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The unpublished writing of J.R.R Tolkien

The Tolkien Gateway website lists various unpublished writings and manuscripts:
Two of the more interesting items listed in my opinion are:
Note about the location of the Dúnedain ("In January of 2000, David Salo shared the following information on the Internet: 'There is a short but hardly legible note which Tolkien wrote for insertion into the story of Aragorn and Arwen (and which was not in the event used); it includes information about the location of the Dunedain. Because of the difficulty of the note, the information is not entirely clear, but it suggests that the Dunedain lived in woodlands between the Mitheithel and Bruinen. Source: microfilms at Marquette University, Series 3, Box 9, Folder 3.'")[4]
Essay, written in response to seeing Pauline Baynes's depiction of various characters from The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien described each member of the Fellowship of the Ring and some other persons as he pictured them — an invaluable aid to any illustrator of his work. [Bodleian Library, Oxford: Dept. of Western Manuscripts, Mss Tolkien A61, fols. 1—31.])
see this old thread for more infomation on this essay:
Some of the other texts listed above have actually been published-either in part, or in obscure journals/fanzines etc:
-Some of the The Tales And Songs of Bimble Bay can be found in Douglas A Anderson’s The Annotated Hobbit (2nd edition, 2003), together with a previously unpublished poem ‘’Elvish Song In Rivendell’’ and a lengthy draft of The Quest of Erebor different to the version found in Unfinished Tales.
-The Biographical work Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-earth by John Garth (a rather excellent read in itself) publishes some of Tolkien’s earliest poems which can be found nowhere else in print.
-The 3rd edition of Tom Shippey’s The Road to Middle-earth (2005) reprints some of the 13 poems Tolkien initially wrote for inclusion in
(I'm not certain, but I think some of the other poems may have been reprinted elsewhere as well)
Tolkien was a prolific poet, some of the poems listed below have not been reprinted in many years or have only seen print in specialised journals or fanzines:
Again, that isn't necessarily a complete list. The 2016 edition of The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun also published for the first time (or so I believe, I haven't read the book yet so can't be sure, but I have read the poem itself) several previously unknown related poems by Tolkien The Corrigan
The lists above are by no means exhaustive, ‘new’ writings by Tolkien continue to be published/discovered even now, and understandably much of Tolkien’s more personal and private papers remain sealed to researchers-such as his diaries, many letters and most of the manuscripts relating to his invented languages.
The vast amount of writing relating to Tolkien's academic career remains largely unpublished, though various extracts from essays, lecture notes etc have been quoted over the years in various books.
In recent years 'extended editions' of some of Tolkien's essays have been released, incoporating previously unpublished notes, drafts and commentary by Tolkien into standalone books:
Though The Old English Exodus has not been reprinted:
The recent book by John M. Bowers Tolkien's Lost Chaucer, explores the development of Tolkien’s unfinished ‘Clarendon Chaucer’, I haven’t actually read this book myself but as I understand Tolkien’s manuscript on Chaucer itself remains largely unpublished:
Despite the publication in 2014 of Tolkien’s prose translation of Beowulf (*Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary *) his alliterative translation of Beowulf remains largely unpublished (though extracts have been printed in several books).
Several years ago a collabaration between Tolkien and CS Lewis came to light:
-As intriguing as this project sounds, it appears that Tolkien himself had little to no direct involvement with the discovered manuscript:
The academic journal Tolkien Studies publsihed annually, has re-printed various obscure (or previously unpublished writings) by Tolkien:
The 12 Volume The History Of Middle Earth series published much, but not all of the writing relating to the textual history/development of The Silmarillion and The Lord Of The Rings. (As I recall much of the development of the The Council Of Elrond chapter is skipped over, as it is for The Tale Of Aragorn and Arwen.)
IIRC the HOME also doesn't cover the development of the narrative work ‘Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age’ which was published in its final form in The Silmarillion. Even in a series as large as the HOME, omissions for lack of space were needed, in his editorial commentary Christoher Tolkien often references or summarises some of the missing texts/alternate drafts which weren’t able to be included, perhaps some of these texts will be published in the forthcoming book The Nature Of Middle Earth?
(I haven't read through the H.O.M.E in several years, so no doubt there a few other relevant points I've not mentioned)
Unfinished Tales is similarly selective in the material it publishes (though some of the missing texe referenced by Christopher Tolkien were later published in the H.O.M.E or elsewhere)
The extant manuscripts for The Silmarillion and The Lord Of The Rings (not to mention The Hobbit), run to many thousands of pages each, so it is understandable that not every variant draft or related lore fragment could be published within the constraints of The H.O.M.E (though some of us no doubt feel differently!)
Despite the publication of the three stand alone volumes The Children Of Hurin, Beren and Luthien, and The Fall Of Gondolin in recent years, not all the extant material relating to these stories has been published. In the one of the links above it is noted ''The Children of Hurin. Another version of The Children of Hurin, with the same title, unpublished, is in rhyming couplets’’ similarly there is another version of the Beren and Luthien narrative that remains unpublished (a lengthy but unfinished prose text based on The Lay of Leithian), as does
Tolkien scholars Wayne G Hammond and Christina Scull have published or edited numerous books about Tolkien and his writing. This includes three art books (J. R. R. Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator, The Art Of The Hobbit, and The Art Of The Lord Of The Rings) which publish much (but far from all) of Tolkien’s artwork, calligraphy, maps and illustrations, and also quote from unpublished manuscripts.
The following PDF compiled by the two is a very useful list of all of Tolkien's published art (up to July 2018):
Hammond and Scull also authored the following two books:
-The Readers Companion includes a newly transcribed version of Nomenclature of The Lord of the Rings, quotes from formerly unpublished parts of "The Hunt for the Ring" (amongst other texts) and "Index questions", includes extracts from several previously unpublished letters and notes by Tolkien (including infomation on the length/frequency of an Ent's stride...). Selected parts of Tolkien’s ‘'synoptic time scheme’' are also quoted in the book, though this text itself remains largely unpublished.
(During the writing of The Lord of the Rings (more so in the later stages), Tolkien found that in order to keep all of the characters' movements synchronized with travel distances, the correct day of the week etc he had to come up with a 'synoptic' time-scheme (or to put it more simply a ‘Chronology Of The Lord Of the Rings’). As I understand it this document takes the form of a series of multiple columns, it relates in brief what each character was doing that particular day, and includes some unpublished detail on what the various characters were doing on particular days ‘offscreen’ (well, off-page) (IIRC extracts from this time scheme confirm it was Bill Ferny and co who ransacked the Hobbits rooms in Bree, rather than the Ringwraiths as often supposed. We also learn that the orc Shagrat delivered Frodo's mithril shirt to and was personally executed by Sauron after informing him of the intruders into Mordor-that's how the 'Mouth Of Sauron' obtained Frodo's mithril shirt and was able to taunt Aragorn and co with it at the Black Gate)
-The Companion And Guide publishes for the first time a huge variety of unpublished writings (including extracts from Tolkien's diaries, unpublished lecture notes and letters, private correspodence with his publishers and the following essays):
In this book Hammond and Scull note that as of 2006 (a much revised and expanded edition of the Companion And Guide was released in 2017) more than 1,500 Letters by J.R.R Tolkien were known to exist with more continuing to come to light each year, some of the unpublished letters are listed here:
The book Letters Of J.R.R Tolkien (first published in 1981), quotes from 354 letters or unsent drafts (only some of which are printed in full), in the decades since the book was first published many other letters have been published or quoted in part, in journals, fanzines and other books (including the aforementioned Companion And Guide) etc.
Hammond and Scull have indicated on several occasions they would be interested in editing an expanded 2nd edition of The Letters Of JRR Tolkien if such an oppurtunity arose. As a comparison a quick google shows that the Collected Letters Of CS Lewis runs to three(?) volumes and over 4,000 pages in length!
Hammond and Scull also edited stand alone editions of Tolkien's shorter fiction Roverandom (1998, 2nd edition 2013), Farmer Giles Of Ham (1999, 2nd edition 2014) and The Adventures Of Tom Bombadil (2014), these all include previously unpublished material (e.g extracts from earlier drafts, letters, unpublished notes etc).
In 2005 Verlyn Flieger edited an 'extended edition' of Smith Of Wooton Major (a revised 2nd editon followed in 2015):
In addition to editorial Notes and Commentary, the edition includes much material that was hitherto unpublished, including facsimiles of manuscripts and typescripts of previous versions, a Time Scheme, new essays (especially one dealing with the background of the story and the nature of Faerie) and notes by J.R.R. Tolkien, and a list of characters.[2]
On 26 February 2015, the extended edition was reissued by HarperCollins as a pocket hardback, with an additional gallery displaying the illustrations redrawn by Pauline Baynes for appearance in the 1980 deluxe edition of Poems and Stories.[3]
Flieger's own books on Tolkien are highly acclaimed (though I haven't read any of them myself), and I believe also quote from unpublished writing:
The BBC Written Archives Centre (Reading, England), Bodleian Library (Oxford, England), Leeds University (Leeds, England), Marquette University (Milwaukee, United States) and Marion E. Wade Center (Wheaton College, Illinois, United States), amongst other locations, maintain sizeable collections of Tolkien's manuscripts, correspondence etc, some of which is unpublished, or remains sealed to researchers.
The following books also print previously unpublished material including letters, poems and more artwork (though I've not read any of these books myself...I'm noticing a pattern many books to read but so little spare time/budget...)
The forthcoming book The Nature Of Middle-earth (due for release in June 2021) will publish for the first time various previously unseen writings, according to its listing:
First ever publication of J.R.R. Tolkien’s final writings on Middle-earth, covering a wide range of subjects and perfect for those who have read and enjoyed The Silmarillion, The Lord of the Rings, Unfinished Tales, and The History of Middle-earth, and want to learn more about Tolkien’s magnificent world.
It is well known that J.R.R. Tolkien published The Hobbit in 1937 and The Lord of the Rings in 1954–5. What may be less known is that he continued to write about Middle-earth in the decades that followed, right up until the years before his death in 1973.
For him, Middle-earth was part of an entire world to be explored, and the writings in The Nature of Middle-earth reveal the journeys that he took as he sought to better understand his unique creation. From sweeping themes as profound as Elvish immortality and reincarnation, and the Powers of the Valar, to the more earth-bound subjects of the lands and beasts of Númenor, the geography of the Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor, and even who had beards!
The editor of the book Carl F. Hostetter has for many years acted as head of the Elvish Linguistic Fellowship (a organization devoted to the scholarly study of Tolkien’s invented languages), and has frequently edited issues of
These journals are largely focussed on publishing prevously unseen manuscripts and texts relating to Tolkien’s invented languages, a still ongoing process (This particular area of Tolkien's writing is not something i have much knowledge about, so I couldn't say how extensive the relevant manuscript material is, nor how far along they are in publishing this material), see this old thread for infomation on one of the more notable unpublished texts:
Although most of the writings published in these journals are linguistic and rather fragmentary in nature, more lengthy texts published include:
La Feuille de la Compagnie, vol.3, J.R.R. Tolkien, l'effigie des Elfes is an issue of the French journal La Feuille de la Compagnie. It includes the full versions of J.R.R. Tolkien's manuscripts "Converse of Manwë and Eru" (1959), "Reincarnation of Elves" (1959-1966), and "Some Notes on 'Rebirth', Reincarnation by Restoration, among Elves" (1972). These manuscripts were originally published in part or summarised in Morgoth's Ring and The Peoples of Middle-earth.
See these links for further detail on this:
According to wiki:
With the publication of much linguistic material during the 1990s, especially in the History of Middle-earth series, and the Vinyar Tengwar and Parma Eldalamberon material published at an increasing rate during the early 2000s from the stock of linguistic material in the possession of the appointed team of editors (some 3000 pages according to them),[23][24] the subject of Tolkien's constructed languages has become much more accessible.
Perhaps its possible some of this content will be republished in The Nature Of Middle-earth?
Going back to my early comments on the HOME, this old, but interesting thread from the ‘Hall Of Fire’ forum is particularly relevant:
In my Foreword to The Peoples of Middle-earth, pp.ix-x, I referred to the forerunner of the History as 'an entirely "private" study, without thought or purpose of publication: an exhaustive investigation and analysis of all the materials concerned with what came to be called the Elder Days, from the earliest beginnings, omitting no detail of name-form or textual variation.' This work, which I called The History of the Silmarillion, and which I began after the publication of my 'constructed' text, runs to more than 2600 very closely typed pages, and it does not even touch on the Second and Third Ages. When the possibility arose of publishing at least part of this work, in some form, it was obvious that it would have to be heavily reduced and curtailed, and the part of The History of Middle-earth dealing with the Elder Days is indeed a new presentation of The History of the Silmarillion, and a severe contraction of it, especially in respect of the sheer quantity of variant manuscript material reproduced in full.
(Aelfwine is the online name of Carl Hostetter)
This answer on Quora is interesting:
This recent thread on the tolkienforum:
...There are also some unpublished materials that Tolkien wrote on this subject that will not see the light of day for several decades, as both JRRT and CJRT did not want them exposed (Tolkien felt ashamed that he had even contemplated their contents). I have seen one of these in 1982, just prior to Christopher Tolkien taking possession of the entirety of the Bodleian Library’s collection of JRRT’s writings for the First/Second Ages. It is very likely that collectively these could answer more definitively the issue of “What are Orcs?” despite none of these essays themselves reaching a firm conclusion...
Lead me to do some digging on the subject of orc women and I came across this old forum thread:
...Also, it may be likely that the Dwarves didn't do a lot of fighting, and probably only provided engineering services (making battlefield works and working as sappers or engineers to bring down fieldworks throw up by the good guys)… I'll see if I can find the source for why I got that idea… It's in some of the photocopies I got to make of Tolkien's stuff at Marquette University (The source was just a scribbling of some numbers of troops at the Battle of the Last Alliance, and the number of Dwarves was really small compared to the other troops)
...Unfortunately, most of what I have has already shown up in CJRT's The History of Middle Earth. I plan to make another trip when I can get some more brownie points to spend to get me access to the library again, this time, trying to sort out what is in some of the harder to read materials that are probably about Orcs, and Morgoth's early attempts to kidnap elves to turn to his cause… I got the feeling that Morgoth wanted the elves to join him voluntarily, but didn't understand (or, more likely, was just beyond his understanding) why the elves refused to have anything to do with him (I'd also like to see if there is anything about Sauron in the earlier materials and when he first appears in the earlier works, as Sauron WAS able to corrupt some elves later -albeit not how Morgoth had hoped. The elves would have never helped or fought for Sauron if they had a clue as to his real identity, but it does pose a good question, of would the elves of Eregion have fought for Sauron while he still had his more attractive guise if Sauron had concocted some scheme to get those elves to oppose Gondor, Lorien, or Imladris)…
Anyway… I do still have a lot about Orcs that I was able to dig up, including how they were created after Morgoth's original corruption of the elves. It was a MESSY and REALLY GROSS process.
Well, there is one version of Orc creation that never changed. Creation is probably the wrong word for it, as it is really how Orcs were mass produced after the creation of the first Orcs via the corruption of the Elves stolen from Cuiviénen by the infamous Black Rider (the first such figure, who was an opposition to Oromé).
Tolkien was not happy with the Orc creation stories because they all took him to places that he felt that no sane person should ever consider, and he remarked to himself once "How can I ever have allowed myself to consider this." on the side of a page that was remarking on how Orc Farming might be accomplished.
He did eventually rule out the breeding of Orcs by natural means (that means no female Orcs, ever), and stated that no Elve woman would allow herself to conceive such a monstrosity, and that humans who had been successfully impregnated by Orcs would usually die of the pregnancy (there is a crossed out bit that looks to read "Except in cases where the woman…"). I speculate that he might have suggested that very corrupted and evil human women might survive a pregnancy from an Orc fertilization, but the really awful part is that any such offspring would only be chopped up to be used as seed or fertilizer for other Orcs being grown in the pits of filth where they are farmed (with various other ingredients added during the gestation in their womb of filth in order to specialize the crop). This is where the addition of human remains would be important to the creation of your "Man-Orc" or Uruk-Hai, but even this would take many generations. Maybe 20 years for five to ten generations, depending upon the quality of Orc wanted, the longer the time, the better the quality of Orc. So, Uruks would probably be four to five years per generation. That is still a very short time to breed Orcs, as a HUGE Army could be raised in relatively short times.
Also, many of the Orcs in a batch might not make it, or they might be cannibalized as food by those "Hatching" early.
So, yes, Tolkien thought that it was best left to the Imagination. PJ in the movies did use the same passages that I read to show the "birthing pits" beneath Isengard when he was raising the Uruk-Hai.
On that subject… What people probably don't realize is that Saruman had probably been at his Orc breeding for quite a few generations before he even openly considered opposing the rest of the council… Probably since the assault on Dol Goldur, in fact. (given that his first batch was probably only 10 to 50 Orcs, with 1/5 of those being Uruk-Hai, and he would have needed to use almost all of the Uruk-Hai as seed crop (meaning that they would be killed in the process), it would take him about 10 generations to raise his army of 10,000 Uruk-Hai, or around 40 to 80 years. So, that could be another reason he was not so keen to attack Dol Goldur, as he knew that he would immediately have Sauron back in Mordor, breeding his own competitive hoard on a much larger breeding farm… Again, just speculation, but it does match with the numbers…
On the subject of Orc Women see the infamous 'Munby Letter':
And no doubt there is even more not listed anywhere...
TLDR: There's quite a lot still unpublished, and much of it sounds very interesting indeed...
Any of the above you'd be particularly interested in seeing published?
Is there anything I've missed out?
(I wrote this in googledocs, and don't post on reddit that often anymore, so apologies for any spelling mistakes/weird formatting)
*Edit, thank you very much for the silver kind anonymous redditor! I didn't research or write this post expecting any reward or for it to gain so much traction. I was mostly just trying to sate my curiosity on this topic...which I appear to have failed out, I'm now only more keen for answers on some of this unpublished material...
submitted by thornybacon to tolkienfans [link] [comments]

O level to US Uni [O level]

As the title indicates, this post will be about the O level-US uni pathway post I will be making. I took O levels last year and am currently a freshman (taking online classes from Singapore) Please upvote so that more people can see this. Feel free to comment down below too if there is anything else I missed/anything you would like me to talk about :> I apologise for taking so long with it (been busy after my finals)

Name: University of Illinois, Chicago
Ranking (QS): 231
Major: Electrical Engineering
Program: Academic Accelarator Program (AAP) (2 semesters/ freshmen year)
O level students go into AAP, A level students go into International Direct (ID), There isn't much difference between ID and AAP. AAP just has to take some workshops and is not allowed to choose classes for the first year. There are criterias to complete AAP (2.5 GPA normally, 2.75 GPA for engineering) (completion of ENGL 160)

I chose UIC cause of the location (downtown chicago) and the ranking. Chicago's public transport isn't that bad and UIC's ranking is pretty decent (in my opinion)

O level: Above 15 points (3.3 GPA)
SAT (recommended): 1320 (English: 620, Math: 700)
I studied in 2 weeks from scratch. Not a lot of new concepts involved, just need to get used to the way the exam works. Khan Academy is enough I think. I used The Princeton Review Cracking the SAT from popular (NOT the premium edition), but it was expensive and not really necessary, just do all the full-length practices from Khan (there's 10 i think) and you'll be fine
SAT is optional but take it if you can (if u don't want to take SATs, u will take ITEP (free) ) Aim for a 630 for English so that u can get credit for ENGL 160, SAT essay is not necessary for UIC

Finances (USD)
Tuition fees per year (2 full-time sems) (as of 2020): $33,000
Health insurance: $2,000
Scholarship: $9,000 per year
Highest I have heard of is $13,000
Final Total: $26,000

Housing is only necessary for Freshmen students. I got a waiver for it before COVID cause I will be staying with a family friend and my mom will be coming with me for the first 4-6 months.

Degree Info
Duration: Typically 4 years
How it works:
Most people complete their degree in 4 years (8 semesters). There are 3 semesters in a year (Spring, Summer, Fall). Summer (12 weeks) is a short semester so its not considered full-time. Fall and Spring (full-time sems) (16 weeks each) are compulsory semesters for international students, Summer isn't. Most students take one or two classes in the Summer while doing internships.
Engineering degrees need 128 credit hours for graduation. In one full-time sem, u can take a min of 12 credits and a max of 18 credits (more than 18, department approval is needed)

Online classes experiences:
Ey ya gurl got a 4.0 with 18 credits!!! so I'm super happy about that :> Timezones can be a bitch tho, My sleep schedule in Fall 2020 was 3.30am to 11.30am. 3 out of 5 of my classes were asynchronous so my classes start and end timings varied daily. It was more assignments than exams and my god there are so so soo picky about citations it was annoying to get used to. But overall, it was good. I had friends who helped me with some subjects and I had helped them with others.
Google docs is absolutely amazing. I love the document outline especially, I can just click to where I wanna go instead of scrolling up and down. The UIC email has 4TB of storage space too.
There are a lot of good online resources (slide templates, citation machines, math checkers etc...) . textbooks are very expensive lmao but there are sites where u can get them for free ;) (not all tho) (I'm willing to pass down my textbooks and notes too, if we have the same classes)

Advantages over A level (Personal opinion):
You get to skip 2 years!! which I think is a massive bonus. most schools that accept O levels are not that high in ranking yes, but u can transfer to the school of your choice later in sophomore or junior year or take masters there.

Difference from Singapore: (comparing to my experience from O level)
You are on your own. They will just tell you (this) and (this) exists. It's on you to read up on yourself. It's on you to find your own opportunities. Planning!! is super important cause you're supposed to chose your own classes (after AAP), u need to make sure you take the necessary classes in order so that you can move forward to your next classes (Most classes have pre-requisites classes you need to fulfill to take that class). And the fees are damn expensive so need to make sure to not take an extra semester

Uni requires more consistent work (homework, midterms, weekly quizzes all count toward the final GPA), and about 2 new concepts are taught every week for all the subjects so yea consistent work VS Singapore where you just cram for one final national exam

Honestly I didn't work that hard for O levels (was also dealing with mental health and family stuff), But uni is like a whole different ball game ynoe? like its uni!!! I'm not the type that works hard for the sake of it lol which is why I didn't feel motivated in O levels, I didn't have a goal to work towards. But uni is sort of the final milestone (kinda) already so yea its either do or die (I also want more scholarships)
Edit: removed agent's info cause was not allowed
Thank you for the award! Please do feel free to pm if u all have any private questions and do update me if anyone do decide to go to UIC :D
submitted by wereyena to SGExams [link] [comments]

Strange Advertisement Email | I read some of the things and most of them are about University stuff. I knew it was a scam but the email fascinated me because I didn't know if the stuff below the advertisement was intentionally sent to me. Part of the last section was copied from a university website

Congrats, you've been selected

[picture was here that advertised Dyson product, obviously a scam tho]
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Procedure, the Grievance Form is for use in filing a grievance when a satisfactory
resolution is not achieved through a formal appeal. Please note that this form and any
supporting documentation must be properly completed, received, and on file in the
Office of Student Judicial Affairs (OSJA) within fifteen (15) days following receipt of
correspondence disclosing the appeal committee’s decision, otherwise, the grievance
will no longer be eligible for review. Students are encouraged to submit the Grievance
Form, and any supporting documentation, well in advance of the fifteen (15) day
deadline for submission.
Should you have any questions or need assistance with the completion and/or
submission of a grievance, please contact OSJA at 6593304417 (toll free at 103323
4059, ext. 00248)
Office of Student Judicial Affairs
Abraham S. Fischler College of Education
----JUnYE4yS;BljUFa ----dmzSLf31;sDiSOe
_-__-______________________________vyvjbhslvrykwgu___________________________________-__-___________________________________________nswqqvykbppdbzq______________________-__-_ _-__-______________________________fogxyfiuqdqihcq___________________________________-__-___________________________________________rujcjhnbaliuken______________________-__-_ _-__-______________________________zrvfhxmysmnvbuy___________________________________-__-___________________________________________tauvchkotdyhpmf______________________-__-_ _-__-______________________________cuobrgsmqnlbmzv___________________________________-__-___________________________________________puldbzzadvxhqbc______________________-__-_ _-__-______________________________iayovcoczalzwij___________________________________-__-___________________________________________xwnnzdfdgxobckv______________________-__-_ _-__-______________________________uiqjetxdveqfgxe___________________________________-__-___________________________________________ycwqvlifowhuztq______________________-__-_ _-__-______________________________medhywdcrdprqgt___________________________________-__-___________________________________________gmxgwdjwyqyyosk______________________-__-_ _-__-______________________________endwqmcdcjzcwpp___________________________________-__-___________________________________________qjzxkifbntxeoog______________________-__-_
----aSF4pICx;fsvfDt----0ZlwgXZb;wPqhMY ----ej6Oy6QU;LFLciO----CeSseepc;XoZDwg
Cardinal Station Newburg Center for Primary Care
215 Central Avenue, Suite 100 1941 Bishop Lane, Suite 900 215 Central Avenue, Suite 205
Louisville, KY 40208 Louisville, KY 40218 Louisville, Ky 40208
I:\FCM\Phyllis Harris\Forms\New Patient Pkg Components
UofL Department of Family & Geriatric Medicine
Dear New Patient,
Welcome to your University of Louisville Physicians Family practice! We
are offering patient-centered medical care and are enthusiastic about our
relationships with our patients. In order to better serve your needs, we are
enclosing several forms and ask that you completely fill each form out.
The first sheet will help us learn more about you; please completely fill out this
form about your family history. The next sheet is titled, “Authorization for the
use and/or Disclosure of Protected Health Information”, and you will need to
completely fill that out for our doctors to treat you to the best of their ability; it
gives us permission to review your medical records from your previous primary
medical facilities.
Following, please completely fill out the Registration, Social Services & Consent
Form. Next, you will find our Privacy Notice, followed by an acknowledgement that
you have received and understand our Privacy Policies. Finally, the last form is the
Office Acknowledgements and Policies form. Please read carefully and sign
your name at the bottom of the letter.
Please make sure to bring all of these forms with you to your first office visit.
Do not mail them back to the office. Also, please remember to always
bring your picture ID, current insurance cards and your co-payment. If your
health insurance requires you to select a primary care doctor please do so prior to
your office visit. Please bring in any and all medication you take, in their
original bottles, to your appointment.
If the patient is under 18 years of age he or she must be accompanied by an
adult and will need to bring a copy of their current immunization certificate.
Please arrive 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment time so that if
you have questions about these forms or we need more information, we can
address it all prior to your appointment.
We look forward to seeing you!
University of Louisville Physicians
UofL Family and Geriatric Medicine
----OUTHvLGA;KLVxTs----zaKQzddT;yhQtWD ----XBAAAtil;vNAFGY----lObvGWUV;loIJgW ----BpV7dTi6;BbpkCh----s8a5MGVW;WaIgNu ----4rclhOsq;DFBemo----qHN8Apfa;hxbRWb ----Zw1YGMJT;Ymhhnp----TyeSx9hr;KYfofy ----v51fqmxn;IZNTci----uw9FrJRX;POzdSS ----q9rjiZ3G;pDGTVw----hyNBUNfC;LxgnWo ----6SZuAuN3;LqKuym----PCX4W5se;rsojtX ----rC;dryv;qis
Voter Information
----ss;rkom;thb ----vW2Av6gC;oIpptQ ----wPRTOpE8;XMUjDF----nDFl8iuq;yelFNp ----HeCpIB2h;ejiAin----Dy9bcxeZ;xvGKHY ----ivOpWJRe;SnLtOt----y7z5IQFA;GTshSS ----RYa6Fn7v;tefcQK----2TDmIZtl;daweTb
Cardinal Station Newburg Center for Primary Care
215 Central Avenue, Suite 100 1941 Bishop Lane, Suite 900 215 Central Avenue, Suite 205
Louisville, KY 40208 Louisville, KY 40218 Louisville, Ky 40208
I:\FCM\Phyllis Harris\Forms\New Patient Pkg Components
UofL Department of Family & Geriatric Medicine
Dear New Patient,
Welcome to your University of Louisville Physicians Family practice! We
are offering patient-centered medical care and are enthusiastic about our
relationships with our patients. In order to better serve your needs, we are
enclosing several forms and ask that you completely fill each form out.
The first sheet will help us learn more about you; please completely fill out this
form about your family history. The next sheet is titled, “Authorization for the
use and/or Disclosure of Protected Health Information”, and you will need to
completely fill that out for our doctors to treat you to the best of their ability; it
gives us permission to review your medical records from your previous primary
medical facilities.
Following, please completely fill out the Registration, Social Services & Consent
Form. Next, you will find our Privacy Notice, followed by an acknowledgement that
you have received and understand our Privacy Policies. Finally, the last form is the
Office Acknowledgements and Policies form. Please read carefully and sign
your name at the bottom of the letter.
Please make sure to bring all of these forms with you to your first office visit.
Do not mail them back to the office. Also, please remember to always
bring your picture ID, current insurance cards and your co-payment. If your
health insurance requires you to select a primary care doctor please do so prior to
your office visit. Please bring in any and all medication you take, in their
original bottles, to your appointment.
If the patient is under 18 years of age he or she must be accompanied by an
adult and will need to bring a copy of their current immunization certificate.
Please arrive 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment time so that if
you have questions about these forms or we need more information, we can
address it all prior to your appointment.
We look forward to seeing you!
University of Louisville Physicians
UofL Family and Geriatric Medicine
----AZSvs73z;qYwUvP----5wcUe4Be;IIzmLD ----BVvAcLEa;KvrgSI----D3v2kgxj;AJNZlT ----LGlACxvg;usHogc----YRzLyjtY;OObNeO ----oB1wsCTp;nMfhwU----QJ5Nsqc4;bKaUEe ----LFfyHl26;tKLzZk----WIAD8Of2;dbUQHd ----BcdnQVIC;HJuAYQ----D6d02fSV;phuTKU ----WNPexrQ6;KXSIxI----MjlUz5Ch;aPKzhU ----fJAIA2yJ;tYkjpy----eneT7jBz;cBtZjI
I will be out of the office from Tuesday, February 18 through Friday, February 21. I will have access to email and will reply if necessary. All other emails will be returned on Monday, February 24. Thank you!
Services Manager
----fO8VxVuk;KAvvwO ----oGEo9OiT;QMqcrA
_-__-______________________________gcdqvkatbvsozmb___________________________________-__-___________________________________________kwnjmpcgsiwhnji______________________-__-_ _-__-______________________________yccglxrabzevvzf___________________________________-__-___________________________________________notxjhdnedzgbiz______________________-__-_ _-__-______________________________hsovkyholsoinle___________________________________-__-___________________________________________swrcgqpkmdpzfyq______________________-__-_ _-__-______________________________aqpmyokqrvjmhjx___________________________________-__-___________________________________________njpjrobumujeluy______________________-__-_ _-__-______________________________opmkwdvqgraesur___________________________________-__-___________________________________________ewhnryrdoyseilo______________________-__-_ _-__-______________________________innbgpdavaockdc___________________________________-__-___________________________________________nsozsvtojxbxdnf______________________-__-_ _-__-______________________________dquauqeivincihf___________________________________-__-___________________________________________jekvcblpengahpp______________________-__-_ _-__-______________________________lqozhslnmbpnlzw___________________________________-__-___________________________________________vxxyeixatsgboev______________________-__-_
----u4XDte2z;PFPsQM ----KI;msrr;guz
Thank you for choosing nq. You may reach Customer Support by visiting our Submit A Ticket page.
Craig Levy
Zipcode: Zipcode Thank for your order Previously ordered | Thank for your order Thank you - your order has been received. Your Graduation Coordinator will be in touch closer to graduation to let ----Sn;fxkb;qkl Bonjour, Nous vous remercions de la confiance et de l'intérêt que vous nous témoignez en nous proposant votre collaboration. Nous allons procéder à l'examen de votre dossier. Sans réponse de notre part sous un délai de trois semaines, veuillez considérer que nous ne pouvons donner une suite favorable à votre candidature. Nous vous remercions et vous prions d'agréer nos salutations distinguées. ----bxWc3Wm6;apaLbt
Welcome to ???//??\Okpv/??\????! We’re excited to have you on board. My name is NqRCxYGY, and I’ll be your onboarding assistant throughout your trial process. I’d love to learn more about your business, and in turn implement a strategy using our software to increase your sales and overall efficiency. Please reach out if you have any questions and I look forward to helping your eCommerce business grow using our software!
If you have any questions during your trial process, we'd be more than happy to help! Simply hover over the question mark icon to reveal a link to schedule a call with us or utilize the live chat feature in the bottom right corner of your dashboard.
Thanks again and we're excited to have you on board!
oOWwehiF WwiMp
Best Regards,
( ) R 2. ( ) R 3. ( ) R ----dK;osbb;aoh Dear vCUWABwE; Registered Company Name: Trading Name: Registration Number: Registration Date: Business Type: (Pty) Ltd CC (Close Corporation) T/A (Sole Proprietor) Partnership Other Specify: VAT Registration Number: Physical Address: Code: Postal Address: Code: Telephone No: ( ) Facsimile No: ( ) Mobile No: Email Address: Approximate Monthly Purchase Amount: Finance Contact: Contact Number: ( ) Email Address: Banking Details: Name of Bank: Branch Code: Account Number: Trade References: Company Telephone Contact Credit Limit 1. ( ) R 2. ( ) R 3. ( ) R ----[2
I will be out of the office from Tuesday, February 18 through Friday, February 21. I will have access to email and will reply if necessary. All other emails will be returned on Monday, February 24. Thank you!
Services Manager
A];pjyt;nib ----zKKy5UGD;sCPOqL
Dear Prospective Ed.D., Higher Education Strand Applicant:
We are very pleased that you are interested in the Higher Education Strand of CCSU’s Doctor of
Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership, designed for current higher education professionals
who aspire to leadership positions on college or university campuses. We look forward to receiving
your application.
As you complete your application, keep in mind the following admission criteria:
  1. Master’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education in a discipline or
professional field that is relevant to the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership.
  1. A 3.00 or higher cumulative average (GPA) in all graduate coursework.
  2. Two or more letters of reference from leaders in postsecondary education familiar with
your work. Ask your references to use the form on the next page.
  1. Résumé that illustrates important work-related experiences with an emphasis on yo ur
work as a leader at postsecondary institutions of higher education.
  1. Acceptable scores on the General Test of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) taken
within five years of your application.
  1. A personal statement covering six important topics:
• Career goals
• Intended area of individual specialization
• Reasons for pursuing a doctorate
• Commitment to residency requirements (one three-day weekend in the first spring
semester, one full week each of the first, second, and third summer sessions)
• Commitment to enrolling in two cohort courses each spring and fall semester
• Commitment to summer enrollment during each 8-week summer session
  1. If selected as a finalist, a satisfactory interview with the admissions committee.
We accept new students in alternate years only. Applications are due by October 1, 2017.
Admission standards are rigorous, and not everyone who meets our standards wil l be accepted.
Please note that the admission process calls for submission of materials to two locations. The last
page of this packet is a checklist of the various steps. Submit your Graduate Application and $50
application fee online. Transcripts from every college you have attended as an undergraduate and
graduate student should be submitted to Graduate Admissions in 102 Barnard Hall. In addition you
must send the following materials directly to the Ed.D. Program (attention Rouzan Kheranian) in 320
Barnard Hall:
  1. Two letters of recommendation from educational leaders. Use the Reference Form (page
2 of this packet).
  1. Your personal statement attached to the form on page 3 of this packet.
  2. Your résumé.
  3. Your GRE scores. When requesting that scores be sent, use GRE reporting code 3143 to
assure that the Ed.D. office receives your scores.
Peter F. Troiano, Ph.D.
Ed.D. Program Direct or, Higher Education Strand
----4lbWo60Z;pBYSes Based on a minimal definition of action as movement, we propose a framework for a stepwise study of human behavior that begins with the physical aspects of observed behavior, then expands to biological, and thereafter to social, cultural, and psychological attributes in search of explaining the remaining behavioral variations. A corollary to our definition is that the transition from physics to biology (and from biology to social and psychological exploration) calls for alternative, domain-specific, nonphysical formalizations. This perspective sketches out an initial blueprint for pursuing an agenda of considering actions in various domains/tiers in an overarching conceptual platform. It is our hope that this approach will produce a fruitful structure for stimulating interdisciplinary discussion of the existing methods of investigating behavior and generating new methods. From a methodological angle, our platform generates investigation potential akin to what reverse Bayesian analysis brought to Bayesian analysis 44,45,46. We emphasize that ours is not a reductionist proposal to claim that everything can be explained by physics or by anything else. Rather, we suggest that physical laws deserve the first chance to explain observations from animate and inanimate worlds because matter and energy included in biological domains do not lose their physicality by virtue of the added DNA, brain, higher faculties, and society in which individuals grow up and live. The benefit of starting at the physical core and remaining within the borders of this first tier is to eliminate the necessity for modelers who inevitably use physical forms to justify the relevance of this work to human behavior. This perspective is not intended as a guideline for others to follow. Instead, we attempt to consider new approaches to thinking, investigating and categorizing the study of human 16 behavior. Our hope is to elicit feedback, suggestions, and criticism that will further this objective. References 1. von Neumann, J., Morgenstern, O. Theory of games and economic behavior. (Princeton Univ. Press, 1953). 2. Savage, L. J. The foundations of statistics (Dover: John Wiley and Sons, 1972 edition of the original 1954). 3. Edwards, W. The theory of decision making. Psychological Bull. 51(4), 380-417 (1954). 4. Cherniak, C. Minimal Rationality (MIT Press, 1986). 5. Smith, V. L. Rationality in economics: constructivist and ecological forms (Cambridge, 2008). 6. Friedman, D., James, D., Isaac, R. M. & Sunder, S. Risky curves: on the empirical failure of expected utility (Routledge, 2014). 7. Simon, H. A. Rationality in Psychology and Economics. J. of Business 59(4), Part 2: The Behavioral Foundations of Economic Theory S209-S224 (1986). 8. Gigerenzer, G. Bounded and rational. in Contemporary debates in cognitive science (Ed Stainton, R. J.) 115-133 (Blackwell, 2006). 9. Jara-Ettinger, J., Gweon, H., Schulz, L. E. & Tenenbaum, J. B. The naive utility calculus: computational principles underlying commonsense psychology. Trends in cog. sci. 20, 589-604 (2016). 10. Johnson, A. T. Teaching the principle of biological optimization. J. Biological Engineering 7(6), 2013. 17 11. Balkenius, C., Tjøstheim, T. A., Johansson, B & Gärdenfors. From focused thoughts to reveries: a memory system for a conscious robot. Front. Robot. AI (2018). ----5MNQJLcQ;bIcjoO Home About Millikin About Millikin Welcome to Millikin University! Millikin is an independent, four year university that is privately funded and has an enrollment of approximately 2,200 students in traditional and non-traditional undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Located in Decatur, Illinois, you will quickly discover that the signature of a Millikin education is a unique experience we like to call Performance Learning. Since its founding more than 110 years ago, Millikin has operated under the philosophy of providing an education that combines theory with practice. While this was a radical idea at the time, we know today that practice is not enough. Today's students must perform their knowledge in order to be truly prepared for a successful career after college. Through immersive experiences such as internships, co-teaching, running a business, presenting research to experts, and performing in front of audiences – students find new ways to live out their learning and reap the rewards of their hard work. James Millikin was born in Ten Mile, Washington County, Pennsylvania, August 2, 1827, according to Dr. Albert Reynolds Taylor's research, which found considerable uncertainty as to exact dates. He was the son of Abel and Nancy (Van Dyke) Millikin, a moderately wealthy farmer in Western Pennsylvania. His grandfather came from Ireland as a Scotch-Irish Presbyterian in 1771. His mother was of Dutch origin, whose ancestors came to America in the seventeenth century. James Millikin would later name Van Dyke Street in northwest Decatur in her honor around 1880. Little is really known about his childhood. As a farm boy, James helped drive herds of steers to New York City. In the fall of 1846, he matriculated in Washington College (now Washington and Jefferson College), Washington, Pennsylvania. It was while attending Washington that he made the vow to found an institution of learning, if ever he were able, to fit youth for occupations. The lure of the west called James, and in 1849 he accompanied his father on a sheep drive into Indiana and again in 1850 to Danville, Illinois. During the winter of 1850, he was at Wabash College, although records are unclear as to what he studied, or how long. Returning to Pennsylvania in 1851 for more sheep, he again drove them to Danville with a partner named McFarland. During the 1850's, James continued to increase his flocks and herds. He rented many farms for grazing and was called "the cattle king of the Prairie State." He also started purchasing real estate, most of it from public domain. In 1856, James Millikin arrived in Decatur, where he continued in his livestock and real estate dealings. On January 1, 1857, he married Anna Bernice Aston, daughter of the Rev. Samuel M. Aston, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Mount Zion since 1855. Mr. Aston was pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Ten Mile, Pennsylvania, when James was in his early teens, and Anna and her sister Nancy had been educated in Washington Female Seminary in Washington. James Millikin entered the banking business in 1860, placing his board J. Millikin & Co. in front of the building that was formerly home to the Railroad Bank, which had recently failed. He gradually reduced his livestock holdings and devoted his interests to real estate and banking, with some investments into local industry. He assisted in the organization of the Union Iron Works, serving as its president, as well as the Decatur Coal Company. His bank became the largest banking institution in Illinois outside of Chicago. In 1897, he reorganized his bank as the Millikin National Bank of Decatur. He served on various boards in the city, including as member of the Board of Supervisors and as an Alderman. While he ran for State Senator, a distrust of banks that was prominent in the Middle West defeated him. In 1876, he built a house at Pine and West Main Streets in Decatur. Following the founding of the university, Mr. Millikin continued in his banking business until his death on March 2, 1909 in Orlando, Florida. Mrs. Millikin died on July 29, 1913. To the city of Decatur she left her early benefaction, the Anna B. Millikin Home for aged women, which had been organized in 1879 as the Girls' Industrial School of Old Ladies' Home. In her will, she bequeathed her home and lot to be the home of the Decatur Art Institute, owned by the university and managed jointly by the university and the citizens of Decatur. She had participated in the selection of the university colors and served as chairman of the Women's Hall section of the Building Committee after July 7, 1908. Faculty committee and the Board of Managers would later name this dormitory Aston Hall for her family. The Millikins died without issue, besides the philanthropic gifts to the city of Decatur. Millikin's Vision What James Millikin envisioned when he founded Millikin University in 1901 was unique: a university that would embrace the "practical" side of learning along with the "literary and classical;" and, while affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, it would not be narrowly "sectarian" and would remain open to all. The result is one of the nation's first small, comprehensive universities that, a century later, has three professional schools and one for the liberal arts and sciences; a well-rounded university where programs in classical music vie in excellence with those in accounting and the health sciences. ----Tqhl8Mbx;mUwsen ----dVNKIH1L;zHHTeP
submitted by instantflare to emailprivacy [link] [comments]

♦ Judge has bad news for NRA ♦ Coronavirus has peaked in US ♦ Illinois ends bail ♦ Class action lawsuit over NYPD brutality ♦ Why are conservatives so angry about Biden denouncing white supremacy? ♦ and more news

■ 👍 Biden signs burst of virus orders, vows ‘Help is on the way’
■ 👍 Biden will pause deportations for 100 days
■ 👍 Biden to bump up food assistance for people 'hanging by a thread'
■ 👍 Biden reverses Trump’s lax fuel emissions standards
■ 👍 Biden has removed Trump’s Oval Office Diet Coke button
■ 👍 Judge rejects NRA bid to end or move New York lawsuit seeking its closure
Google says it'll block search engine in Australia if forced to pay for news
I haven't decided who's right in this dispute; both sides seem to be bad guys. What do you think? —CKB
Instacart will lay off all of its unionized workers
‘Call of Duty’ doesn’t just depict bad history — it’s pro-war propaganda
Monkeys understand economics, study finds
How do you social distance in prison? You don't. You get COVID.
■ 👍 Current, deadly U.S. coronavirus surge has peaked, researchers say
Excerpt: While another surge remains possible, especially with new, more infectious variants on the horizon, the number of new daily infections in the current wave appears to have hit a high in the past week or two and has been steadily declining in most states since, the researchers say.
Trump's vaccine-distribution plan wasn't merely shitty; it didn't exist
■ 👍 Dr Fauci seems happier these days
■ 👍 Behind those dancing robots, scientists had to bust a move
■ 👍 House Oversight Committee demands FBI investigation into Parler’s role as a ‘facilitator’ in assault on U.S. Capitol
■ 👍 Judge rules against Parler; won't force Amazon to reinstate hate website
■ 👍 After being investigated for his blog post, authoblogger Cory Doctorow sends FOIA request to FBI
Brother of treasonous-but-pardoned Flynn was involved in Capitol riot non-response, despite Army's earlier denials
At first glance, Gen Charles Flynn's involvement seems minimal, but — why did the Army lie about it? And the bigger question is, why did the Pentagon refuse to provide National Guard assistance in defending the U.S. Capitol on Insurrection Day? —CKB
■ 👍 Illinois poised to become first state to end wealth-based pre-trial detention — a/k/a, bail
■ 👍 New class action lawsuit seeks damages for protesters brutalized by NYPD officers
■ 👍 NSA Director can't fire him, so Trump-appointed infiltrator is placed on leave
■ 👍 Biden fires Trump-appointed anti-worker attorney at NLRB
■ 👍 City of London to remove statues linked to slavery trade
In its final moments Wednesday, the Trump administration restored grazing rights to men convicted — and pardoned — of arson
Why are conservatives so angry about Biden denouncing white supremacy?
Excerpt: “If you read his speech and listen to it carefully, much of it is thinly veiled innuendo calling us white supremacists, calling us racists,” protested Rand Paul on Fox News. “It’s an odd way to seek national unity: Call a significant portion of the American public white supremacists, racists, and nativists,” complained Manhattan Institute scholar Heather MacDonald. Tucker Carlson devoted an entire segment to angrily denouncing Biden for opposing white supremacy, which he interpreted, not unreasonably, as a veiled criticism of himself and his most fervent supporters.
Rep Marjorie Greene (R-QAnon) says she's filed articles of impeachment against Biden
Rep Louie Gohmert (R-Horse's Ass) has long been the dumbest member of Congress, but now he has some serious competition. —CKB
■ 👍 Legal group files bar complaint against Giuliani for ‘flagrant and persistent lying’ about election fraud
Oklahoma legislator (R-Not A Surprise) files bill to create a 'Bigfoot' hunting season
■ 👍 Reddit reunites lost travel journal with Kiwi backpacker decades later
■ 👍 Dog spent days outside Turkish hospital waiting for owner
■ 👍 Capturing a cow is not as easy as it sounds
■ 👍 This fossil reveals how dinosaurs peed, pooped and had sex
           ■ ■ ■ Blocked by paywalls?Try right-clicking the link to a 'private' or 'incognito' window.Insert a period immediately after the .com part of a link's address.Install the Bypass Paywalls extension.If you're blocked because of your location, consider getting a VPN.If you still can’t access an article, say so below and I’ll post the full text. ■ ■ ■
submitted by ClarkKent-bot to LazyCheapskate [link] [comments]

How to Get Started in Robotics / Education, Career, and Technical Questions / Wiki Development Thread: part 2

Exceeded 40k character limit on previous thread, cut and paste resources here.


Moocs and Online Courses

These courses are meant to be a first step into Robotics. Courses in Maths/Computer Science are always a plus (and sometimes a must) before tackling this kind of course.
Check edx,Coursera,Udacity and even Youtube for more online courses!



A comprehensive list of all manner of robotics competitions


Under 12s

  • The Junior FIRST Lego League is for kids aged 6 - 10. It consists of a research task based on a STEM related theme, then a presentation, featuring a mechanical device that the team builds from lego.
  • The First Lego League (FLL) is an international robotics competition, for teams kids aged 8-14. Autonmous robots built from the lego mindstroms kit have to complete a variety of tasks. The great thing about the FLL is you're guaranteed to create a robot that will work in some capacity, and you'll have a lot of fun doing it. One of the best things about the FLL is a lot of the skills you develop can't be taught in a classroom, such as teamwork, organisation, self-motivation, presentation skills etc.
  • Eurobot Junior
  • VEX IQ Ages 10-14



Tabletop robots


Humanoid Robots

Mobile Robots



Development Kits

Under 12s

  • The Lego Mindstorms kit is a kit of motors, sensors, and a programmable control unit, costing around $400 dollars. Compatible with all of the worlds lego, and a variety of third party electronics, it allows for endless construction possibilities, and will last for years.
  • Makeblock A variety of robotics and STEM kits for children, with compatible software.
  • Snap Circuits Plug and play child friendly electronics and coding kits.
  • LittleBits Snap together the easy-to-use building block, an easy and accessible way to learn electronics and engineering.
  • Robotis

Teenagers / Amateur

  • The Lego Mindstorms kit is a kit of motors, sensors, and a programmable control unit, costing around $400 dollars. Compatible with all of the worlds lego, and a variety of third party electronics, it allows for endless construction possibilities, and will last for years.
  • Arduino The Arduino microcontrollers is very easy to program in C, and is ideal for controlling electronics, servos, and sensors.
  • Raspberry Pi is a single board computer, and is great for robotics projects that require more computing power than an Arduino, such as computer vision, of graphical interfaces.
This Video explains the difference between an Arduino and a Raspberry Pi.
  • BeagleBone Boards Raspberry Pi before it was cool, these single board computers (SBC's) can be considered as a more advanced Pi, though there is an extra difficulty with them.
  • STM32 F4 Discovery Another SBC for adults, not recommended without prior experience in computer science and programming, but capable of a lot more than any Arduino or Pi, if you know how to use it.
  • Robotis

University+ / Advanced

  • NVIDIA Jetson Nano The power of modern AI is now available for makers, learners, and embedded developers everywhere. NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™ Developer Kit is a small, powerful computer that lets you run multiple neural networks in parallel for applications like image classification, object detection, segmentation, and speech processing. All in an easy-to-use platform that runs in as little as 5 watts.
  • Robotis
  • Trossen Robotics Complete robot kits, expensive


Under 12s

  • Makeblock A variety of robotics and STEM kits for children, with compatible software.

Teenagers / Amateur

  • Webots Webots is an open source and multi-platform desktop application used to simulate robots. It provides a complete development environment to model, program and simulate robots. It has been designed for a professional use, and it is widely used in industry, education and research. Cyberbotics Ltd. maintains Webots as its main product continuously since 1998
  • Robot C is a $50 a year programming licence, that can be used to program VEX, Mindstorms, TETRIX, & Arduino kits using the C language. Great for taking your existing kit to the next level.

University + / Advanced

Printed Circuit Boards (PCB)

  • KiCad PCB design software
  • Eagle PCB design software


  • Webots Webots is an open source and multi-platform desktop application used to simulate robots. It provides a complete development environment to model, program and simulate robots. It has been designed for a professional use, and it is widely used in industry, education and research. Cyberbotics Ltd. maintains Webots as its main product continuously since 1998

Robotics Software Libraries

  • OpenCV OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library. OpenCV was built to provide a common infrastructure for computer vision applications and to accelerate the use of machine perception in the commercial products.
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Understanding Camallanus: A Detailed and Comprehensive Guide to the Treatment and Biology of these Parasitic Nematodes

Understanding Camallanus: A Detailed and Comprehensive Guide to the Treatment and Biology of these Parasitic Nematodes
Feel free to correct me or add more info on this guide, trying to help others as much as I can in eradicating these nasties so the more accuracy and advice, the better. Please, if you have info to help update parts of this guide, comment or shoot me a dm! I have put placeholders for info I just can't find enough reliable anecdotes on as "**NEED INFO**", so look out for that on the data table if you know a bit about this!
I know this guide is massive, (sorry! haha) bio major here and I just did like four 7-10 pg research papers a few weeks back so I ended up getting into that writing mode when I started citing sources here.
I've had a prolonged and terrible experience with multidrug-resistant camallanus parasites, and during this time I had to look up and research by myself many things about them. Unfortunately most of this info was not localized in one place, or was based on experience rather than backed by scientific studies, so I would like to share my findings here with both these factors to assist anyone else struggling with these particularly nasty parasites, and educate other fish owners with more useful information than just "hey, try this random drug!".

Part 1: The Biology of Camallanus

General Info and Theories
Camallanus is a genus of internal parasitic roundworms (nematodes) in which nine species exist. Species doesn't matter hugely if it's alive and actively infecting your fish, because only two kinds infect fish this rapidly and are found in the aquarium trade; C. cotti and C. lacustris, C. cotti being the most common. Moravec and Justine (2006) state that in aquarium fish cultures, this nematode may be found in Europe, North America (Canada specifically), South America (Brazil specifically), the West Indies (Puerto Rico), and Australia. It is in all these countries the parasite is frequently imported with exotic fish from Asia, especially Singapore. This was the case with my fish, as my parasite problems started after I bought an adult Gardner's Killifish from the pet store, from which the vast majority of this species is bred in Singapore. Bettas are another common species found with this parasite, and the fancier varieties all come from Singapore. Camallanus is extremely common among guppies, which seem to have an affinity for the nematode. Guppies are bred worldwide, but this statement from a fishkeeping magazine article on guppies pretty much summarizes why many new guppy owners may find themselves dealing with this parasite; "stock from a retailer will generally have been bred on fish farms in South-East Asia or from Sri Lanka" (Practical Fishkeeping, 2016).
Interestingly enough, all 3 species are in the same order; Cyprinodontiformes, which includes labyrinth fishes, livebearers, and killifish. However, I can confirm without doubt (along with the many other studies that exist) that it can most definitely infect fish outside this order, as one of my Peacock Gudgeons (Order Gobiiformes) came down with the worms. But it does seem to be more infectious towards Cyprinodontiformes in particular. In my tank I had a roughly equal population ratio of gudgeons to killifish, and all fish were of similar size and age. During the 2+ months dealing with this, all but 2 of my killies got worms, while only one gudgeon caught them. Additionally, none of my otocinclus catfish appeared to have been infected. I suspect fish with highly specialized intestines like this may be immune to Camallanus, as the structure is simply too different to figure out or even thrive in.
Life Cycles
Camallanus have two methods of reproduction. The first involves using live microscopic invertebrates like cyclops, tubifex worms, copepods, or daphnia as a secondary host for larvae, which are eventually killed and/or eaten by a fish (also known as heteroxeny). In most aquarium infections, species that reproduce through heteroxeny alone are quite rare because this is highly inefficient as far as parasites go, and rarely infects more than one fish, making this strategy far less infective (Levsen and Jakobsen, 2002). According to Levsen and Jakobsen (2002), species that can reproduce via both methods are pressured to spread through live larvae rather than heteroxeny in aquariums, as the parasite can face up to several generations in copepod-free tanks, or experience a bottleneck due to a low availability of copepod hosts. Generally the only way you'd get a strain like this would be if your fish has been fed aquatic invertebrates that were live or weren't freeze-dried/processed in a method that removes any and all possible germs/parasites, and again, infections from this is rare even then. I've seen forum posts before where people state Camallanus is spreading by using their mystery snails or ramshorns, or even shrimp as an intermediate host, but this is impossible for 2 reasons. 1: because the infected fish would have to eat the large inverts, and 2: in general snails and other large inverts are MUCH too big to be a useful host for heteroxeny. Camallanus infects copepods and other small hosts by wiggling around as a microscopic larvae on the substrate, which is then eaten by the hungry, miniscule invertebrates that can SEE it. They are far to small to be seen and targeted by larger invertebrates, and if they are by chance then they will just be digested by the far stronger stomach acids of a large host. It's simply not realistic. Just because you have any type of invert in the tank does not mean that Camallanus can use it as a host and spread through it, because only the tiny, insectlike "feeder" invertebrates can be hosts for it.
The other method of infection spreads live larvae into the water column (also known as monoxeny). I've seen people say both that they spread live larvae in the water, or drop eggs into the substrate (more often about eggs), but most people have heard about these nematodes from little to no research or anecdotes from others, so I'll clear up the confusion here. Don't bother to worry and read what people write about Camallanus eggs, because if more than one of your fish has come down this parasite then this is a 99.9% confirmation that you have a species that reproduces via monoxeny (LIVE LARVAE, and NOT EGGS), and is most likely C. cotti. Untergasser's Handbook of Fish Diseases (1989) makes this distinction the most clear and well-understood:
"Most Camallanus species reproduce by means of an intermediate host . . . These bring the larval worms into the aquarium, but the probability of infection even with live food from ponds is extremely small. The species Camallanus lacustris and C. cotti, probably from Asia, can multiply in an aquarium because they produce live larvae. They do not need an intermediate host for at least several generations." (Untergasser, pg. 106).
These species are the ones that are going to spread in your aquarium, and a lot of people talk about eggs but this is literally not what happens biologically with highly infectious C. cotti, because those species do not need to reproduce with intermediate hosts and eggs. This concern with eggs likely stems from a misunderstanding as the majority of anti-parasitic fish meds mention eggs, however these meds are also intended to treat multiple species/genus of parasites, some of which do produce eggs. What lands on the substrate instead of eggs are larvae, and as Rogowski et al. (2020) describes, the life cycle from gut larvae to adult worms takes about 30 days.
Reproduction and Attachment
After this, mature females emerge from the vent and live larvae are deposited to the substrate, where " they can survive for up to 3 wks" (p. 8). These larvae are produced in the ovoviviparous (eggs hatch in the mother and are born live, like garter snakes) female, and released motile and able to directly infect fish or copepods immediately after birth. After feeding and maturing in the gut of their host, they become sexually mature and latch onto the tissue of the host's gut using a ridged or spiked sclerotized structure specific to predatory nematodes, known as the Buccal Capsule. The Buccal Capsule functions as a "mouth" for parasitic worms, which don't have a fully developed oral structure. The Buccal Capsule does not fully sclerotize (harden) until the worm becomes sexually mature (Levsen and Berland, 2002). After attachment, the worms feed on the blood and tissue fluid of their host, giving them their red color (Rogowski et al., 2020). As soon as you see adult worms coming out a fish's anus, consider the rest in the tank infected.

Microscopic view of Camallanus cotti. Image 5. Cross-section view of the buccal capsule attached to the intestinal wall of the rectum. 6. Anterior (head-facing) ventral (underside) view of an adult female C. cotti. 7. Mouth of adult female Camallanus, with fully sclerotized ridges of buccal capsule visible, front view. 8. Buccal capsule of mature female Camallanus, side view. The three prongs show a lateral view of a chitinous structure that functions like lips for Camallanidae, called tridents (Hetherington, 1922). Menezes et al., 2006 (see works cited for full entry).
These worms infect two parts of the body; the females cling to the inside of the rectum or intestinal lining and stick out as a red thread about 2 or more mm out of the fish, spreading eggs or larvae. They go in and out of the anus of the fish, and I've only ever seen a maximum of 2-3 females in a fish at a time, but more severe infections could have more. Females are the hardest to kill. When they are removed, because they bite into the intestines to stay anchored they can end up tearing out tissue, leading to bacterial infections or necrotic tissue. This is more often the cause of death than the worms themselves.
Not visible from the outside are the male Camallanus, which I have read somewhere (but can't seem to find the source; virtually no articles mention the location of the males in their host for some reason) live in the intestines somewhere. Males are much smaller than females, with a smaller buccal capsule (Menezes et al., 2006). From what I can tell, males are FAR easier to kill than females (I had fish ejecting small, lighter-colored worms after some treatments, but the red female worms sticking out the anus would not die, so I assume these were either male or younger worms). An orally administered strongish anthelmintic (will get to this later, but basically this is the class of drug that all treatments of Camallanus- with the exception of a few- have as an active ingredient) will wipe out the male population in one go generally.
Please note that these worms, depending of the species of the infected, take a while to kill their host. This does not mean you should leave it, but for robust fish at least they can easily survive for at least 2 months with adult worms sticking out. Or they did in my case. I haven't lost a fish yet just using mostly ineffective treatments. However, the longer you wait the larger the risk you run of bacterial infections after the parasite is removed, as the buccal capsule damages the tissues and mucous membrane of the host's intestines.
The nastiest part about Camallanus, apart from their resistance to many commonly used drugs to treat them, is the fact that they can take up to a month or more to become visible, and by then it's too late. I had a single fish with active Camallanus floating in a container that escaped into the tank (with no prior exposure to the nematode) at some point that night, and though I immediately removed it, weeks later a fish in that same tank had an infection of adult worms.
Hetherington, D.C. 1922. Comparative studies on certain features of nematodes and their significance. In: Illinois Biological Monographs (Forbes, S.A., Trelease, W., Ward, H.B., eds.), Vol. VIII. University of Illinois, IL, p. 35.
Levsen, A., Berland, B. 2002. The development and morphogenesis of Camallanus cotti Fujita, 1927 (Nematoda: Camallanidae), with notes on its phylogeny and definitive host range. Systematic Parasitology, 53: 29-37.
Levsen, A., Jakobsen, P.J. 2002. Selection pressure towards monoxeny in Camallanus cotti (Nematoda, Camallanidae) facing an intermediate host bottleneck situation. Parasitology, 124(6): 625-629.
Menzes, R.C., Tortelly, R., Tortelly-Neto, R., Noronha, D., Pinto, R.M. 2006. Camallanus cotti Fujita, 1927 (Nematoda, Camallanoidea) in ornamental aquarium fishes: pathology and morphology. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 101(6):683-687.
Rogowski, E.L.B., Alst, A.D.V., Travis, J., Reznick, D.N., Coulson, T., Bassar, R.D. 2020. Novel parasite invasion leads to rapid demographic compensation and recovery in an experimental population of guppies. PNAS, 117(36): 22580-22589.
Rundle, J. (Article Writer unknown, Rundle was interviewed for article). The Guppy: First loves never die [Internet]. UK. Practical Fishkeeping; 2016 June [cited 2021 Jan 8]. Available from
Untergasser, D., trans. Hirschhorn, H.H. 1989. Handbook of fish diseases. Beptune City, NJ: TFH Publications. Link.

Part 2: Drugs and Treatment

General Info
All but a couple of the deworming medications for Camallanus that are available or recommended are a class of drugs known as anthelmintics. Anthelmintics used to treat fish most often work on these worms by paralyzing them so they can be passed out through the anus. Some people say certain (weaker) drugs can kill adult female worms at higher doses but I would say this is a mistaken assumption based off seeing the internal male worms dying, and would not recommend it. I kept trying more and more meds with the first fish out of sheer desperation and they ended up killing her (and this was with fenbendazole, a dewormer with one of the largest safety margins out there). Some anthelmintics DO kill nematode worms, but most are not safe for fish or have an extremely low margin of safety (ie: Ivermectin). The (safe) drugs are not easily metabolized by the bodies of fish, so when ingested the drug will pass through the GI tract and out the anus, where it makes contact with the worms and paralyzes them.
In North America at least, Camallanus worms are apparently so frequently treated with the most commonly-recommended medications (fenbendazole and levamisole) that most are completely resistant to them (I have no official research articles on this as this topic is, unfortunately, highly understudied). Though I can only find anecdotes from fellow aquarists to confirm this, I can confirm 100% that in my case the worms I encountered were resistant, because I treated my fish with multiple meds, both normally and with much larger-than-recommended doses, as well as administered both orally and externally, and for longer periods of time*. Neither Fenbendazole or Levamisole worked.
*Note that you shouldn't do this unless your fish are extremely robust like my killifish and peacock gudgeons. If it's not working, don't keep pushing because from what I've found, chances are more will not help. Also note that the less stress you can put on your fish during treatment, the longer they will last. I found my killifish all became stressed and very pale when they were isolated in containers in the tank. Due to this I chose to just let them stay in the tank because it was probably all infected anyways. However I only have a 20G so for others this might not be a good idea. But less stress is very important because it lets your fish survive for much longer and reduces the chances of the fish dying from intestinal damage later when the nematodes are finally removed.
While few parasitic nematodes, and especially Camallanus, have been studied for resistance, other related Helminths (parasitic worms) have been, and their resistance towards Anthelmintics has grown much like antibacterial resistance has to antibiotics. As Abongwa et al. (2017) states, "The repeated and improper use of currently available anthelmintics has led to the development of resistance in numerous veterinary parasite species worldwide", and as a result of the mechanism of action for the majority of drugs in this class being similar, resistance to one mechanism is likely to work on multiple drugs, also known as side resistance. Additionally, according to Abongwa, the development of resistance can be rapid as some parasites were found to be resistant to the livestock dewormer thiabendazole only 3 years after the drug's release. The strategies parasitic worms use to develop resistance to dewormers are the exact same that bacteria use to resist antibiotics; mutation or deletion of genes, modifying the receptor target of the drug to decrease affinity, decreasing or removing the enzymes that catalyze reactions with the drug, and more (Abongwa et al., 2017).
Abongwa, M., Martin, R.J., Robertson, A.P. 2017. A brief review on the mode of action of antinematodal drugs. Acta veterinaria, 67(2): 137–152.
What works?
The best treatment I know of that can be used on Camallanus, is used rarely enough (and virtually never in NA because you can only get it from the UK or EU) that the chances of resistance is virtually none, and is highly effective against nematodes in specific, and safe to treat fish with, is Nematol by Sera, the active ingredient of which is Emamectin Benzoate, a common pesticide for parasitic nematodes in plant roots. This medication, as a pesticide, is much more effective on the worms and actually fully kills or paralyzes worms (it can be hard to tell which when they're hanging out). Best of all, it's not just a general dewormer but a nematode-specific killer. The largest downside is the difficulty in obtaining it. If you ordered from a German ebay vet while in Canada in mid-November like I did, it might take over 2 months to randomly show up at your house squashed and with an $18 customs fee.
ALSO: NEVER GIVE UP TRYING, no matter how many drugs these worms might be resisting, they cannot possibly be resistant to every one out there, because some treatments are WAY less common than others!! Keep using new drugs until one happens to work!! I believe in you, and your fish do too. Give them a good, long happy life and don't let these shitty worms win!!!
Data Table Notes:
Here is a table of medications that may or may not work on Camallanus, and their various pros and cons. This is based on my experience and observations which may not be the same case for everyone, and some I have not tried, but read about other peoples' experiences or knowledge on forums posts, or found studies on. Certain info is not confirmed to be entirely accurate or known (ie: effectiveness on males) because of how little studies exist on Camallanus treatment, so this info is based on accounts and statements by aquarists in forum posts I've come across in the past. If certain info is not mentioned (ie: whether it's safe for inverts), this means it's the same as the other entries, and the opposite of mentioned info (ie: if it's mentioned one drug isn't safe for inverts, others where this isn't mentioned means safe for inverts).
Note that Anthelmintics NOT mentioned in this table I have already looked into and found to be unsafe for aquatic life and fish, or are NOT EFFECTIVE FOR INTERNAL ROUNDWORM PARASITES, and therefore should definitely NOT be used in the treatment of Camallanus, or in aquariums at all. Some are for external parasites only (ie: Metronidazole) or just ineffective against Camallanus (ie: Praziquental). See a list of these other drugs and their effectiveness here. Also note some drugs (Ivermectin, other livestock dewormers safe for fish) may not obviously label the main ingredient on the front, but it is very easy to obtain this information with a quick google search as they are likely legally obliged to provide it (search "medicine name" active ingredient). Any medicines with a form of copper in them should not be used in the presence of invertebrates period. Goat dewormers are, for the most part, unsafe for fish. Also note that vast amounts of so-called "medicine" that are sold on online vendors like amazon are herbal snake oil bs that will do NOTHING to help your fish. Onion oil and thistle extract does not cure Camallanus. Beware of this.
Also, it is possible that given time and a robust biology, a fish can overcome Camallanus on its own, however reinfection chances are extremely high. I could not kill female worms with Levamisole alone, yet one of my fish at some point suddenly had no more adult females sticking out its vent. I suspect this was because the tissue the worm was attached to eventually necrotized, causing it to fall off. Or it might have just not inherited resistance. Weeks later this fish is still active and healthy, so it was likely able to overcome any possible secondary infections from the removal, or perhaps the worm(s) just weren't very well attached to begin with.
Effectiveness on larvae/eggs isn't included in this as I have no way of confirming it. Regardless, every treatment for Camallanus recommends to dose again after 3 weeks when any intermediate-host-generation worms would have hatched or reached the limit of their lifespan on the substrate, or when any still-infected fish would have almost mature worms. So even if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter because you just kill off the worms after they've possibly "hatched" or infected but before they've sexually matured and can spread more.
One very useful source I found that actually tested multiple medications in laboratory conditions on C. cotti is this info sheet. Unfortunately, the original pdf is in German but since the google patent had a transcript in english for it I decided to make a translated version of the pdf myself for easier reading:
Mehlhorn, H., Schmal, G., Schmidt, J. Use of avermectin with derivation of epi-methylamino group (emamectin) or epi-acetylamino group (eprinomectin) and/or salts, for treatment of fish against parasites, nematode, Acanthocephala or Crustacea. Alpha-Biocare GmbH Patent no. DE102007002872A1. Available at: (Accessed: 8 Jan 2021)
Data Tables:
Drug Name & Family Kills or Removes Male Worms/Younger Worms? Kills or Removes Adult Female Worms? Easy to Obtain? Safety Margins Best Administered Resistance Common?
Fenbendazole (Common Dog/Cat dewormer). Benzimidazole family. Not IME Not IME Very easy High [1] Orally [2] Common resistance and side resistance
Levamisole (Fish and Bird dewormer).Imidazothiazole family. Yes IME Not IME Moderately; banned from vet use in Canada, but can be found here High [3] Orally [4] most effective, water column may or may not work Common resistance
Ivermectin (Horse dewormer). Avermectin family. Yes, may not kill entire population [5] Yes Easy to moderate; depends on form [6] Low [5] Orally Resistance can occur but far less common as it's rarely used for fish
Flubendazole. Benzimidazole family. Side Resistance likely if resisting a "-dazole" medication[7]
Mebendazole. Benzimidazole family. Side Resistance likely if resisting a "-dazole" medication [7]
And more, virtually all the same medications and far more difficult to find and dose than the ones listed above...
[1] On Fenbendazole safety margins: In much higher quantities than recommended in the water column, this can have a detrimental effect to fish. I doubt anyone does/will try the same thing I did, but be aware that a large amount of this in a smallish amount of water causes a great deal of stress on the body of a fish and can cause them to stop eating and eventually die in less than a week. This is probably true of any anthelmintic or fish meds, so don't repeat my mistakes and kill an innocent fish; don't put a large, unknown quantity of meds into a container with your fish, no matter how desperate you are.
[2] On Fenbendazole administration: Easiest to come by as most vets have it, it was what my vet recommended at well. It's one of the weaker Anthelmintics. Apparently only effective orally, however I was told by my vet to add it to the water. I did both and neither worked well.
[3] On Levamisole safety margins: The LC50 (lethal concentration) for fish is 250 mg/L (0.94 g/Gal) for 24 h in the water. I have yet to find a lethal dose for oral administration, fish seem to be able to easily tolerate food soaked in large quantities of this med, even having eaten it before the food has come into contact with the tank water.
[4] On Levamisole administration: I didn't find adding it to the water worked very well, but adding a small amount of water to the powder to make a pastelike substance then dipping food in it wiped the internal worms out greatly at least. Note that this med dissolves very easily in water so for oral administration to be effective you want your fish eating it almost the second it hits the water, or even before. My fish are aggressive and will attack my hands and the medicinal dropper I use so this method worked well for me as they ate it rapidly.
[5] Collymore, C., Watral, V., White, J.R., Colvin, M., Rasmussen, S., Tolwani, R.J., Kent, M.L. 2014. Tolerance and efficacy of emamectin benzoate and ivermectin for the treatment of Pseudocapillaria tomentosa in laboratory zebrafish (Danio rerio). Zebrafish, 11(5): 490-497.
This study and multiple treatment reports online confirm a low safety margin for this drug. It can easily cause neurological issues with fish and it is hard to calculate dosage as it's not made for aquarium use and the paste often sold for horses can result in unexpectedly high concentrations in food, causing deaths.
[6] Easily found as a paste for deworming horses on amazon, but this is not a "pure" form and thus it may be very difficult to accurately calculate a safe dosage. Additionally, a paste form will come with additional chemicals/additives which may have unexpected or negative side effects towards aquatic life. Non-paste forms of ivermectin are not nearly as easy to find and may have to be ordered from a pharmaceutical or industrial chemicals vendor.
[7] Flubendazole and Mebendazole have extremely similar molecular structures, and belong to the same "family" of drugs in the anthelmintics class, known as Benzimidazoles. The Benzimidazoles group includes Thiabendazole, Fenbendazole, Flubendazole, Mebendazole, Febantel, Netobimin, and many more types of livestock dewormers. If your worm strain is resistant to one type of "-dazole" it's highly likely it's resistant to others, if not all in that group. The only difference between Mebendazole and Flubendazole is that Flubendazole has a fluoride attached at the end of a benzene ring.
Non-Anthelmintic Dewormers:
Drug Name & Family Kills or Removes Male Worms/Younger Worms? Kills or Removes Adult Female Worms? Easy to Obtain? Safety Margins Best Administered Resistance Common?
Piperazine (Chicken dewormer). Piperazine family. Same drug class as Viagra Very to Moderately easy [1*] Orally; apparently 25 mg/10 g of food is recommended [2*] Resistance possible or may just be too weak for majority of cases
Emamectin Benzoate (AKA Nematol [3*]). Avermectin family of Macrocyclic Lactones. Yes Yes Easy in UK/EU through Amazon, also on the shelf in pet stores. Must be ordered internationally for NA, make take months to arrive due to customs. High, both orally and in the water column; well tolerated by fish. [3, cited above] In the water column is recommended by Sera, but in study [3, cited above] it was given orally, so both are possible and effective. Resistance HIGHLY UNLIKELY in North America, and probably also rare in UK/EU as it's not used very commonly.
Eprinomectin. (Cattle dewormer). [4*] Avermectin family of Macrocyclic Lactones. Yes [5*] Yes [5*] Easy if you're a chemist, might be impossible for anyone else [6*] High, both orally and in the water column [5*] Both orally and in the water column is effective Resistance extremely unlikely, I've only ever found mention of this med's use in that German patent, shocking it's not more well-known.
[1*] On obtaining Piperazine: Most small animal vets should have or be able to obtain this, but this is more an "experimental" treatment for Camallanus as it's rarely recommended so less flexible vets may not be willing to prescribe it. I was told by my vet that it is weaker than fenbendazole, however this might not be the case with nematodes. I do not consider it an "official" treatment either, not only because it is so rarely recommended but because few accounts exist on whether or not it works well. It is, however, a different class of drug and therefore may possibly have a more useful effect on your strain of nematodes than anthelmintics.
[2*] Source (look at section on piperazine)
[3*] Because this is the only fish medication that uses this salt as an active ingredient. Emamectin Benzoate is the benzoate salt of the anthelmintic Abamectin, or the 4'-deoxy-4'-epi-Methylamino Derivative of Avermectin B1.
[4*] Eprinomectin is the 4'-deoxy-4'-epi-Acetylamino Derivative of Avermectin B1.
[6*] With a quick google search I found you can get massive quantities of it intended for cattle use in the US, but this likely isn't made to dissolve in aquarium water or be safe for fish. The patent guide also mentions the methods you can/must use to make the ingredient water-soluble, so if you are able to access these tools and materials it's certainly possible. It's also possible that the cattle varieties are in fact water-soluble and fish-safe, but you would have to perform multiple tests or calculations to confirm this without risking the lives of your fish.
How do you know for sure Camallanus has been killed, or what does it look like when Camallanus is dying from an effective or semi-effective medication?
Here are some images I took of my fish (Fundulopanchax nigerianus, males) after dosing with Nematol (Emamectin Benzoate). Nematol completely killed and removed all mature male and female Camallanus nematodes 48h after dosing. Previously visible and moving red female worms were nowhere to be seen after this period of time. An effective nematocidal fish medication should take care of the parasites within 48 h. and no longer. If your fish still have worms after this time period, either your dosing was too weak or the parasite is resistant (more likely the case).

Worms (white lines just before anal fin) being ejected from anus, ~18h after dosing Nematol. Presumably male or young worms found in the intestines rather than vent; I noticed these types of worms have a pale yellowish color, when ejected at least, rather than the red females. This type of ejection of small internal worms was also observed, with a nearly identical appearance, when fish were orally fed Levamisole. I would call this \"Stage 1\" of treatment, with at least a portion of the population of worms being removed.
Treatment of C. cotti with Nematol (Emamectin Benzoate), ~24h. after first and only dose. Female nematode is hanging out vent of fish. During this time, movement of worms in and out of anus was not observed (during both Fenbendazole and Levamisole treatments, movement of females entering and leaving of anus never ceased). Blood pulsing through the worm was also visible, however worm was hanging out far far more than usual, and not motile otherwise. Within 12 h. after this, the female worms disappeared entirely, presumably ejected. I call this \"Stage 2\", and this stage guarantees your fish will be cured, because the most resistant and difficult to kill mature females are removed from the fish for good. After this all that needs to be removed are the remaining worms, and then recovery.
Worm ejection, 5 days after initial treatment. White color clearly indicates dead status of worm, which was presumably still attached by the buccal capsule somewhere in the body until its eventual ejection. I would call this \"stage 3\", or the final stage of worm removal from the intestines of your fish. They repel the last few dead worms out. After this stage, bacterial infections may be a risk.


Anthelmintics/Anti-parasite drugs that are relatively new or so little known about them apart from that they treat for nematodes that more studies need to be performed to find out effectiveness and toxicity towards aquatic life:
  • Tetrahydropyrimidines, according to study [1] causes spastic paralysis of worms as an effective class of nematocidal drugs, and according to this patent, fish are some of the safest patients for the drugs. However too little info is known and to my knowledge there are currently no existing veterinary medications which use these drugs as an active ingredient, making them nearly impossible to come by. A snippet of info on a compound that includes a tetrahydropyrimidine in the formula stated that lethal concentration occurred for danios after 4 days in a concentration of less than 100 mg/L (>0.4 g/Gal). However this isn't much to go off of nor does it tell us much about the use of it on nematodes.
  • Abamectin/Avermectin B1, apparently the benzoate salt that is derived from this make emamectin benzoate. Commonly used to treat livestock. According to study [1] it's also used in fish farms to treat fish lice, however I've found multiple articles (1, 2, 3) which conflict with this info and have found it to be highly toxic towards danios, so unless it's used in microscopic quantities at fish farms or commercial fish are more tolerant, they probably don't use the same form of it that these other studies have, nor the same kind used as an insecticide for crops.
Other Nematocides/Anthelmintics that are difficult to find info on, but with a bit of digging I found to be detrimental to aquatic life and should NOT be used on fish.
  • Spiroindoles, this is a lesser known class of drug but the only patent of it available for veterinary use I found in study [2] (derquantel) is highly toxic to aquatic life so I would stay away from this class entirely, especially since you cannot obtain this class without having other aquatic-toxic compounds mixed in
  • Organophosphates, Carbamates, Synthetic Pyrethroids, not all are for nematodes specifically but all 3 are veterinary anti-parisitic drug classes that should not be used, because according to this website on parasites, all have proven to be highly toxic towards aquatic life.
  • Artemisinin, a wormwood compound which apparently shows anti-parasitic activity but is toxic to fish regardless (category 1 aquatic toxicity = the highest toxicity level towards aquatic life).
[1] Lumaret, J. P., Errouissi, F., Floate, K., Römbke, J., Wardhaugh, K. 2012. A review on the toxicity and non-target effects of macrocyclic lactones in terrestrial and aquatic environments. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. 13(6): 1004-1060.
[2] Abongwa, M., Martin, R.J., Robertson, A.P. 2017. A brief review on the mode of action of antinematodal drugs. Acta veterinaria, 67(2): 137–152.
There's a lot more to be written about and revised here but I've been working on this guide for several days now in a reddit draft and I want to post it now as this type of research can be exhausting, no matter how passionate you are about it. Probably few people will even read this anyways because it's such a niche topic and I wrote like a bajillion words that can be a huge ass pain to sift through, buut... I learned a lot, I found it interesting and incredibly informative, so I sincerely hope it can help others too. I included as much as came to my mind and will add more to fill in the blanks but yea... I think it really covers just about everything endoparasite-related with fish and it's a lot more comprehensive than the majority of research articles out there, while still being long, detailed, and researched enough to be trustworthy and helpful (I hope). So for anyone struggling with nematodes out there... good job finding this guide, it shows you care a hell of a lot about your fish. You got this, you'll cure them, I'm proud of you. Good luck.
submitted by Shelilla to Aquariums [link] [comments]

A Response to Will Wilkinson's "The Useful Libertarian Idiocy of The Great Barrington Declaration"

Some of you may have seen Will Wilkinson wrote this unhinged article that’s been circulating on Twitter and Reddit. I thought about either making a long Twitter thread or responding to it in a comment on another post on this sub, but this is just so egregious I felt it deserved its own post.
First paragraph he says:
“The dominant expert take on the Great Barrington proposal is that it blithely disregards the atrocious death toll that “herd immunity” strategies, such as the Declaration’s “focused protection” approach, are likely to produce. At the same time, the statement egregiously misrepresents the long-term damage the virus might inflict upon those it infects but doesn’t kill. And it seriously understates the danger of the virus to working-age adults.”
So right off the bat he ignores even the possibility that focused protection can lower the death toll. Of course he doesn’t feel this even needs addressing, because he believes himself to be a high priest merely pointing out blasphemy. But then he links to a study that supposedly shows the GBD “seriously understates the danger of the virus to working-age adults.” Sounds scary. Here’s the study:
There are two immediate problems with this. The study acknowledges that the 25-44 age group in the U.S. has experienced the highest rates of excess mortality, but they fail to point out that, according to the latest CDC members, over 70% of those excess deaths are from causes other than COVID. Possibly this could change due to reporting delays, but the difference in the proportion of excess deaths attributable to COVID is stark between younger and older populations.
Two, the study itself is simply comparing opioid overdoses to COVID deaths in three regions (11 states). It found “Combined, 2,450 COVID-19 deaths were recorded in these three regions during the pandemic period, compared to 2,445 opioid deaths during the same period of 2018.” But it gets worse. New York, New Jersey, Louisiana, and Arizona are included in the numbers, states with disproportionately high numbers of COVID deaths. In fact, the (unweighted) average death toll per 100k from COVID for the states used was ~80.2, whereas the national per capita death toll is ~69.2. This means the states used had a per capita death toll from COVID 15.8% higher than the national average. On the other hand, from the best available information I was able to find, the states used had (unweighted) an average death toll per 100k from opioid overdoses of ~11.7, compared to the national rate of 14.6, meaning their opioid death toll was 19.8% lower than the national average.
(Edit: For those wondering, the true weighted COVID deaths and opioid overdoses for the entirety of the populations of those states are 76.9 and 9.5 per 100k respectively. So slightly lower deaths than the raw per capita average of those states, but fewer opioid overdoses as well, so same principle. 35% fewer overdoses and 11% higher deaths.)
Another way of framing this study, then, would be to say that opioid overdoses among 25-44 year-olds are keeping pace with COVID deaths even in regions with higher than average COVID deaths and lower than average opioid deaths. And in fact New York and New Jersey have experienced COVID death tolls higher than just about anywhere in the entire world. This is a totally bizarre study to cite to “prove” the GBD understates the harms to working-age young people.
The idea that we can protect the vulnerable through a strategy that cheers on soaring rates of infection is dumbfounding. It seems that the only way to protect the elderly, immunocompromised, and otherwise at-risk while simultaneously encouraging the spread of infection through the community would be to seal them off from the rest of the population, which simply isn’t possible, practically or politically.
Of course, what is practical is sealing off the entire population indefinitely from a virus, no pragmatic or political concerns there.
Consider a single mom, Maria, with an autoimmune problem (rheumatoid arthritis, say) who needs to take an immunosuppressant to function as a breadwinner and a parent. Surely it’s better for the whole family if the kids are attending school in the flesh. That means that Maria can support her family by continuing to clean hotel rooms. But now suppose everything simply returns to normal with the conscious aim of getting the bulk of the population infected. How do we protect Maria? She certainly won’t be able to go to work at the hotel to support her kids. And it becomes very likely that her kids will get infected at school, which may not harm them, but could pose a mortal risk to her. In that case, who will take care of them? How will they afford groceries?
We’ve all heard this before. “Uhh, but have you considered this hypothetical scenario I just made up 30 seconds ago? Yeah, checkmate Stanford, Harvard, and Oxford.” For one, there is no “conscious aim” of getting the bulk of the population infected. Herd immunity is a happy byproduct of infections, but even if it weren’t, it would still make more sense to seal off only some of the population until a vaccine. But this scenario doesn’t even make sense. This person wants to take a general suppression approach, but still wants schools and hotels open? And not only open, but generating sufficient revenue to guarantee the employment of hotel maids? Wouldn’t a general suppression approach require fairly extensive travel restrictions? Otherwise I don’t even know what we’re talking about in terms of an alternative policy, unless the plan is to contact trace the virus out of existence.
But of course the response is that, should “Maria” be working in a high-risk setting, we could simply extend her unemployment benefits, which would be far cheaper than shutting down the economy indefinitely. As for her children, they could either be allowed to learn virtually (less than ideal), or have some sort of pod for in-person learning in a separate area of the school along with other children who are at-risk or have family members at risk. Also, Lockdown proponents seem to be under this illusion that we can take a general suppression approach and also keep schools open. Well I’m in Massachusetts (which he praises later in the article) where infection rates are extremely low, and they just shut down our town’s high school for five cases out of 1,500 students. So if even places he thinks are “doing it right” are panicking and closing schools, I have no idea why he thinks at-risk children would be able to attend school in-person all year with Team Apocalypse in charge.
Reflecting on cases like these, which could be multiplied indefinitely, the proposal comes to seem pointless. Nobody is going to do this. What’s even the idea here? That a governor or mayor or city council will one day announce that it is now officially a Great Barrington “focused protection” jurisdiction and everyone will just shout “Hurrah!” and sprint to the nearest massage parlor or high step it to the hoe down whilst Maria and the old folks across the street and the neighbor kid with a rare lymphatic disorder …. What?
Not run to the nearest massage parlor. And you don’t “announce” you’re a “Great Barrington” jurisdiction, you simply implement policies consistent with a focused protection approach. I’m continuously amazed by this guy’s inability to imagine even the most basic and straight-forward scenarios. You just don’t send in the police to shut down massage parlors, and people go get massages.
They’re issued impermeable bubbles? We all know that nobody’s getting a taxpayer-funded bubble. And very few of us are willing to simply allow the virus to cull the weak. Which is why next to nobody’s going to try the Great Barrington strategy. And if somebody does try it, it obviously can’t work.
Oh well since you put it that way. And no they’re not issued impermeable bubbles.
There are these things called houses. They have walls the virus cannot get through.
Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home,” the Declaration’s authors argue. “Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume.” This is all very easy to say! But you can’t believe most people are actually going to go along with this amid soaring infection rates unless you think people are generally a bunch of amoral idiots.
So then what’s the problem with opening them?
I’m no angel, but it’s nevertheless important to me, as a matter of elementary moral duty, to avoid becoming a link in a chain of viral transmission that could kill somebody.
Yeah that’s the whole point of the declaration, to break the chain between vulnerable and non-vulnerable.
Lots of folks who get sick from the coronavirus take months to recover. There are widespread reports of lingering neurological effects. The virus seems to cause lasting damage to the hearts and lungs of many who get infected, including in those who showed no symptoms. John Barry notes that “One recent study of 100 recovered adults found that 78 of them showed signs of heart damage. We have no idea whether this damage will cut years from their lives or affect their quality of life.
Always beware of anyone who uses language like “there are widespread reports of” or “lots of folks.” They’re saying this because they’re cherrypicking outliers, which there always will seem to be “a lot of” in a population of over 300 million people. As far as the “showing signs of heart damage,” there’s a reason he presented it without any other context. He’s trying to make it sound as if the number went from 0 to 78. Professor and cardiologist Darrel Francis did a whole thread on the glaring statistical errors in the initial study. And, as it turns out, after corrections were made there was not a statistically significant difference in COVID patients and controls of a similar health status. Whoops.
Also there are several problems with this type of fear-mongering. For one, these numbers are often presented by journalists with no medical training. People hear “heart, brain, lungs, liver, kidney” and freak out. But there is never any discussion of actual severity or permanency of these issues, the latter of which we can’t even know at this point. Team Apocalypse treat this uncertainty as if it’s evidence in favor of lockdowns, but there’s no reason for that to be the case when we do have strong evidence of the negative health effects of those policies. And additionally we don’t obsessively scan the lungs/hearts/brains of flu patients without reason, so we barely have any basis for comparison other than knowing they occur with some level of frequency with other respiratory illnesses. And look, I can link to an article with a super spooky description too! This study shows 48% of elite high-endurance athletes showed myocardial inflammation following a common cold!
So mere personal prudence is enough to lead many of us to decline invitations to weddings, retire our gym memberships, and eschew dine-in restaurants. It’s enough to keep managers and business owners from calling their workers back to the office. Now add a functioning moral compass to mix. In that case, a moderate level of entirely voluntary self-isolation and avoidance of un-distanced and/or mask-free social situations becomes practically inevitable... Here in Iowa, we’ve never had an official lockdown, and we’ve had very, very few restrictions of any kind. Nobody’s stopping anybody from going to the movies, but nobody goes to the movies. Restaurants are open, but there aren’t many people in them.
So now he’s going to tell us that, hey lockdowns don’t matter anyway, because this is all completely voluntary!
It’s hard to tell the practical difference between the Great Barrington approach and Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds’ active hostility to city-level restrictions, mask mandates, and remote schooling. Yet it’s completely obvious, if you live here, that this approach hasn’t put us any nearer to “normal.” The governor’s aggressively laissez faire approach has delivered some of the country’s highest infection rates, but with very few mitigating economic benefits.
Oh, except it...does make a difference? Apparently lockdowns are all benefit and no cost! Sounds like great news, right? Well let’s just check to make sure Iowa is actually doing just as bad, if not worse, than their more lockdown-prone neighbors.
Iowa’s COVID deaths per 100k: 54
Michigan’s COVID deaths per 100k: 77
Illinois’s COVID deaths per 100k: 78
Well this is awkward, I was wondering why he didn’t link to any sources on that claim. But surely the economic benefit must be negligible to non-existent given the confidence with which he writes.
Iowa’s unemployment rate: 4.7% (5th lowest in the country)
Michigan’s unemployment rate: 8.5% (9th highest in the country)
Illinois’s unemployment rate: 10.2% (5th highest in the country)
Hmm, guess not. It’s almost like he’s just making stuff up in hopes nobody takes the 30 seconds it requires to google his claims.
I recently visited Massachusetts, which has responded to the pandemic far more aggressively and competently than Iowa has. It now has one of the lowest infection rates in the country, which is why economic and social life there was notably more active and normal than it is here in plague-ridden, anything-goes Iowa. This is not hard to understand. If people don’t feel safe, they won’t go shopping.
Oh good he’s talking about my home state, so before even opening google I can tell you how full of it he is. He claims Massachusetts responded “competently.” Deaths per 100k in Massachusetts? 144. That’s third-highest in the country and well over double the per capita COVID death rate in Sweden. And why is our death toll so high? Here’s a hint: ⅔ of our deaths have occurred in nursing homes and long-term care facilities. It’s actually impossible to even fathom how the government could have handled this less competently. Of course “competent” to Team Apocalypse just means implementing policies that are arbitrary, authoritarian, and ritualistic in nature, so I suppose it’s not surprising the whole article seems nonsensical to those of us who still speak normal English.
And what about our economy? Since our economic and social life is so much more active and normal than “plague-ridden” Iowa, this must be reflected in the numbers, right? Oh, nope, 9.6% unemployment, 6th-highest in the country (although thankfully down from July when we were number one). Keep in mind our epidemic curve peaked in April and has been flat for months at this point, yet we still have close to a 10% unemployment rate.
Finally, is there any evidence that Massachusetts is more active and normal than Iowa? Well we have mobility data.
Massachusetts Retail Relative to Baseline: -18%
Iowa Retail Relative to Baseline: -9%
Massachusetts Grocery and Pharmacy: -10%
Iowa Grocery and Pharmacy: +11%
In fact by every metric Iowa is either equally active or more active than Massachusetts, except for visits to parks (which is only because they’re going elsewhere, since the residential time is equal between the two states.)
This body of research includes studies like this recent NBER working paper, which takes advantage of huge sets of cell phone location data to confirm that official stay-at-home orders had almost nothing to do with the huge drop in mobility that began in late February and early March. A bit later, there was modest divergence in the rate at which mobility declined between places that had no stay-at-home order, places that issued orders early, and places that issued them late. But it’s evident from the data, illustrated in the chart below, that the slowdown of social and economic life started around same time everywhere regardless of official “shutdown status,” that the slackening of social and economic life reached its nadir at the same time everywhere, and the partial thaw proceeded at about the same pace.
Ah, so now he’s comfortable discussing mobility data. Yes, it’s true that in the initial weeks of the pandemic everyone was sufficiently terrified that we all hid away in our homes. This is because we were presented with inaccurate models and scary graphs showing an explosion of hospital bed requirements, with a red line hovering one millimeter above the x-axis showing hospital capacity. We were also told (lied to) that this would be temporary and last no longer than a few weeks, and at the time there was no pandemic fatigue.
But we do have a way of evaluating his claim. His hypothesis is that people voluntarily isolate once cases begin to rise. The virus did not sweep through the U.S. all at once, it arrived in distinct epidemic waves. That means we should see mobility trends fall in accordance with each subsequent wave. The Sun Belt had their wave over the summer. Do we see a drop in mobility similar to what we saw in March?
Nope, doesn’t look like it. Mobility in the U.S. starts rising again in April and pretty clearly stabilizes over the summer. It’s almost like people behave differently when presented with new information.
Our infection rate is relatively high here in Iowa. Still, ordinary economic and social life in most respects remains on pause or in low-power mode, so there’s approximately zero chance we’ll get anywhere near herd immunity before a vaccine materializes. There will be no “protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity,” as the Declaration puts it, because we’re not going to get to pre-vaccine herd immunity. And that’s not because anything resembling a “lockdown policy” has been imposed. The bars downtown were packed last Saturday with heedless undergrads cheering at the top of their lungs for the Hawkeyes. They’re simply trapping the vulnerable in their houses, stripping them of the freedom to safely undertake activities far more necessary and fundamental than watching the game in a drunken horde. The only reward we’re getting for our laxity is needless fear and death.
Wait a minute, what? Didn’t this guy just say Iowa was “plague-ridden” and that “Restaurants are open, but there aren’t many people in them?” Didn’t he just say that Massachusetts was “more normal and active” than Iowa? We aren’t even allowed to have bars open until a vaccine, nevermind packing in college kids to watch a football game. Forget about moving the goalposts over a matter of months, Team Apocalypse can’t even keep their story straight in the time it takes them to get up and get a cup of coffee.
As far as the herd immunity threshold, that’s a much more complicated issue. It’s absurd to say we’re “not going to get to pre-vaccine herd immunity,” when we don’t even know what the infection rate has to be to reach it, nor do we know how long it will take to get a vaccine. And no, it’s not a matter of 1-(1/R0) (, as population heterogeneity and partial resistance/pre-existing immunity also play a role. There is some interesting pattern in which rates seem to fall at around 15-20% antibody prevalence, but even this is difficult to estimate given waning antibodies. (Shockingly, a quick ctrl+f for Sweden yielded no results /s.) He also demonstrates a common misconception about herd immunity, which is that it is both binary and a fixed number. Even some immunity is still a benefit, and in some cases it can be a large one.
So what does any of this have to do with the libertarianism of AIER? Well, libertarians need to believe that, in this case and many others, a policy of doing nothing will work out because they think that government-led efforts (other than the protection of property rights) rarely succeed in improving our lives or securing our freedom.
This is quite ironic because the opposite is even more true. Team Apocalypse has an absolute religious devotion to the state and its ability to shape human behavior and society as a whole. Their entire worldview is motivated by a sick fetish for utopia. However, if you seriously talk to any of the supporters of the GBD, almost all of their solutions to shifting the burden of infection onto the less vulnerable involve government action, it’s just that it’s action that is less destructive and easier to implement because it doesn’t require micromanaging the movements of every citizen in the country for indefinite periods of time.
I’d guess that’s why the authors and advocates of the Declaration studiously ignore actual patterns of individual agency easily observable in places, like Iowa, which have very few restrictions. If they allowed themselves to pay attention, they’d see that the dismal half-life of pandemic America is due more to the invisible hand than the state’s whip hand.
Again, this is one paragraph after he just said downtown bars were recently packed with college students on a Saturday.
You might find yourself struggling to deny that the state’s authority can solve otherwise unsolvable collective action problems, supply otherwise unsuppliable public goods, and insure us against otherwise uninsurable risks. You might then become tempted to conclude that not only are we materially better off when the state does all that stuff, we’re also in many respects more free...That’s why a proposal released by the libertarian AIER simply can’t be one that accepts that our Covid woes result mainly from millions of voluntary acts of individual prudence and moral duty rather than “government shutdowns.”
At the risk of belaboring this point, this whole section in the piece is totally confused and incoherent. He again cannot decide the actual impact of government policy. He says voluntary actions can make us less free, and government action can make us more free. But also, the effects of lockdowns are almost entirely due to voluntary distancing. But then again, Iowa is doing much worse than Massachusetts, which took an aggressive lockdown approach, which is why they’re more free. Starting to notice a pattern?
I’ve argued repeatedly that we easily could have done what they did to similar effect. We could have followed our own pre-existing pandemic control plans and implemented a large-scale testing, contact tracing, and supported isolation program. We could have saved a medium-sized city’s worth of American lives as we moved swiftly toward the return of something resembling normal.
For context he’s talking about New Zealand, which is of course a completely ridiculous comparison. But he says we should have “followed our own pre-existing pandemic control plans and implemented a large-scale testing, contact tracing, and supported isolation program.” Ok well let’s look at our pre-existing pandemic control plan. According to the CDC, once a pandemic is declared “Patient isolation and tracing and quarantine of contacts should cease, as such measures will no longer be feasible or useful.” Theoretically if you entirely seal off your border and engage in rigorous contact tracing very early on you may be able to stop an outbreak, but it isn’t clear when the virus even first arrived in the U.S. We’re told that we should have been able to emulate South Korea (despite no other country being able to test on the scale South Korea did). But is it true South Korea stopped the virus in its tracks through contact tracing? “Although this study was conducted with a small size and unrepresentative sample, our finding suggests that the number of undiagnosed missing cases may be at least ten-fold higher than the total number of confirmed cases based on PCR testing.” And that also seems consistent with this study, which indicates that, between January and March, when South Korea was supposedly “taking the virus seriously,” contact tracers were only able to identify 0.16 out-of-household positive contacts per index case, which seems too low to significantly bend their curve, nevermind bring cases down to near 0.
Let’s look at Germany, which he also cites as an example worth following. The study found 1.3% of Germany had detectable antibodies, but the number of confirmed cases was 200,436. This means there is an undercounting of cases by at least a factor above 5.3. Oh, and cases in Germany are now spiking along with the rest of Europe, and they just announced another partial lockdown. Unfortunate timing for Will.
And here’s the dirty secret about contact tracing: basically every country has tried it in one way or another. Many European countries tried using apps to improve efficiency, but they were often buggy and had low usage rates amidst privacy concerns.
But this is the Team Apocalypse M.O. They wait to see which countries have low case rates and then smugly post articles about how we could be just like them if we gave up our backwards, individualist predilections. And since every country has taken some measures the Team Apocalypse have been demanding we implement (or just implement harder), they’ll find some reason to condescendingly lecture us about how we’re just not “following the science.” And if those countries suddenly see a spike in cases? Well, that will all get memory-holed and they’ll find their new pet example to badger us about.
Conclusion/TL;DR: This is the worst article I have on the topic of the Great Barrington Declaration, and I would even say COVID in general. He links to studies that are either irrelevant or prove the opposite point he’s trying to make, he constantly contradicts himself with respect to the role government intervention has played in the effects of the response to the virus, and he relies on anecdotes or personal experience when the data clearly doesn’t support his argument. In fact it is not an argument at all, it is an extremely confused diatribe against (what he perceives to be) libertarianism. This article is a total embarrassment and never should have seen the light of day.
submitted by accounts_redeemable to LockdownSkepticism [link] [comments]

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