a lot of agendas in the match thread. If you're supporting barca as a team atleast be fair. Calling Busi garbage and saying nothing about Fdj who was worse ghis match etc. A lot of karma whoring.
Author: AlanMtz1 | Score: 26 pts | Source
We did okay, had our moments, more importantly we have something to build off of now, Koeman should have a better idea of what to do against this type of team and better prepare us for adversity in the future
Some nice performances, loved what Araujo brought today, great debut by Dest (despite him being on the left which isnt his natural position) and trincao was very active, great hustle by pedri defensively too
Poor performance from De Jong today, he seemed out of it, i expect much more from him, Fati and griezmann struggled too but thats more a credit to Sevilla than anything imo
On to the next game, a draw against Sevilla is disappointing but certainly not the end of the world
Author: Doggfatherr | Score: 24 pts | Source
I just sincerely want to understand why that penalty was not given. Anyone?
Author: i798 | Score: 15 pts | Source
Tough match, Sevilla defended and pressed so well tonight and we looked sluggish and sloppy with the passes and runs. Guess this heavy schedule is gonna take its toll as the season progresses.Good debut by Dest, loved his passes hope we see him more in the upcoming matches. Also fuck these refs for not even checking VAR on those handballs/fouls.
Author: Louay_Alkhateeb | Score: 14 pts | Source
You see how whenever anyone had the ball on the edge of the box, he was immediately crowded by 2 Sevilla players? Get used to this scene, because that's what will keep happening with no one in the box to pull away defenders. We should've went for a striker instead of wasting our time with Garcia, whatever resources was going to go to that deal would've secured Depay for us.

Overall we were more than decent, except for that stretch between the beginning of the second half and our first subs. We looked lifeless in those 15-20 minutes but thankfully Pjanic and the wingers who tracked back and covered for our fullbacks restored balance. I thought we deserved a penalty at the end, but it's time we got used to that bullshit by now. Griezmann is completely useless in this setup, Koeman either has to fit him in a different role or bench him, there's no 2 ways about it.
Author: turtlemons | Score: 13 pts | Source
Sevilla are a top team. They frustrated Bayern and I can see why. Their pressing is very good and they block holes very fast. Technically, they are almost perfect.
But with that said, we should have done better. This team needs to practise more link ups, they need better positioning and improve their first touches. Some of passes were horrible.
Otoh, Motm Araujo, so fucking solid and amazing ball distribution. The lads 21.


Koeman: "Ibrahimović? I worked with him at Ajax when he was 19 years old and he already showed me his quality. He's one of the best forwards, mentally he's a winner, and now he's very decisive in the Serie A. He has won almost everything and I'm not surprised he keeps on going." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "We have to escape from their pressure, because surely they are going to put a lot of pressure on us. We have to have control of the ball and control the game." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "Sevilla's great defence? We depend on ourselves. It' true that they have a very physical and well-organized team by their coach, Julen Lopetegui. They have one of the most complete squads in La Liga." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "Dest? He has trained, but he continues with discomfort. We have decided to leave him out and he will not return to the list until he's 100%. If he's not with us on Saturday, he will surely be there against PSG." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "Araújo against PSG? We aren't ruling anyone out at the moment. We have to see when he recovers from his injury and we do not set a date. We will take the freshest, those who are better to continue going game by game." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "Umtiti? Physically he's fine, he has options to play tomorrow. We are always aware of his physical condition due to his history, we have to think about his condition but he has shown in the games that he has his quality as a central defender." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "There is no team that creates as many scoring opportunities as we do, we have creativity, we have one against one, we have the best player in the world..." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "I'm learning a lot this season as a coach. We've changed things for the team and the club. We're on a good path. We help the youngsters play, without forgetting that we have to win." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "We have a quality team, but we lack competition in some positions. Nonetheless, I'm proud." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "Mingueza? Óscar is with us and has improved a lot. He has taken the opportunity to be with us and has played many games. Also, in different positions. That's really important. He has grown thanks to the help of his teammates." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "Vaccinating centre at the Camp Nou? It's a very important topic. If we can help, we help. I don't know how the new president will think, but I'm in favor of helping in whatever way we can." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "With everything that's happening to us, I give this team a 10 out of then. We have to highlight the team's mentality." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "Next Tuesday we will play against PSG in the Champions League, and we'll see what happens." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "Messi in Parisian press? I don't know why they do this. If they want to talk about Leo's future, let them talk. The Lyon coach seems to like to be in the press a lot and wants to be a leading player. It's not important to me. We focus on playing." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "If we put De Jong as a centre-back, we will miss someone in midfield, but we have to decide thinking about the tactics of the game. We want someone used to playing there." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "The injuries are there because several players are not well physically. This isn't the time to take more risks. I think there are 8 or 9?players in total not available, but for any problem there is a solution." - src @barcacentre
Koeman: "It's a two-game tie and for us it's important to get a good result tomorrow, we know them well and it will be a great game." - src @barcacentre

Latest News:

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