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Teen Titans #8 - Who is Cassie Sandsmark?

Teen Titans

In Illumination
Issue Eight: Who is Cassie Sandsmark?
Originally posted January 2018
Blüdhaven wasn’t good for much. An old whaling town, the dirty, industrial cityscape was later transformed by wealthy, criminal investors, building its industrial district into a neon paradise, a city-sized casino idyllic as long as you never looked beneath the surface.
And though the Teen Titans were almost always preoccupied with minimising the rampaging of emerging metahumans, they would often strive to tackle the crime that lurked in the shadows cast by the neon lights. One such criminal was André LeBlanc.
See, the smarmy and greasy Angel Marin, one of the ‘philanthropists’ so cherished in Blüdhaven had held an exhibition to show off the depths of his riches, including his star piece: the Night Diamond, a priceless gemstone. This naturally presented a challenge for the self-styled ‘world's greatest jewel thief’ LeBlanc.
He was a wanted man internationally due to his masterful skills and cutting edge tactics, but targeting the home of such a dangerous man as Angel Marin, LeBlanc was - even to his own admission - pushing his luck.
The thief darted silently down the crime lord’s corridor, his footfalls suppressed by his rebalancing boots and his hi-tech jumpsuit hiding him from thermal sensors despite its garish white colour. On his cracked face sat a green monocle, which LeBlanc used to scan for traps in real time. As he ran, LeBlanc gripped the azure jewel tightly, the diamond no bigger than a golf ball despite its exorbitant worth. The man’s agility and resolve was unmatched for someone of his age, but unfortunately his resistance came in the form of three meddlesome teenagers.
Angel Marin slept soundly in his bed, LeBlanc having eluded all of his security, but the Teen Titans had already seen the thief’s approach. Thanks to a recent upgrade to Cyborg’s tech, the teen was able to piece together a wealth of technological information sources to track LeBlanc all the way from his previous heist, and now they were moments from thwarting him.
LeBlanc pushed into the drawing room, the window he had entered through still cracked open. But as the man emerged through the open doorway, the oak door immediately pushed shut. The thief turned back towards the door, drawing a glowing, white knife to slash out at whoever had pushed the door to, only to find an empty place. Furiously, he pivoted back toward the window, now to find the shadowy figure of the blue-clad vigilante blocking his path. Nightwing. LeBlanc threw his arm out, slashing at the slender assailant, only for Nightwing to strafe aside with a boastful cartwheel. “No thanks!” Nightwing spat, springing off of the ground and throwing himself at the thief. Quickly, he struck with his twin sticks, aiming to disarm the thief as well as snatch the stone from him in one fell swoop, but André wouldn’t unhand his prize so easily.
The thief swung out once more, with Nightwing this time much closer. Before the vigilante could bounce back, he cried as the searing hot blade streaked across his chest, cutting through his black-and-blue armour as if it were butter, exposing his pale and bleeding flesh.
Recoiling, the vigilante brought his hand across his chest, wiping the blood aside before clutching at his sticks once again. Nightwing leapt vertically and hooked his sticks around the industrial-looking chandelier above, using it to fling himself across the room to intercept the white-clad thief who continued his way to the open window. He landed and - stick still in hand - threw a fist out, striking LeBlanc cleanly in the nose.
The thief staggered, dazed. He would have just shot the kid if he had even brought a gun, though in his line of work a firearm was such a clumsy weapon. Narrowing his gaze on the dark figure he faced, LeBlanc focused himself. How strong could one kid be? Arrogant as ever, he then threw his knife aside and slipped the Night Diamond into his white satchel. He brought up his fists, ready to exchange blows.
The two men clashed, and quickly LeBlanc began to impress Nightwing as he dealt fast and powerful strikes. As they traded attacks, blocking and leaping up and down, they almost seemed to dance with each other, with LeBlanc using his streamlined gauntlets to deflect strikes from Nightwing’s escrima sticks. But LeBlanc caught Nightwing off-guard when he delivered a spinning kick to the vigilante’s head, flooring him with a manoeuvre Nightwing never would have expected from a man approaching forty. Though as LeBlanc turned away with a sneer, seemingly having bested the Gotham crimefighter, he turned to find himself face-to-face with none other than a towering, green gorilla. With a single punch, he was out.
“You know, I don’t know why you didn’t just let me just punch him sooner,” Gar grinned, morphing back to human form. As he rose from the ground, Dick produced a pair of black boxer shorts from his belt compartment, unfurling them and throwing them the way of the nude, green child as if it were a regular occurrence (which, by this point, it was).
“That’ll be because we’re sitting in the house of a dangerous gangster,” Dick smiled coolly, his hand pouring over his throbbing head, “Ever heard of ‘lowkey’?”
“Ah, you got me there!” Gar exclaimed, slightly quieter this time, “I’m many things but lowkey isn’t one of them.”
“Nice work though,” Dick replied, before activating his communicator, “Cyborg: you still on overwatch?”
Vic spluttered, suddenly bursting in over comms, “Yeah. Of course, sorry just got distracted by… things...”
“Finlay,” Dick continued, “Of course. I’m sorry. Look, head back to the roof of Iris Cove Casino, and we’ll regroup with you there.”
“Got it.”
Since Dick had discovered that it was an associate of Vic’s father, Jacob Finlay, who was responsible for stealing the Cyborg blueprints, as well as springing the metahumans that almost killed Vic, he had wanted nothing less than see the crooked physicist see what was coming to him. But what he couldn’t have expected was for the doctor to turn up dead - his neck wrenched - in Gotham River. It was a tragedy, and not at all what the man deserved.
The Teen Titans had attempted to follow up on the death, but had found nothing. That was until Dick received a clandestine call from Silas Stone.
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
The fifteen-year-old Cassandra Sandsmark emerged from the Music Box Theatre wide-eyed, her mind blown. Growing up in Buckinghamshire, England, Cassie had always dreamed of seeing a Broadway show, and it was every bit as amazing as she had expected it to be.
Her mother was an archaeologist, and therefore was often away for long periods of time, and when Cassie wasn’t couped up at her boarding school, her grandparents were too old and untrusting - despite their riches - to fly her out to New York. And though Cassie had finally gotten her wish, it was through the most distressing of circumstances. Now, though Cassie was raised by a strictly Christian family, she always found difficulty in believing in a God for one reason or another, so imagine her surprise when she was visited by the image of what appeared to be an angel, imploring her to flee to New York City, of all places, that she was being hunted and would only be safe within the bounds of that city so far across the pond. No answers, only urgency.
And so, the Fear of God firmly instilled in her, the fifteen-year-old stole as much money as she could from her grandfather’s bank account and grabbed the first plane ticket to the United States.
Though Cassie honestly didn't know what to expect. Upon arriving in the ‘greatest city in the world’ she had heard nothing from the otherworldly figure that had addressed her before, and she quickly began to realise that she couldn't occupy herself in her hotel room for very long. And hence, she decided to indulge herself in an overpriced visit to Broadway, and it was worth every penny to the young girl.
But now Cassie was lost once again. Cars hurtled past her along the wide road, as monolithic buildings stretched high into the jet black sky. There wasn't a moment of silence, the city filled with a cacophony of noise, even at this hour. Quickly, she pushed over to the nearest taxi, pulling her red hoodie up tight over her slender shoulders to keep out the quickly emerging chill. As the driver rolled his window down, Cassie doubled over, peering through the window to address him.
“Hello? Do you go to the White Ram Hotel?” she chirped in a polite tone.
“Do I!?” the driver exclaimed. He was a middle aged man with olive skin and a sleazy black tracksuit. “This ain't the subway. I’ll take you anywhere you want, hot stuff!”
“Excuse me?!” Cassie cried, pulling herself up. Sure, she was more developed than other girls in her year at school, but she was only fifteen. Surely he could see that! Right?
“I love me a British accent,” the driver sneered, “Say somethin’ sexy and I’ll give you half fare!”
Cassie was flustered and infuriated. Slamming her foot down on the pavement, she pushed away. “I’ll think I’ll walk, thank you very much!!”
And so Cassie took off down the street, walking against the flow of heavy traffic, the sounds of the city growing more fierce. Quickly, the black of the night seemed to slowly seep in around her, the darkness consuming her, but Cassie kept plodding on towards the White Ram.
As Cassie walked, a enigmatic presence lurked in the distance, watching her; stalking her from the shadows. There was a quality to Cassie, something powerful that just made her unignorable, something that called to the presence in the dark.
Unbeknown to this, Cassie continued on, eventually coming to pass the exterior of an old Irish pub that stretched along the street. Nervously, Cassie pulled up the hood of her red hoodie and picked up her pace, the footfalls of her black Chucks growing heavier against the concrete sidewalk. Something she’d call the pavement.
Though Cassie wouldn’t get off so easy as from the pub, right as she passed its doors, emerged three men of varying levels of intoxication, all swaying with the breeze. They each looked around thirty and each similarly struggled to keep their balance as they poured out onto the street. Quickly, one caught a glimpse of the young girl attempting to hurriedly make away, catching the side of her face as she walked past. “Hey!” He blurted out, steadying his lacking weight on his friend’s shoulder, bottle in hand. “You’re very pretty!! You should be… v… very proud.”
She ignored him and continued down the street, still a while off the next corner.
“Hey–” he repeated before bursting into a cry, “I SAID HEY!!”
Cassie jolted, glancing over her shoulder for just half second, enough time for a few of the boys to catch her eye. She turned away and continued on.
“HEY!!” Another man called after Cassie, this time annoyed, “He’s talking to you!!”
“Fucking bitch…” the first man mumbled to himself.
“No!” the third man called out, pulling the first man forward and snapping him out of his sulk, “N– No she doesn’t get to ignore you like that!!”
The third took off in a sprint after Cassie, continuing to define call out, “My friend wants to talk to you!!”
The first and second men looked to each other, too drunk to roll their eyes, and began to stumble after their leading friend. Cassie looked over her shoulder once more to see the three men clambering towards her. But before she could run, the man threw himself in the way of her path.
“No need to be rude…” he grumbled, his friends then catching up behind.
None of the men were cruel, but all were plenty menacing as they surrounded the 15-year-old girl, who stood alone and afraid in a city mostly unknown to her.
“Get out of my way…” Cassie seethed, her breath unsteady as she pretended to be as tough as she could muster.
“Ah! British!” exclaimed the youngest of the men, the one who had first noticed Cassie, “I like British!”
He placed a hand forcefully on Cassie’s shoulder as she faced away from him, and pulled her around to face him. “C’mere.” Instinctually, Cassie reacted, flinging herself back, and crashed into the chest of the man who had first pursued her.
“We ain’t gonna hurt ya!” the crushing man cried, only for Cassie to react by delivering a swift kick to the man’s groin. He fell quickly, groaning in pain.
“What the fuck, lady!?”
The man behind her jostled Cassie’s shoulder, threatened and enraged. Taking no shit, Cassie turned socked the man in the jaw, causing him to stagger back.
“Stay away from me!!” she cried before punching him once again, unaware of the third man behind her as he drew a knife.
But as the man threw himself forward to slash out at the increasingly violent young girl, out of nowhere flew a glowing gold chain that seemed to magically wrap itself around the wrist of the man’s knife hand. And with one quick tug, the man went flying several feet. Though as Cassie turned to see just what had occurred behind her, she saw not the floor assailant, but a woman, tall and draped in black, her skin lightly tanned and her hair as dark as her plated armour. “You need to come with me.”
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
The next morning, Dick Grayson pushed hurriedly through the S.T.A.R. Labs security checkpoint, already a registered visitor at this point. He didn’t know the cause of Silas summoning him, but he had guessed from the police cars lined up on the street outside that the scientist likely had information regarding Finlay’s death.
And as Dick entered the central lab, he was implicitly proved correct as he found Silas seated, the figure of a tall, muscular man in a beige coat and a black-banded, white cowboy hat. Immediately, Dick recognised the lone policeman as NYC Sheriff Saunders. It was rare that the man ever came out to investigate first hand since his election, and he and Dick had never crossed paths, especially while the latter was Nightwing.
“And… Dr Finlay: any reason to believe he had any enemies?” the Sheriff spoke in a gruff, deep tone, befitting of his fearsome silhouette and his fifty years of smoking. The man was no nonsense.
Silas took a second. A part of him wanted to pretend the man was a saint, but the truth was that he was far from it. Similarly Silas knew that what he had to said could incriminate himself, but was already worn down by the death of his coworker and his son shunning him for a second time. He had no time for lies.
“It was... I strongly suspect it was Finlay who allowed the meta thief - Selinda Flinders - to break into the lab. There, she not only freed her brother but also stole my blueprints for the cybernetics I used to treat my son from a safe that only myself and Finlay knew even existed.”
The Sheriff took a deep breath, still unaware of Dick standing in the doorway behind him. Carefully, he jotted down some notes in his small paper pad. “And what would Dr Finlay have wanted those… blueprints for? Industrial espionage?”
“No,” Silas sighed, “He wanted them so that he could save his brother the way I saved Victor, despite all my protests that the technology wasn’t ready.”
“His brother: This is Arthur Finlay, correct? Paralysed after a burglar attacked him in 2006.”
“That is correct.”
Saunders paused and took another long, deep breath, before launching into hurried speech. “Now it’s funny you should mention that as Arthur Finlay was nowhere to be found when we visited his estate earlier this week. Odd for a man who can't wipe his own ass.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying it’s entirely possible that Dr Finlay– that Jacob succeeded in ‘fixing’ his brother.”
The Sheriff smiled. “But that’s for me to chase up. Sorry, I shouldn’t have divulged that with you, - it’s as of current - entirely unfounded.”
“It’s fine.” Silas smiled tiredly, “We can all speculate. Now, if you don’t mind, I have another visitor.” Silas gestured graciously towards the door, where Dick Grayson was standing.
Sheriff Saunders looked across and his face immediately dropped, realising his mistake. “Ah, I see. Well, I won’t keep you then. Thank you for your insight, Dr Stone. We’ll be in touch.”
Quickly, the Sheriff wrapped up his notepad and made his way over to the door. As he exited, he tipped his hat towards the young spectator. “Nice to meet you, young man.”
And he was gone.
Silas stood, meeting Dick in the centre of the lab. “You know, I thought he’d never leave.”
“Was that it, Dr Stone?” Dick asked, perturbed, “You think Jacob’s brother killed him?”
Silas sighed. “That seems to be the leading theory, but no, that’s not why I called you.”
“Then what–”
“Christmas has come and passed, and this is the first year I’ve spent it without my Victor since he was born, the first year since my Elinore…”
Silas blinked.
“I wanted to give you a package. A gift. To give to Victor. A belated Christmas present.”
“He’s still not talking to you?”
Silas crawled along to his desk where, from a lower drawer, he produced a small purple box tied with a red bow, no bigger than a ring box. He held it out to Dick, his eyes so tired.
“Just please make sure Victor opens it,” he replied, “Won’t you do that for me, Richard?”
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
Silently, a robed figure approached the derelict apartment block in Avalon, Blüdhaven. This was the only known address for the Teen Titan known as Cyborg, but clearly circumstances had forced him to move on. The figure sighed, shaking her head before moving on.
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
“It was like my nan always said: that someday I’d feel something, and all that crap about burning bushes and… the big man in the sky would just slip into place.”
As Cassie spoke in the relative warmth of the drab, grey squat, her words were lost on Donna, who - despite having developed more than adequate conversation skills - had no idea what the young girl was talking about after she had asked her why she had come to New York City.
Cassie grinned, sat on the only chair in the apartment, as she registered her saviour’s bemusement. “I had a vision. It sounds crazy I know, but some angel came down and told me that… I was being hunted… and that I’d only be safe if I came to New York.” Her eyes were wild, as if she were reliving those impossible moments as she told the tale, “She told me some monster wanted to kill me, that it was the plan of the Gods that I remained safe. Truth is, I struggled believing in one God, never mind plural!”
Donna was beginning to understand, but remained bemused as she looked up from the floor to the girl she had found herself driven to protect. The idea that anyone could believe in just one God perplexed her. Surely there would be too many responsibilities for just one God to handle.
Shaking off her confusion, Donna stood up from the floor and made her way to the open window. Behind her, Cassie sat by the breakfast bar, wrapped in a shawl Donna had found in the bedroom. Donna needed to understand the connection she shared with this girl. They had to be connected somehow, or else what would explain the otherworldly, gut-wrenching pull towards her that Donna had experienced as soon as Cassie had stepped within a thousand mile radius.
Who was Cassie Sandsmark? That’s what Donna kept asking herself. What did Cassie mean to her? Though Donna supposed that to answer that question, she’d have to figure out just who she was herself.
Cassie sat up quickly, shrugging off her trepidation for the thrill of the adventure. “So is that it then?” she asked. Donna moved away from the glass to face her. “Are you my guardian angel? The person the vision said would protect me?” “I…?” Donna honestly didn’t know.
“Come to think of it: why are you wearing battle armour?” Cassie’s eyes were wide as she looked upon her fearsome protector, stood against the New York City skyline through the thin glass, “Are you - like - one of those Amazons? Like Wonder Woman?”
“NO.” Donna spat, suddenly recoiling. Immediately, she realised her mistake as she watched Cassie flinch back. Calmly, she elaborated. “No. I’m nothing like… I’m not Wonder Woman…”
“But I think I am supposed to keep you safe… from whatever monster is trying to harm you.”
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
Vic fumbled with his keys, half distracted by his conversation with Gar as he stood in the hallway of his new apartment block on Payton Street, attempting to unlock the door. He’d gotten into his new place over Christmas, his last home desolated when Shimmer and Mammoth attacked him at his home.
“So the guy goes through all the trouble of hiring these supervillains to steal your… thing and then just mysteriously ends up dead?” Gar jested, his voice animated and non-serious.
Finally, Vic turned the key and the two entered into his new apartment. The place was much more spacious than Vic’s previous place, with a more open-planned layout which Gar definitely considered an upgrade. Though a winter chill emanated through the place, visually it was quite warm, the Christmas decorations still up and on full display almost a month later.
The guy was my dad’s friend, Gar.” Vic replied, irritated. “If he weren’t such a jackass, he’d be like my uncle, so please take this seriously.”
Vic pushed forward, pulling off his thick, grey hoodie and laying it across the arm of his couch along with his keys.
“Dude, he tried to kill you!” exclaimed Gar, “That doesn’t exactly scream close family friend.”
“A man is dead!” Vic snapped, his tone now deadly serious, something entirely unheard by Gar until now from his usually somber but amicable friend, “Get a grip.”
Gar lingered in the doorway. He took a deep breath. Vic was right. “I– I’m sorry, man. I guess that’s just how I cope with... things. He was your friend, I get it.” He stepped forward, slowly pushing the door shut behind him.
Jacob Finlay wasn’t a friend of Victor’s. In fact, Vic could never stand the man. But it saddened Vic deeply to know that he was gone, even after all the hurt he had caused him.
Slowly, Vic made his way over to the fridge, feeling his stomach yearn for a snack. He opened the metallic white door and looked upon its contents with disappointment. He sighed.
“I know we just got in, but do you fancy heading back out for food?” Gar suggested earnestly, “I know a diner that’s cool with people like us in downtown Blüd.”
’People like us’. Vic was used to that meaning something else, but he supposed he did have that in common with his plucky, if not crass, young friend. They were both outcasts due to their appearance. Vic was half-metal, Gar was green. On the rare occasions Vic had left the house as himself (rather than the superhero Cyborg) he made sure to never stay too long in one place, as to avoid anyone noticing his horrific visage under his shadowy hood.
“How do you mean?”
“This old couple owns the place,” Gar explained, “Man’s blind and the lady’s… well, actually open-minded and reasonable.”
Vic froze, actually considering the proposal. It’d been a long time since he’d sat down in a restaurant - however fancy - and eaten out. He looked to the empty, open fridge and then back to his discarded hoodie. His eyes flashed.
“Sure,” he smiled, “You wanna grab your coat this time? You’ve been complaining about the cold all day!”
Gar grinned back at Vic, deeply pleased by his response. “Yeah, one sec!” He ran, bounding across the floor and over to the hat stand Vic rarely seemed to use. From there, Gar pulled down his orange-red Parka and pulled it on in one fluid motion. As he did, Vic made his way to the couch and slipped back into his hoodie, zipping it up slowly.
The two smiled at each other and Vic - now stood closer to the door - pushed forward, wrapping his metal grip around the door handle and pulled it down. As he swung the door open, there stood a startled Dick Grayson, moments from ringing the doorbell"
“Woah!” Dick jumped.
“Dick!” Gar exclaimed, “We’re heading out to eat, you coming?”
“You?” Dick replied, pleasantly surprised to see Vic trying something new. “Uh, yeah… sure!”
From the pocket of his black pea coat, Dick produced the purple box he’d been handed earlier, nervously fidgeting with it between his hands slightly as he glanced up and down from it to Vic. “Though, uh… I actually came to give you this, Vic.”
Dick held the box out. Vic looked open-eyed to Gar and then back to him. “Dick, you already got me a Christmas present,” he laughed, walking over and taking the purple-wrapped present, eyeing it curiously.
“No, it’s… it’s from your dad. Cos you missed Christmas.”
Vic looked back up to Dick. “Dick, I missed Christmas cos I can’t stand the man. He made me into this… thing, and it was his lies that almost got me killed.” Without even looking, Vic tossed the box over his shoulder, it hitting the ceiling and ricocheting before landing between the couch and the television.
“Vic…” Gar moaned disappointedly.
“What?!” Vic cried, “He’s human garbage. Has that brilliant mind and uses it to constantly fuck with my life. I don't need him. He’d be better off dead.”
Dick and Gar both looked at him in stunned silence. Dick’s eyes flitted back and forth and his moved out of the doorway and into the apartment. He looked to Gar, an orphan like himself, and then to Vic. He nodded. “How about we go get that dinner?”
Vic took a breath, calming himself. He nodded reluctantly, his confidence shaken but determined not to let his dad ruin his victory. “Right, yeah. Sure!” he affirmed himself. “I– I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to–”
“It’s fine.” Dick smiled, turning to face the open doorway, “Let’s just g–”
Just as Dick had moved, replacing him in the doorway was a tall, hooded figure: one none of the teens had met before yet one that all three recognised.
“Holy fuck!” Gar exclaimed, “It’s Wonder Woman!”
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
“I was speaking with my former teacher Athena after I sla–” “Wait, Athena?” Gar interrupted, starstruck, as if he were taking notes, “As in Popped Out of Zeus’ Forehead Athena?” Diana nodded solemnly. The Amazon sat on a kitchen chair, comfortably at a level to explain herself to the three young men, who each stood.
“Athena revealed to me a child of both Ares and Circe roamed the man’s world, that… an adversary of mine sought to hurt the child, for the misdoings Circe had committed against her.”
Diana told the tale, her eyes hollow as she seemed to hold back some inconvenient truths, something Dick picked up on easily, “I was told that I would find the child in New York City, and knew that Batman had established a strike team nearby. So here I am, hoping you can lend me your assistance.”
Dick sighed, running his hand through the front tuft of his dark hair. He’d never met the Amazon warrior before, but knew that she and Bruce were friendly, with Diana being part of his ‘Justice League’ initiative. But Dick was disappointed to hear how the Teen Titans were perceived by the older heroes. “Batman had nothing to do with it. I formed this team, uh… we formed this team. Together.”
Diana smiled. “Of course.”
“So that’s all you know?” Vic replied, addressing the matter at hand, “Some kid is in danger in New York City. No idea whereabouts?”
“That was where I was hoping that you could help me,” said Diana, addressing Vic directly.
Vic smiled softly to have garnered any sort of attention from somebody as powerful and well… beautiful as Wonder Woman. “Well I suppose we could tr–”
“This doesn’t have anything to do with that other Wonder Chick running about New York? Does it?” Gar interjected, perhaps a bit louder than he had intended.
Diana cocked her head, moving her vision away from Vic and towards Gar, “I don’t know what you mean.”
“This amazing, gorgeous warrior. Long, flowing black hair. This awesome armour, all jet black and mysterious. She looked a lot like you actually.”
Diana’s eyes darted open as she bolted to her feet. Could it be? The doppelganger she had faced in the Trials, who had fought with her own skill and ferocity.* Had Ares sent her here? It was more than possible that she was an emissary of Ares, posthumously working to secure Ares’ progeny.
It was as Athena had said to Diana: death was the only way to transfer the mantle of God of War.*
“Gods…” she groaned, “I’ve fought her before. She is far more dangerous than the woman I seek to stop. If she gets her hands on Ares’ daughter, the consequences could be dire. We need to find them both and pray that she hasn’t already found her.”
Dick stepped forward. “I’ve been trying to locate this black-armoured Amazon since Gar ran into her a couple months back. She’s been being very discrete. I’ve tried everything.”
Vic stepped forward. “I haven’t.”
♦ ♦ T ♦ ♦
“Don’t you have any games? Or a telly or something?” Cassie sighed, stood peering out of the frosted window onto the New York skyline.
Telly?” Donna asked, standing a few feet behind Cassie, surrounded by a whole load of nothing. “I’m afraid not. This place doesn’t have much outside of shelter, and sometimes warmth.”
“Then what do you do for fun?” Cassie had been cooped up in Donna’s squat for some time now and was beginning to grow restless. Despite the drab decor, the place was an improvement on sitting alone in her hotel room, but the boredom was killing her.
“I’ve found the city to be the best source of entertainment,” Donna explained very matter-of-factly, “Although I think it might be best for us to stay put until we know you are safe.”
“And when is that? When the thing hunting me gets bored? When I get a follow up message from the angel?”
“I don’t think that was an angel.”
“That isn’t the point!” Cassie groaned, frustrated. “I just wanna have some fun!”
Donna stopped. She thought for a moment and then nodded. “Alright.”
Donna couldn’t recall much of her past, but did remember one thing that she had always enjoyed: combat. She didn’t remember all the details, but Donna used to love sparring as a child, with Diana, the monster that now plagued her nightmares. It was always so exciting, and it really seemed to develop an interpersonal closeness between the combatants. She smiled before removing her silver gauntlets slowly.
“What?” Cassie asked.
“Take them.” Donna held the gauntlets out for Cassie, one in each hand. Carefully, the younger girl took them and slipped her wrists into them.
“They’re too big.”
Donna grinned as the gauntlets seemed to magically adjust, twisting and forming into a perfect fit around Cassie’s forearms. Donna then flicked her own wrist forward, causing a cloud of black smoke to erupt from the palm of her hand. Cassie recoiled, watching the black smoke move and stretch before giving way to the form of a solid, golden sword. Donna gripped the blade tightly and pointed it forward.
“Wait, what?”
“We shall fight?”
“Well, you won’t have a weapon, so it’s more like exchanging blows. I’ve found it quite enjoyable.”
“Right…” Cassie replied, reluctant, “So what’s gonna happen?”
“I will make an attack with my blade, and you shall bring up your gauntlets to intercept. You’ll find them more than capable of deflecting my attacks.”
“Like…?” Cassie practiced thrusting her arms back and forward, flashing the silver gauntlets as she moved.
“Exactly! We’ll start slow.”
And they did. Beat-by-beat, Donna would move the sword towards Cassie, giving her plenty of time to bring up her gauntlets to clink against the blade. One strike. Two strikes. Three strikes. Four. Gradually, Donna increased her speed, and with her Cassie would begin to move with increasing ease and agility. She was a natural.
As they grew more and more rapid, their movements also increased in intensity. Before they knew it, both began to shift their footing until they were dancing back and forth around the room, sparks flying each time Donna’s blade crashed against Cassie’s forearms. First, Cassie began to cackle with laughter, then allowing Donna to join with a more conservative chuckle. But all this ceased with a knock at the door.
They stopped. Cassie glanced over to the door first, then Donna. They weren’t expecting visitors. Donna flourished the blade in her hand, furrowing her brow and narrowing her gaze, ready to attack whatever came through.
And just as expected, the door came crashing, the wood obliterated into splinters. Through it leapt a fearsome warrior clad in red and gold, a beast of a woman, a terrifying figure. The demon Diana.
Nightwing had tried to knock, but the Amazon warrior wasn’t willing to wait. Bursting into the room, Diana charged at Ares’ puppet, seeing her with her blade drawn, the young Cassie Sandsmark terrified beside her.
Donna slashed out as Diana came crashing down on her, unarmed yet incredibly dangerous, but the strike was fruitless as Diana evaded with ease, delivering a mighty punch to the centre of Donna’s chest. Diana of Themyscira didn’t need a weapon.
Donna stumbled, kicking over a small coffee table as Cassie scrambled out of the way. The demon moved incredibly quickly, far faster than Donna could comfortably comprehend. She hadn’t been this fast when they’d fought before. First, another punch to the chest, then grabbing Donna by the arm - catching her sword strike - to pull her close, only to pound her back into the ground.
As Donna hit the ground, she skidded, whipping back around onto her feet, beaten but ready to persist. “Your master is dead,” Diana seethed, “And you shall fall with the rest of his forces!”
As the two warriors clashed, Cassie scurried away, ducking and running for the door. However, she found herself blocked by the bodies of three young men: one some kind of robot man, one green and the other clad in blue and black spandex. “Ack!”
“We’re not gonna hurt you!” Cyborg panicked, holding his large, cold hands up.
“Like shit you don’t!” Cassie spat, her teeth clenched, pivoting back around to watch her friend fight off the red-and-gold blur of a woman. Wait... That was Wonder Woman!
Donna grumbled, moving her sword arm back and shifting her off-hand forward. She then allowed her bronze shield to materialise magically in her grip with a flash of amber light. “I see you have new toys.” Diana smirked, her gaze as steely as her black-clad doppelganger.
She was right. Donna recalled easily that in their last encounter, the one that haunted her, she fought Diana unarmed. Now, Donna couldn’t recall how she came to wield the magic required to summon her weapons, but she was more than happy to use them if it meant having an edge over the tyrant that had previously terrorised her.
Donna didn’t reply. Instead, she threw herself forward, shifting her weight rapidly across the wooden floorboards, heaving the mass of her shield against Diana enough to stagger her, giving her an opening to strike with her blade. Diana cried out and kicked, colliding her leg into her adversary’s shield and dragging her strike to the right.
Donna saw through this trick immediately, it was an attempt to disarm; to wrench the shield right from her hand. It wouldn’t work. Not if Donna kept as best a grip as she could. However, Donna had underestimated the strength of her foe, and subsequently found herself launched across the room along with the shield, leaving her sword by her feet, crashing down on a pile of wood in the corner of the shabby apartment.
She attempted to pull herself up, but couldn’t, her armour too heavy on top of the weight of her aching bones. Diana persisted however. Breathing heavily, she pulled herself over to her floored quarry, scooping her foe’s blade off of the ground as she moved. Finally, she stopped. Planting her crimson boots into the wooden floor, Diana loomed over Donna, a relentless, fearsome monster.
Diana looked upon her quarry, this supposed emissary of Ares, deliberating over her fate. Perhaps she had overestimated her, for the puppet Diana had fought during the Trials fought with such ferocity and intensity that she now found entirely lacking. It was as if she was another soul inhabiting the body of that abomination.
But that moment of hesitation on Diana’s part was exactly what Donna need to act. In one fluid motion, Donna burst from her pile on the floor with new mobility. After delivering a kick to the monster’s head, Donna swung her empty hand out in a wide arc. Instantly, the sword vanished from Diana’s grip, reappearing in Donna’s own with a black flicker.
As Diana staggered, Donna let loose with slash after slash before finally winding up for an overhead attack, a killing blow. However–
A shock wave exploded through the room, launching its contents as well as the two combatants. Donna hit the ground and skidded once more. Bloodied, she looked up to see Cassie between her and Diana, her silver gauntlets glowing white hot, her face mortified.
“She doesn’t want to hurt you!” she screamed to Donna before turning to look upon Diana, scraping herself off of the floor, “You don’t want to hurt each other.”
Donna stood up uneasily, her eyes still wild, waiting for Diana to attack once again.
“I…” Diana mumbled, gripping her bloodied arm.
“You’re Wonder Woman. You save people.” Cassie explained, her voice compassionate yet quivering, “And I don’t need saving. Not from Donna. She’s my friend.”
Diana painted, finally looking upon her adversary with new eyes, “... Donna?
Donna’s eyes flickered, filled with doubt. She looked to Cassie, then finally to Diana, and instead of a demon, saw an injured woman. She lowered her sword.
Diana saw this and recalled her parting words to the black-clad warrior, when Diana had pummeled her into the bloody waters during the Trials. 'Barely real and always a copy. What kind of emptiness must exist inside you?'
But when she focused on Donna’s eyes, those that so closely resembled her own, she saw not the rage she had seen during the Trials, but fear. Pure fear. There, she remembered.
“Great Hera, what have I done…” Diana groaned, looking upon her friend with a long forgotten familiarity. “Donna…”
But the moment wouldn’t last, for Gar was moments too late to cry out, warning them as a fearsome feline figure crashed through the window, emerging from the urban jungle of New York City’s skyline. There, the animal moved immediately for Diana, launching into an all out assault, no longer Dr Barbara Minerva, but The Cheetah.
Continued in Wonder Woman #21
submitted by AdamantAce to AdamantAce [link] [comments]

JoJo's Bizarre OC Tournament #5 - Round 2 Match 10 - Bert and Emilie "Dread" Delacroix vs John "Jack" Aurel

The results are in for Match 8.
Agnes and Arpeggi, in their shrunken states, continued to fight, surrounded by the rising flames of their lilliputian tower, fists flying and Stand blows being taken one after the other.
“You… Callous mother fucker!” Arpeggi cursed, Agnes feeling the singe of a heat blast both from behind and from launched wood. “We’re not aiming for a massacre!”
“You’re not,” Agnes spat out, then, pulling a tab on the table, a massive geyser erupting and launching his so-called ally away, “I don’t give a fuck about this place, and we’re in a Stand battle… And it’s all worthless, greedy scumbags watching! Let the fire spread! Let this place hit the ground so they see what someone with style can do!”
“You heard it here, folks! Agnes talked you all down… C’mon, where’s your passion! Don’t run out and away, c’mon! And here I thought you cared y’had money ridin’ on this…”
Conqueror Worm’s laughs reverberated as Glitch and William found themselves cooled by Ocean Eyes’ nectar, which found itself dissolving quickly but, for the moment, a functional barrier for the injured fighters, watching and listening to what happened.
“Th… They’re fighting each other up there…” William remarked, physically looking as though he was straining to force Ocean Eyes not to hurry up there and tear them a new one. “Glitch, we don’t have time to keep the flames at bay and call up another KST, and if I let Ocean Eyes up there it’ll eviscerate them, and-”
“What’s this? The kid is holdin’ back, afraid of his own Stand! Hey, kid, don’t hate this part of yourself! Ocean Eyes, it ain’t your enemy, that’s a part of you, what makes you special, so don’t be at odds with it! Embrace what it says, because it’s what YOU’RE sayin’!”
William was speechless, there, but his companion was less inactive in that time. Tiger “Glitch” Ricky simply hissed, then, her and her Stand hopping up out of the flames in an effort to brutally, mercilessly pounce upon the self-styled villain and the ally he had come to blows with. If they moved fast, they could bite through that shitty little twink’s neck right now!
Arpeggi grit his teeth, scrambling to find his footing as he witnessed the pouncing cat-stand, finding it hard to breathe among all the burning rubble, fading fast then.
Is… Is this how it ends..? Crushed and mangled as some lowlife’s burnt-up game piece..?
“And it looks like Glitch is about to take it! Shout-outs to Tigran, the only real one here, watchin’ through the fire and the flames!”
“Heh… This is just a bit of a sweat,” Tigran Sins answered, stifling a cough, “I’ll see all seven of these bastards run through games until they’re all-”
Arpeggi didn’t hear what was said next, only hearing his own defiant heartbeat. If he didn’t act fast, Agnes would die… Good riddance, right? But… Ugh, no, even scum like him, they don’t deserve…
He clutched at NEXT LEVEL until his fingers bled, and Glitch and William, both looking at him past their Stands waiting to attack, made curious sounds as yet more crumbled away.
And then, there was white. An overwhelming cascade of baking soda burst from NEXT LEVEL, smothering the flames rapidly as an obscured form zipped up the tower again, grabbing Agnes and hurrying away from the thrown-off Glitch.
“You… Why did you…” Agnes rubbed baking soda out of his eyes, coughing and looking at the form of Arpeggi in this new Stand. “Motherfucker…”
“I have responsibility over even a scumbag like you… You tailed me here, and I’m not gonna let you die and escape responsibility easy.” He turned, then, to William and Glitch, his new form revealed. “Now, actually help me, follow my lead, and I’ll kick your ass later. We need to survive this-”
All four of the fighters, then, felt themselves grow rapidly, their combined weight so close together crushing the table they were on, much as a nearby tabletop wargame that had been setup found itself buckling under the weight of Metra, Oh No, the Black Angel, and their motorcycle.
“Welp,” Worm said with a bemused laugh, holding up the slumped body of Tigran. “Your fire couldn’t hurt him, but smoke inhalation sure could! I guess that means…”
“The winner is FIRE, with a score of 65!”
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Graveyard Shift 12-17
Quality Graveyard Shift 19-20 Reasoning
JoJolity BADD GUYS 24-18 Reasoning
Conduct Tie 10-10
With no more reason to fight, it got really awkward and everyone just sort of ran out of Heartache Casino. William Eyelash, recalling his stand and lost in thoughts, was the last to leave, joining the others in leaping single-file out a window into a nearby alley.
There, though everyone else seemed tensely uninvolved, the Black Angel’s motorcycle revved, and she stared down Worm as he safely stowed Tigran inside his Stand-body, leaning on his golden sword.
“There’s still something I need, Jones… I’ll run you down to get it if it means saving the city.”
Worm laughed, gesturing with his sword. “This thing? You’re huntin’ me down for this… Ah! I see! You’re tryin’ to do that.” Callously, he tossed it, so suddenly they fumbled with it in hand. “Here ya go, then! I don’t much want what Jack Aurel’s cookin’ up either!”
The Angel, worn and exhausted, stammered. “I… You just… But…”
“Lookin’ forward to killin’ me, huh? Get in line, kid… Or waste your time right now! See, nobody here is botherin’, they can all read that it’d be a waste when I’m in such good health! City’s countin’ on you, yeah, and you won’t get many opportunities for bein’ called a hero as an adult. Make it count!”
Then, before anyone could say more, he darted through a nearby wall, waving William and the rest off with a, “Ah, we safely may trust to its gleaming and be sure it will lead us aright!”

“Asshole.” The Angel turned away, strapping the sword to their back and driving away. “Thank you, all of you. I’ll take this from here… Get yourselves help.”
There was silence as they drove into the sky, scarf billowing before them, and then Agnes started cackling. “You’re all fucking morons… If I didn’t burn that place down, we wouldn’t have gotten away, and some wannabe with no style would be going down as Los Fortuna’s worst villain! Fucking bow and grovel, Jack Aurel’s grave is gonna say ‘spat on by Agnes!’”
Nobody had the energy to dignify that with a response.
An anticlimax is leading into a super-climax, and meanwhile, an ant-loving little boy and an aid worker are racing through their dreamscapes, with a day left to vote there.
What is, as of the 1990s, ‘Capital Island,’ was the epicenter of Los Fortuna’s founding several hundred years ago, in the midst of a bloody Stand User conflict, many militias clashing for superiority, in the 1680s, starting with the death of the era’s own Andrew Tiffany, the missionary William Mandolin, and towards its end, knocking people into their senses through the awakening of exactly what he had tried to warn them of.
A grand T-Rex by the name of Megalomania had survived, dormant, underneath the land through the might of its Stand, coated in a goldlike substance, and awoken in a deep rage by the conflict of the locals. Megalomania was met in battle by a man out of place named Aaron Bruno, ‘Sir Aurel’ to most, and Memory Management, and when slain, crumbled where it stood into a pile of bones, feet firm in the ground.
Los Fortuna’s natural history museum was built around this monster’s remains, and Sir Aurel would turn its golden coat into a ceremonial weapon. The power these symbols were imbued with, even with their old purposes lost, were of great importance to the city’s stability.
Outside Los Fortuna’s Natural History Museum, Early Evening
In the blink of an eye, the attention of everyone within Los Fortuna had been turned to the natural history museum. That made sense, of course - considering the looming dark clouds containing the ghosts of the dead within them, the scuffles of the stand users outside of the building, and the vague knowledge that a ritual with the purpose of destroying fate itself was currently being performed within it, it would be out of the ordinary for people to not be paying it any attention. Even those who weren’t stand users that were up to date with the situation were drawn to it by the unusual level of activity surrounding it, from emergency services and VALKYRIE forces alike.
And then there was Bert. They were invested in the whole situation, of course - keeping up with the latest reality-breaking ancient rituals was the least that a wannabe god like them could do. Their status as an observer did raise a few eyebrows - they’d had to shake off both emergency service workers and VALKYRIE forces, who’d both taken the time to try and encourage Bert to leave the area for their own safety, clearly underestimating Bert’s own prowess.
Within the chaos, one could be excused for not failing to notice the drones Bert had been sending around to overhear and oversee it all. First, they paid attention to the chief of security at VALKYRIE, Ugo McBasie, who seemed to be getting interviewed by someone from the Fortuna Hermod, an ODIN-owned news publication (not their usual guy at scenes like this… Wonder what happened to him). Bert had heard that the man was a violent and irresponsible meathead who’d caused plenty of trouble in the past, but he seemed to be keeping a thin veil of professionalism for now. However, Bert couldn’t help but notice a young man in a blue aviator cap standing a few meters behind the reporter and staring daggers at him, perhaps keeping him in check somehow, occasionally piping in for comment about how it was all they could do to surround the place and wait for an opening if they didn’t want a meat grinder on their hands.
Meanwhile, Los Fortuna’s own city council chairman, Raymond Delwin Shimizu was discussing something of note with someone else, who seemed to have just finished an interview of his own. Bert didn’t recognize him, but the interviewer had called him “Chief Prosecutor Cavallo”, and she seemed as if she knew what she was talking about, so Bert opted to believe her. The interviewer, Jillian Something-or-other, had been running all over the scene, trying to get interviews alongside her oversized cameraman Bert recognized as having been that really huge cop who used to hang around Aurelio a lot of the time not successfully doing his job. Not worth Bert’s time.
Cavallo scratched his head in frustration. “Chairman, please tell me that you’ve made progress of some kind here...”
Ray shook his head. “Not much. That stand user that’s working alongside Jack Aurel, Akiko Mizushima, is making it impossible to get in - anyone we do send in is as good as gone. We haven’t even been able to get Admiral Pineapples out. Judging by your demeanor, I assume that the board hasn’t made much progress either.”
“No, doesn’t seem like it.” Cavallo let out a long sigh. “Every day, it’s just more and more work… Now we’re stuck having to deal with this. If nothing’s done, the board’s thinking it might very well cause a disaster unmatched by… Well, anything but the earthquake from thirty years ago. Something like this, bending the rules of the city, and breaking free from it… Los Fortuna’s probably not going to let that slide easily.” He shook his head. “Where the hell is the mayor through all this? Watching anime at home or something, probably.”
Ray remained silent for a bit, thinking to himself. “Well, we’ve got emergency services ready to act for now, and we’re working on evacuating any susceptible areas, but it only works so much.” Before Cavallo could respond, another reporter came up to Raymond, ready with a batch of questions for him. “Well, Cavallo, our work isn’t done yet, so let’s get to it. Saving as many people as possible here should be our utmost priority.” And with that, the two men parted ways for the time being.
Having listened enough, Bert began thinking to themselves. This was a tricky situation - they clearly couldn’t get in as is, but they certainly wanted to. Learning more about the situation at hand would improve their knowledge of the mechanisms holding Los Fortuna together, and gaining control over the ritual somehow would certainly be a feat befitting of a god such as them.
Bert stood in front of the museum entrance, taking another look at the chaos in front of them and continuing to think about the next step they’d take. So many different possibilities, so little time. They thought, and thought, and then one of their drones’ eyes glanced upon someone familiar - a blue haired, red eyed woman wearing a mask, trying to blend in and clearly resenting it, skulking around the perimeter of the area as though she, too, wished to enter.
Yet despite her efforts, Bert recognized her.
“Emilie ‘Dread’ Delacroix!” They declared it loudly, thoughtlessly so, approaching her with a hand raised. “Are you perhaps looking to find a crevasse through which to enter that place as well? It’s quite fortified, isn’t it?”
“Hm?” She wasn’t bothered by the way Bert drew attention to her, still wearing her same very extra outfit under the also quite extra hooded dark robe she was using to blend in. “Ah, pardon me dearly for having failed to notice you… You are Bert, from that incident where we fought on equal terms, yes?”
“I am that same Bert, Emilie ‘Dread’ Delacroix, yes. Though I doubt I could be much mistaken for others…”
“We are both quite conspicuous individuals, yes,” Dread said, taking the conversation into a nearby alley before VALKYRIE goons on the scene could prove it was her, “but no, I’m not terribly nonplussed about my abilities to infiltrate that place… Simply, I am attempting to assess the probability by which my approach itself, through the barricades erected, might occur. If your intentions happen to be helping me sneak through, then it is simply not necessary on any fronts… I have formulated a plan now.”
Dread, now appearing alone, walked through that alley curiously, looking around her and beginning to see her opportunity of approach - there appeared to be a side door there, at which a certain fish-themed hero was sitting outside, looking, Dread knew from their DMs, at funny images of her wife atop the T-Rex skull in the museum.
Yes, certainly, this would be-
“Whoa, hey, it’s you!”
Damnable. Had she been spotted, or..?
No, no, wait. The one speaking, a man also in this alleyway who smelled of cannabis, holding what looked like a GAP bag, was speaking to someone on the opposite side of it, disembarking from a sportbike and handing it to the rider, who was wearing a very ornate-looking golden sword which Dread had sworn she’d seen somewhere before.
“Thanks,” the Black Angel told this young man, accepting the bag and producing its contents - a Roman helmet and black bird-looking tokusatsu cosplay? “Green couldn’t make it himself, huh?”
“I made it,” the guy said, pointing proudly to himself, before blinking. “Oh, you mean like… Showing up. Yeah, no, there was a thing with a mammoth coming down from the mountains, he’s helping East deal with that. Feel like lighting up before you go in? It’ll take the edge off..!”
The rider removed their helmet, coincidentally perfectly timed for the strawberry-blonde with pale blue eyes to stare him down incredulously. “About a million people live on this island, Weedboy. Now is not the time…” The Angel ducked into the nearby building to change, finishing, “shit, yeah, it looks just like the Flying Men do… uh. you should get out of here now.”
“You kidding?” He asked. “I don’t wanna bow out right before it gets good! That’s, like, saying I think you can’t do it!”
Well, these two appeared distracted, so Dread would continue along her way, walking right past them and towards the blockade, towards where Jo was sitting casually, only to be interrupted by-
“Holy shit, it really is her! Stop right there, Dread!”
Oh boy, here we go. This had been happening more lately, since a somewhat frustrating individual went and opened his big mouth about her dangers on Bifrost. Turned out that the head of VALKYRIE was literally in the server, so now she had a bounty on her head after a modicum of investigation into her after that public statement, and her casual admittance thereof!
Two armored guards were pointing guns at her as she stood there, unfazed.
“Don’t come any closer!” One of them, an older woman, said, turning to her younger partner and quickly telling him, “if she approaches, open fire. She’ll eat you alive if not!”
“This again, are you being serious?” Dread was less than pleased. “I am evil, and a murderer, unrepentantly so, yes, but I do not eat people. This rumor is being so blown out of proportion that I find it quite tiresome.”
“F-fuck off and die!” The younger moved to fire his weapon, only to realize there was a knife through him, catching the gun by the trigger after running from his shoulderblade to his fingertip.
Dread didn’t need the help, but like a true friend, Kimijo Kaneko offered it anyway
“Wh-what the-” The older woman cursed as her partner was cut open and dropped. “Fucking useless moron! HEY, EVERYONE, KANEKO BROKE RANK AND DREAD IS HERE TO! NOW’S OUR CHANCE TO-”
The distraction, then, was all it took for Dread to take her first kill of the day. Of course it was fine. She read the news, she knew how these VALKYRIE people were literally at war with poor people.
“Sh-shit, those people just died! More VALKYRIE corpses, and Jo again..!” The stoner declared in the background, and the Black Angel, now dressed exactly like the birdmen many had seen before, paused in her efforts to run past the opening created by Jo breaking formation.
Nobody could hear it or see her lips move, but she apologized under her breath, clenching her fist, but the disguise had worked. 32 Footsteps, the primary guard which would warp away anyone who tried to enter, apparently had instructions to allow in anybody dressed like this, yet none of the intended recipients of this deliberate loophole made their way in.
“Dread, hello, friend!” Jo exclaimed in high spirits, sheathing her knife, but still speaking quietly as she hurried back into place, “good to see you!”
“Yes, it is most certainly fortuitous for us to encounter one another…” Dread agreed, walking and talking with her as the pair were watched in horror. “By any chance, may I come into this museum? I am absolutely curiously intrigued by what is going on within here…”
A VALKYRIE sniper was taking aim at Dread, then, as she entered, muttering under her breath, “got a shot lined up… I can take her out, and Jo a second later! Two bastards out of the way, at least, and-”
“Wait,” the youth in a blue aviator hat and goggles, speaking as VALKYRIE’s tactician, instructed, “hold your fire.”
“Sir, she just made one of our senior officers fall into rotten pieces! She’s chatting it up with this fish-bitch like it’s nothing!”
“I know, and I’m appalled too, but I think…” The Blue Kid paused, contemplatively. “No, I know it. Dread is here to defeat John Aurel, just like the Black Angel.”
Spinning and pivoting through the air, “Lou” Reed, dressed like a dark, sixth Flying Man, landed atop the skull of the t-rex, which had apparently been adorned in a cute little pirate hat. It made for a fine vantage point, then, to look all over the halls of the Natural History museum, noting one, two, three, four spots, grotesque and morbid statues Remix had apparently erected of ghostly abominations.
She was exhausted, injured from the three-way skirmish she, Metra, and Oh No had been forced to undergo and riding like hell to get here, but she had made it this far, and others had managed to get in too. She couldn’t choke now.
Seven minutes… I’ll just have to destroy those, and be back here in seven minutes. Easy enough… I don’t think I’ve been-
“Green, Orange, and Purple… I don’t believe a ‘Flying Man Black’ was ever mentioned, nor that any of the brothers were into swords.”
Shit. That voice, too… Lou turned around, then, seeing someone standing behind her, a man with long dark hair, brandishing a hammer and looking up at her.
John “Jack” Aurel.
“Even if you are what you appear to be and not in disguise, you should realize that you aren’t welcome here. There’s nothing to be done in this museum worth dying for, and no way to accomplish any more foolish goal if I were to raise attention now. Care to waste some of the time you have left and explain?”
Of course this would happen. Lou removed her faux-beak, helmet, and goggles, staring down at him as her hair billowed in the ceiling fans’ wind. “Jack… I’ve come here to put a stop to this.”
“You’re that kid who’s always running around, huh?” Jack frowned, twirling his hammer. “I hear what you talk about through the grapevine… About how we’re all victims of fate, forced against each other by Gravity. That Stand Users are always going to be molded by this… You understand it too. You understand that people like us prey upon the weak, that it’s in our natures and our place in the world. I want to remove myself from that… Remove these people from that, and atone for what I’ve done.”
“By killing even more people! There’s no way they’ll get everyone away from your blast radius, and you haven’t even given them the chance to!” Lou protested. “It doesn’t have to be this way… Don’t say this is how it has to be! We can save this place, free everyone from gravity, without barreling towards its destruction! I don’t want to kill you, Jack. I want you to stop this crazy, self-indulgent crap and help me do something real!”
“You think everyone deserves this? That Stand Users will simply reform without this? The cycle has started, and it will push to the end even if the wave guiding it fades away completely… Bastards, the lot of us, and I don’t intend to run from what I’ve done. I’ll give you one chance to run away, kid… the worst I can call you is naive.”
Lou drew the golden blade, seeing Jack wince as he clearly recognized its significance, all as her Stand appeared behind her. “We both know I can’t do that, even if I can barely keep my balance up here. And hey, maybe I will die here… Maybe I am fated not to see this through. But then, someone is gonna finish this for me! Your security is already compromised!”
“Fascinating… And you are utterly convinced that, should it work, those he’s slain to commence this ritual to begin with will return outside the city?”
“Remix is full of himself,” Jo said, nodding quietly, “but he and Jack, they researched a lot… Akiko and I, for helping this finish, we can finally go home! Be done with the bad city…”
“She has made this place remarkably impregnable,” Dread agreed, thinking aloud, “anyone who waltzes in waltzes into her backrooms…”
“Unless they have a ‘pass!’” A voice from within Dread’s cloak spoke, and as Jo raised her knife at it in defense, the pure-white, terribly contorted form of Bert tumbled onto the ground, stretching and reshaping into their typical humanlike shape.
“Don’t worry, don’t worry, they are fine, with me!” Dread assured Jo, frankly thankful to have that weight literally off her back. Bert was very light, but even then it was hard to walk carrying someone, let alone not give it away. “We have… Some history, and so I thought I might as well indulge Bert’s request to see this place as well. I apologize for not mentioning earlier, but it was quite dire getting in here past guards attacking us.”
Jo didn’t seem to mind, continuing to lead the pair around, even passing Akiko who was casually, distractedly reading some manga while in a bit of a pirate mood.
They also passed by another scene, slightly more concerning, of an injured old man in a Hawaiian Shirt, close by the frontmost entrance of the place and clutching himself as his fleet of four Stand-starships remaining fired at Remix, who guarded against it with ghost-objects while a Flying Man Red tried to find an opening to strike.
“You’ve been at this for hours, old man, die already! You have no place in the world I mean to birth from your bloodied, pulped remains!”
Pineapples stood, then, leaning against the wall, trying not to show weakness.
“I think that guy is going to lose, at this rate… It’s a shame, too,” Bert, the loudmouth again, remarked. “He might have been a worthwhile pawn in wrestling control away from this operation.”
Dread, Jo, Remix, and Red all gave Bert simultaneous incredulous looks, all in completely unique ways.
Jo drew her knife again, about to transform, only to dodge out of the way of the injured ‘Lou’ Reed, blacked out, helmetless, being knocked away and into the floor, the shock of which made her rise quickly, feeling around. “Where’s the- Shit!” As she sat up, then, feeling around for the saber no longer in her possession, she noticed that she was smack in the middle of something else here.
Hurriedly, she rolled away, standing herself up and looking to the injured Admiral. “You… You’re one of those MFAs, right? How did you-?”
Weakly, he gestured to Remix. “He brought me here in a damned urn! I’ve been fending them off to buy others in the museum time to escape… Everyone in this hall here and Jack, those are the only ones left in the building, minus masses and masses of ghosts. They’re harmless, though… Don’t worry about them attacking unless that guy takes them.”
“I see…” Lou, then, smiled sadly, clutching her bloodied suit. She looked to Bert and Dread, then, moving to get between them and Jack’s incredulous accomplices. “You said you wanted to take him out, right? I overheard…”
“Well, Bert has let yet another cat out of the bag,” Dread admitted, “indeed, I came here with the intent of dethroning Jack Aurel before he had a chance to complete his little ritual. Few others would even be able to get in here.”
“So that’s my role, then…” Lou smiled, then, sighing, ducking out of the way of the Flying Man sending a kick her way, a gauntlet-clad arm emerging from her body, grabbing his ankle hard, and swinging him into the Jo who was shocked to hear Dread say that. “I can’t do anything about Jack… Too fucked up from that ED match…” She grinned, then, mouth bleeding as she stared Remix down. “But this old man and I can at least keep these assholes from interfering!”
Dread, then, watched passively as the five erupted into battle, she and Bert curious about what was to come as, from each hand, the Stand which emerged seemed to fire odd projectiles at their foes. “The ‘I’ll hold them off…’ You’re styling yourself as some sort of exceptional hero, aren’t you?” She seemed amused by that, the irony of their cooperation. “I’m evil, you know… And Bert, at least, is morally ambiguous. But if you’ve settled on putting the city in our hands, have you any advice?”
Over the sounds of laser fire, Lou quickly found time to answer, “yeah, there’s… I brought this golden ‘saber’ with me, and it must’ve fallen somewhere by the T-Rex… In, in a bit over six minutes from now, this ritual of theirs is gonna go through and rip this island open. Before that… They have these ‘failsafe’ statue things, and…” She took a breath, retracting and wincing from a blow her Stand had taken. “Look, I don’t have time to explain it, but you need to smash those up first! They’re there, made up of spirits fused together, to keep these guys safe from the consequences of their own actions… To ensure their safety, and at the same time act as a ‘failsafe’ for the ritual. Gives you the ‘power’ over it, too, in the way that right now Jack himself does… That’s important to stopping it. So you need to smash them first, and then, right as the time passes for the ritual, when the skull of the T-Rex in the center starts to split open and glow and its mouth starts gushing water… Embed the sword into the opening in its forehead, right as it starts to shape. That’s the only way to prevent this at this stage!”
“The forehead particularly, hmm?” Bert asked, pacing curiously and avoiding a cross split attack from Red, who barreled into Lou and was barely blocked. “Why there, per se? Why nowhere else on the thing?”
“Ngh..!” Lou grunted, saved from a follow-up by Pineapples. “I dunno, that’s just where you have to do it!”
“Black Angel… That’s what you’re called, yes?” Dread smiled, turning away. “You will be thanked for this victory… Try to live long enough to witness it firsthand, won’t you?”
“I’d… I’d love to,” Lou answered, smiling sadly, “for five years now, when I first learned there was anything worth a damn in this world, I’ve wanted to protect that… The dark pit of despair that was the first thirteen years of my life, and even so much since, I’d love nothing more than a world where no person is fated beyond impossible odds to suffer that.” She grew serious, then, raising her voice. “Go, now! Leave this to us!”
Bert and Dread approached the T-Rex, impressed at the amazing height and Akiko’s snazzy pirate duds upon the thing, the lab-grown being whistling with impression. “A T-Rex lived ‘til three-hundred years ago… Preserved whole, in this city. It’s astonishing, isn’t it, Emilie ‘Dread’ Delacroix?”
“A curious anomaly,” Dread agreed, examining it from afar, even noticing that alleged sword in the distance. “I wonder why it survived that long, so far after its brethren…”
“It’s because it was a ‘Stand User.’”
Jack approached from the same room in which Dread spotted glints of the golden saber, announcing his presence with that. “That was its ‘fate…’ A savage, cunning animal, ripped from where it belonged. to be a problem to solve and squabble over, to found this city on its literal bones.”
“John ‘Jack’ Aurel… You’d best stand down.” Bert, helpfully, started. “You cannot beat us… Even if we only had seconds to overcome you, I would be too much for you to handle!”
“No, he’s going to fight, I know it.” Dread, meanwhile, prepared Joywave, staring him down with a pointed, grinning lethality. “I suppose introductions are not necessary, with how Bert here loves to say my full name… I am not one to make things curt or brief, John, but consider yourself toppled, usurped, bloodied and dead.”
“The lab accident with a God complex and by far the worst, most grisly of Jo’s friends…” With no real amusement, no happiness in his eyes, Jack chuckled, looking them over. “Of course, right at the end, my final test isn’t some hero… It’s exactly the worst kind of Stand User! The apex predators that I’ve preyed upon, that stand in the way of saving everyone who’s died to reach this point! Of course it would be someone like me to gain entry, wouldn’t it?”
“You speak with such confidence you’ll raise the dead…” Bert was curious. “Even if it costs more lives, such a thing is… That is the realm of gods, John ‘Jack’ Aurel.”
“Not today it’s not,” Jack answered, twirling his hammer in his hand. “Both of you… You’ve been driven here, standing in my way, as agents of ‘fate’ itself. Isn’t that the reason you were ‘lucky’ enough to pass through our defenses… Because you were meant to stand here, and you were meant to watch as every horrible, cruel thing you’ve done amounts to nothing in the face of these circumstances.”
He looks the two intruders over with sympathy for a moment, before steeling himself and clenching his weapon, Stand appearing behind him just as stone-faced. “You may be the puppet of something beyond your control, but you must understand that I can’t let you ruin the plan I’ve bet my life on. I bear you no anger as people, but your role here is something I can’t ignore. I’ll waste our time no longer in arguing ethics, let there be no apologies or restraint until this is settled.”
The other conspirators had been instructed not to intervene if it came to this point, even if it risked the collapse of everything they had worked for. Not if it threatened lives. An enemy to make it this far was deserving of being dealt with reasonably. As the critical moment drew near, Jack readied all the fury that months of waiting had stored within him, and accepted that this may very well be his final true fight.
“Five minutes on the dot now, until ‘that time…’ If what the Black Angel said is true.” Dread looked to Bert. “What do you say we demonstrate incontrovertibly to John exactly how confused he truly is?”
(Image credit to CaptainSpooky27!)
Location: A part of the Los Fortuna’s Natural History Museum. The area here is 75 by 75 meters with each tile being 5 by 5 meters. The ceilings here are 8 meters tall. The yellow tiles are the hallways and the green and purple tiles form the different rooms.
The white tiles have ritual shrines built on those areas. There are 7 shrines total and will be explained in further detail in the additional information.
The players start at the south of the map and Jack starts at the top of the map as represented by their tokens. The walls are represented by thicker borders and the dotted lines are the doorways.
At the top of the map, in the pink tile and yellow symbols, is the Golden Sword. It is currently pinned under 2 meters of rubble.
Each wing of the museum houses an exhibit, in the center is the main attraction a large T-Rex in display as denoted by the large grey circle.
The other exhibits are denoted by the letter on them:
  • G: The geologic exhibit, displaying and teaching about different rock formations and types
  • O: The two Oceanic exhibits, displaying the marine life and seabed of Los Fortuna.
  • C: The climatography exhibit, displaying the different temperature maps and features across Los Fortuna.
  • A: The Agricultural exhibit, displaying the various fruits and crops grown around Los Fortuna.
  • T: The two Taxidermy exhibits, displaying a wide range of animals in roped off and glass displays.
  • E:The Entomology exhibit, displaying photos and models of various bugs.
Goal: For the players, desecrate all the shrines and, when time runs out, have at least one of you, living and conscious, at the T-Rex with the golden sword in hand! For Jack, make sure the players don’t stop your ritual before it goes off!
The match will last exactly five minutes, unless of course players are dead before then. It doesn’t end just because players reach the goal.
Additional Information:
The shrines are 2 meter tall marked wood and metal structures, each having an strange carve effigy sitting in the center of them. In order to properly desecrate a shrine the players can do one of a few things, destroy the shrine outright, deface all the carvings made into the shrine, or destroy the effigy hidden within the shrine.
After destroying or defacing a shrine, the ghosts of the dead will begin harassing the players - three ghosts will move towards the player responsible for destroying the shrine (even in a situation where the stands are responsible: the ghosts will target Bert if a Perfect Hair minion destroys a shrine, and same for if anything affected by Joywave does so). These aren't strong, having flat 222 physicals and being partially see-through, but will increase in numbers as more and more shrines are destroyed. Strong enough hits can phase them out of existence, but they'll respawn ten seconds after at the spot that they previously were. They will go directly towards the players and can phase through any walls or objects that may be in their paths (but not out of any attacks), grabbing onto the players and trying to gang up on them once they're close enough to do so, dealing minor damage.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Red Carpet Rennaisance Emilie "Dread" Delacroix "Wow! It's a hand drawn original color illustration!" You’re a cultured woman, and this museum might very well end up being wiped off of the face of the earth quite soon, so you need to make the most of it while you still can! Make sure to visit and appreciate the various exhibits on display here! (Character Specific)
Suburban Regalia Bert "What a terrible person. If I wrote about someone like you, none of my readers would like it." So this man is playing at god, trying to control life, death, and fate themselves? What foolishness! Clearly, only you can do such things, and you do them best! Over the course of the strategy, prove your superiority to this “Jack Aurel“ and take him down a notch! (Character Specific)
??? Jack Aurel "Where the hell did you go?! Come out, you fucker!" It's now or never. This is the culmination of all of your plans, and failing is absolutely not an option here. During the fight, hold nothing back, and make sure to thoroughly defeat your opponents so that no one and nothing will ever stand in your way again!
(Jack sheet plain text version)
Link to the Official Player Spreadsheet
Link to Match Schedule
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submitted by boredCommentator to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

Does Star Trek use money? Depends on what you mean by "money."

One thing that you need to get straight when asking about the role of "money" in Star Trek is what exactly you mean by money. If by money you mean physical bills and coins, then it's simple to understand how they operate without them in their utopian future -- we will probably be operating without them in our dystopian present within our own lifetimes. That, I think, was the primary thing Kirk was bemused about in The Voyage Home -- not necessarily the use of "money" as a concept, but of "currency" in the sense of discrete impersonal objects that are traded for goods and services. And again, I think that people born within the last few years will have a similar problem with that when they look back at our benighted era: "You mean there was just money floating around and it was yours if you had it in your hand, no matter how you got it?"
Traditionally, money has been described as both a unit of account and a durable store of value. These two functions can be separated. When you use chips at the casino, they function purely as units of account, valid only within that limited environment. And in large companies, different departments often notionally "buy" and "sell" services to each other, without cash changing hands -- in those settings money is solely a way of keeping track of the flow of resources. In both cases, "money" (in the form of casino chips or budget line-items) functions more just to keep track of resources than as something you can "earn" or "spend" in a strong sense.
If you want to take your winnings (or profits) out of the particular sphere (the casino or company), you have to convert those tokens into "money" in the stronger sense of a durable store of value. In practice, this means you have to convert it into something that everyone else views as a store of durable value. On a national level, that is most often the country's own currency. On a global level, it's a major currency such as the US dollar (or gold, in previous eras).
And in fact, given the need to ultimately convert your internal bookkeeping into external value, most internal accounts are kept in terms of the target currency, even if money isn't "really" moving around in the sense of passing bundles of cash back and forth. That makes it hard for us to separate the two functions mentally, but they really are two different things. And there are real life examples where the two functions are more or less purely separated. For instance, if you had a chart dividing up the chores among roommates, with point totals attached to each chore so that roommates can mutually agree to trade equivalent chores, those chore-points would be money solely in the sense of a unit of account, with no reference to money in the sense of dollars or gold dubloons.
I would suggest that the Federation economy does use "money" primarily in the sense of a unit of account, but not in the sense of a durable store of value. From the individual perspective, it is possible to stockpile "credits" the way we stockpile "money" today, but there's no real reason to. In fact, if I were writing the definitive tie-in novel about the Federation Central Bank, I would suggest that Federation "credits" issued to individuals expire after a relatively short window -- an innovation that occurred between the TOS and TNG periods, since we know about profit-driven Federation merchants and even people of great wealth in the TOS era (for instance, Mudd's father-in-law and Carter Winston from TAS).
In neither era, though, would there be impersonal "cash" that is not tracked by a central authority. In fact, that would probably hold true for nearly all interstellar civilizations aside from the Ferengi or perhaps the Orions. The use of impersonal "cash" (gold-pressed latinum) is why they so often seem to act as intermediaries for criminal transactions, which would otherwise be forced to proceed on the basis of pure barter to avoid detection.
Such a system would basically amount to giving most citizens some form of universal basic income, which would function more as an allowance or walking-around money than a necessity for sheer survival. And that would allow Federation citizens to send "price-signals" to the authorities, so that -- for instance -- they would see that people like Mr. Sisko's gumbo well enough to justify continuing to let him have the exclusive use of a certain segment of the New Orleans historic district. But the majority of the economy would be centrally planned, given the huge outlays in resources necessary to build things like starships, etc.
This is, of course, one of the most debated questions in Star Trek fandom, so I expect a lively discussion, full of respectful disagreement and in-depth arguments.
submitted by adamkotsko to DaystromInstitute [link] [comments]

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC Tournament #5: Match 4 Jacob VS Richard

The results are in for Match 2. The winner is…
Peter “Treagon” Bequasimodo, with a score of 68 to Markus Ness Mathison’s 60!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Baker Street Rat Pack 16-14 Popularity was fairly even throughout the match, ultimately resolving just barely in Treagon’s favor.
Quality Baker Street Rat Pack 20-18 Reasoning
JoJolity Baker Street Rat Pack 22-18 Reasoning
Conduct Tie 10-10
The Heartache Casino had been trashed. A mixture of water and soda syrup seemed to leak out of most of the machinery, the vast majority of screens in the building had been slashed open, and the air was hazy with smoke. It was almost unbearably hot due to the air conditioning having been down for quite a while. Over all of the damage and chaos stood Peter Bequasimodo, Markus having been forcibly escorted out by security at what the hacktivist had thought to be the deadline for some horrible event. Treagon was pretty sure the fish guy wasn’t the one who had lured him here, but by all means, it seemed the only disaster that had come of this place had been what they did to it.
As casino patrons continued to stream out of the front doors and employees frantically ran around, Peter noticed a garish gold mess in the shape of a thin, middle-aged white dude approaching him from the VIP stairs. He was sharp-faced and red-eyed, with neat but longish black hair, wearing a gold-yellow checker-patterned suit over white, and everything about the way he carried himself suggested that he was the kind of guy who wouldn’t go anywhere unless he were the constant center of attention. He looked like he wasn’t hot at all, despite what had happened to the air systems (maybe they had a separate one upstairs..?), and carried under his arm a sort of envelope, clapping as he did.
“Well done, Treagon, well done… That was absolute chaos, and my premiums are probably gonna go up, but hell, my guests loved the show, and that’s what really matters, yeah?” He held out his hand. “Tigran Sins, ‘Golden’ to friends, owner of this place you trashed, and you, I think, could make a wonderful friend.”
Peter raised an eye and looked over him, realizing what had come as a woman dressed like some kind of pirate was also forcibly escorted from the upstairs and tossed out on the streets, shouting all the while, “my best customer fucking ruined meeeeeeee!” For some reason, Peter presumed that may have been who that fish guy was trying to flush out, but paid it no mind.
Tigran rolled his eyes, chuckling and brushing her off. “I swear, upstarts get a taste of the good life, and then they always do this as soon as it all comes crashing down. Never gets old…” He sighed with some amusement, then moved to pull free the envelope. “Anyway, I have something one of my clients has asked to give to the w-”
A fist connected with the casino owner’s face, which quickly turned into a grasp at his hair, yanking him down to knee him into the dirtied floor, Peter following through by smoothly dusting off the new letter. “Endangering your customers and screwing with me to entertain a bunch of high-rollers while you sit in comfort and laugh at their misfortunes… You’re my least favorite kind of scumbag.”
“My face! My faaace!” Covering it and panicking, the owner ran away in alarm, and now it was Peter’s turn to give security the slip. When he was somewhere safer, he carefully opened the unmarked, finely-sealed envelope’s contents, finding the quality of the writing to be the same as the last, but this time, rather than an unsigned threat, the handwritten note had been much stranger, most curiously reading at the bottom:
For the Institute,
Oh No
Enjoy M2? Looking forward to M4 and beyond? In the meantime, when this goes live, you still have over a day to vote in M3, the bout featuring an Octopus-headed youth, a thief, a shapeshifter, and a child who controls ants, all duking it out over weird gross fish.
Downtown Los Fortuna - North Island: Within Sight of the Waterfront statues, Triskele and Cocytus.
Not quite evening.
The streets were busier than usual in the area for a variety of reasons. Roadwork was underway in more convenient places, for one thing. For another, people had been curious about a plane which performed a miracle landing just up North, and a local small-time reporter was trying yet again to cover some facets of the incident and reach another fleeting effort towards a big break, workers all the while meanwhile toiling to fish the plane out from between two art installations. Thirdly, and most significantly, an old man was delivering a speech before a canal dock, the campaign van he stood atop flanked by two large and unfurled Los Fortuna flags and a private security detail.
This man was Wedding March, and despite being a somewhat overweight, balding, middle-height man whose well-tailored white suit was soaked in sweat from the day’s sun, any who paid local politics attention could identify him as the chairman of the Los Fortuna Metropolitan Council -- little more than a ceremonial upgrade over a standard councilor position on paper, but becoming the popularly-elected face of the city council had perks of its own nonetheless.
“My fellow citizens of Los Fortuna,” March began, a certain commanding aura to the way he articulated, gestured, and generally carried himself, “we are living in interesting times once more, I am afraid to say. In recent months, all number of bizarre crimes have surged to a greater extent than ever before, and once again, it is only the efforts of the ordinary heroes of this city that have kept us from collapsing… This Metropolis’ wonderful police force, its defense forces, from the volunteer organizations of Aurelio to the men and women of Valkyrie, yes, but also, our rescue workers, doctors, the journalists who keep people like me honest, never letting me have a wink of sleep…”
The crowd which had gathered around him laughed at that final point, March giving a self-deprecating smile. From there, he segued into further praise. “And too many other persons to possibly list! Yet in the strange incidents of this city, the danger these persons face is unique as well! A dear friend of mine, one who drew the very flags I stand for, who thirty years ago aided this city in its hour of tragedy even as he mourned his flesh and blood, said that in times like these, the people need more than ever to know that there is a place to simply be good, to be inspiring, to be forthright and demonstrate agency! You may be quiet, Los Fortuna, but I can hear you calling! I will work myself to an early grave if it means my fellow councilors and I can do right by the safety and comfort every last one of you deserves!”
The man continued postulating about the safety of the city, and the crowd didn’t seem to be processing all of it, yet they cheered anyway when he paused or gestured to.
It all felt so smotheringly fake to Jacob Brown, having gotten curious about the crowd while on a stroll through the city, having before then been idly people-watching.
You use his name like a tool to make the people cheer… You say you were friends, but I sure never heard him talk about you! I think you might be lying and lying and peppering in platitudes, just like every other politician, Councilor!
For a brief, flashing moment, Jacob called the semi-tangible form of ‘Megalo Strike Back,’ only to stop himself, remembering.
“You all seem a good lot, creative, constructive, well of intent, so I must ask you all personally... Help me make this inevitable into something that is not a tragedy, when the time comes."
That Andrew Tiffany had asked that of them all, and Jacob had promised his help with all the rest. He had seemed so happy, so relieved, to know that he had allies in this fool’s errand of his, and even though he was dead, Jacob Brown was never one to defy a promise.
The speaker would live, and Megalo Strike Back would recede. Still, to calm his nerves, he walked away, trying to deftly make his way somewhere away from all the lies.
Maybe he could find his fun for the day somewhere quieter.
In an alleyway, South of the rally…
Richard Stone was thinking to himself, having had much the same people-watching plans as a youth not half his age, though his walk was a shorter one, himself more winded by what had come, not to mention what had distracted him.
This Downtown in particular, it had interested him… He remembered the words of that young woman who spoke of the place, how apparently it had once been devastated by an earthquake, and then from there rebuilt… A bit of a museum trek confirmed as such to him, too. Was this, then, the history of the city’s canals?
It truly was amazing, the decades of stories that could be told by just walking around.
There were a lot of police in the area, and earlier, a man had been trying to avoid them, but also looking quite nervous in his own right… He’d a feeling that he should paint the man, perhaps, but he had only seen him briefly enough to get a quick sketch, and had since become preoccupied by searching for that guy, whatever trouble he had gotten up to, instead of checking out that rally up by the water.
It was a pretty damn nice drawing for a sketch of a man at a glance, by any standards bar Richard’s own.
All this going around looking for some guy… I really need to do more cardio. At least it’s an absolutely lovely day, and being this far from that district locals call ‘The Earth,’ I’m bound to find some excitement just by walking around a bit! And if it’s the wrong kind, it’s nothing that my ‘Heavens’ can’t get me out of!
Not long after expressing that, Richard did, in fact, find some company; a teenager, by the looks of things, had entered the alley, looking as though he were hurriedly shuffling away from something.
“Good day!” Richard spoke, waving at the youth with a raised hand. Already, he could see dark energies from this young man, but this was hardly something to phase him, simply standing where he was, holding onto what he was. “You don’t happen to have seen a man who looks vaguely like this, have you?”
As he held out his sketch, the newcomer gave him a curious look, then began to close the distance between them quickly. Stopping a few meters away, then, he looked at the thing, then at the man, shaking his head. “I’m afraid not… Would this be a friend of yours?”
Richard shook his head, which seemed to satisfy the boy. “No, a complete stranger… He caught my eye, as people do sometimes. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but there’s many people with strange abilities in this place, and I’ve developed, I think, a knack for feeling out where they’re active. I was hoping to track him down and paint him.”
“Most of our kind don’t speak so bluntly about Stands like that with total strangers,” this kid said, cutting through all the slight inclinations that he might be somewhat normal, then smiling, getting a little closer. “Someone with that layer of fearless honesty has some respect from me… You may not be so bad, Mister…”
“Stone,” he answered, “Richard Stone. I just wasn’t sure if you were one as well, so I didn’t want to confuse you, but I can see that’s not necessary! Tell me, though, what’s your name, since you now have mine?”
“Jacob Brown… I’m new here, you could say, and so I was people-watching… Happened to make my way here when the lies of that councilman became too much to bear.” The boy retracted a bit, then held his hands behind his back… Richard could tell he was up to something. “Tell me, though, Richard, do you think it’s dangerous to accost strangers in alleys?”
“I’ve been told,” he answered, “but sometimes, that’s where you meet the most interesting people, and I won’t flinch from that… Not all of the best stories parade through the streets, yeah?”
“I understand, and agree completely! That said, a fair warning, Richard, since you seem alright… you caught me in a really bad mood, and I just want to rip something open!”
Like that, he leapt forward, a knife now in his hands, bringing it with alarming speed towards his conversational partner. Richard, to his end… Simply stood and watched, and then, just before the blade could contact skin, stopped itself, Jacob pulling back and tilting his head. “You really aren’t afraid at all, then… Didn’t try to get away, nor summon up your own Stand to stop me.”
“You like to unnerve people and see how they react, is that it?” Richard asked, his answer implying the point of his inaction. “You’re honest, to a fault… If you were going through the trouble of announcing your bloodlust like that, I think you’d have told me you meant to gut me like a fish, or something else flavorful like that. Yet all you said was you wanted to do that to something. Not a lie, but a test. And lucky thing, too… If you’d actually meant to kill me, Jacob, right now you would certainly be dead.”
Jacob Brown started cracking up, then, hand moving to his forehead as he laughed and laughed, in a better mood than he had been since hearing that infernal speech. “You’re good… You really are good, Richard Stone! If you had recoiled or tried to run, acted afraid, that wouldn’t have reflected very well on your claimed interests in all kinds of people, and then maybe you would have become the ‘something’ after all. Talking to you has put me in such a better mood already… Is there some way I can repay you?”
“One,” Richard said, producing his art supplies once again with a nod, looking over his form. “Let me paint you?”
Not much later, that same day, that same alley…
The two fast acquaintances, not yet aware that they would soon come to blows, had a good time simply talking as the drawing ensued, and there was much to talk about… Both had quite dark, storied histories, and though both did value being forthright, some of what they got into utterly forbade it in function. It was nice, then, to frankly discuss matters such as the taking of lives and witnessing of violent, gruesome scenes.
All good things were bound to come to an end, though, as not long after the drawing had been complete, the hand of fate tossed with all its might something which would surely come between their new bond.
A violent crashing sound, followed by a mess of crimson liquid dancing in the air, surrounding the slumped, launching form of a man’s body, a flickering humanoid figure trying and failing to grasp at anything and everything before fading from existence, even Richard not quite able to make out what the mysterious person’s Stand was. Before either person could process anything, this anonymous Stand User had entered their eyesight by smashing headfirst against the brick wall of the alley directly between where they were standing.
“That’s…” Richard raised an eyebrow, noting the outfit and hair of what was once a man before them, now cut to shit and crushed up to boot. “I’m sure of it, that’s the man I was trying to follow.”
“Well,” Jacob said, moving to ineffectually, almost tongue-in-cheekily check the corpse’s pulse. “You’ve found him, I suppose. Might not be as easy to paint his face now, but…” He leaned in hard, squinting before pulling away. “The resemblance of your sketch seems to have been uncanny to what his face might have looked like unsmashed!”
“I’ll have to remember him, then… When I see a Stand User die, you know, I can always paint them perfectly from memory.”
Their conversation was interrupted by the chatter of a man on a radio, “yeah, got two men in an alleyway, right in front of a John Doe. Now approaching, over.”
“Oh…” Jacob said, slightly disappointed, “the police are here.”
“Looks like it,” Richard answered in a whisper, “play it cool, yeah? ”
Of course, both Richard and Jacob knew how horrible this looked right away, what with the officer drawing closer with a cold look on his lips, brow tensed and hands on his hips as he walked over to the scene, what he would be saying clear before he even came close.
Jacob, for a moment, was glanced at by the man, before he turned his head to Richard, getting closer to him. “Would either of you mind answering some questions for me?”
“Certainly, officer,” Jacob said, already feeling exhausted, “what about? Social studies? Pre-calculus? Ooh, I was always graded well in physical education, would that help?”
“You know that’s not what I meant…” That, then, earned an eyebrow raising from him, his tone growing concerned, rather than frustrated as he looked at Jacob and pointed at Richard. “Is he threatening you not to answer or something? You can trust me, young man, it’s like Councilor March said… It’s not just all these security companies, or those college boys in their ivory tower, or that fuckin’ Black Angel; police officers like me are doing our part too, and I say we’re doing the biggest part of all!”
That put Jacob in a bad mood, and Richard, noticing his new friend stiffen up, opted wisely to take over, “if I may, officer, I assure you this body literally just flew in out of nowhere while my friend and I were just talking here. We’re as confused as you are about this whole-”
“You expect me to believe that? Don’t make fun of me! North Island PD aren’t stupid, buddy!” Suddenly, the officer seized Richard’s hand, hard enough to actually make the weak older man wince, dropping the canvas upon which had been the sketch of the dead man - and immediately, the officer caught that. “If you’re not gonna cooperate, we’ll just have to bring you to the station and hear what you really know!”
And then, he held up the sketch of this person, glancing at it and chuckling, looking at the corpse. “Not a bad resemblance at all… You’re a half-decent artist, but a damned shitty liar. That’s settled now, you’re coming with me.”
The officer, then, dropped the canvas before reaching down for his handcuffs, occupied hand loosening in its grip on Richard without his notice, only for him to realize as he brought his arm back up that it wasn’t holding them… And that both of his wrists ended in grotesquely bleeding stumps, both of what they once connected to dropping uselessly to the floor.
Turning, slowly, in too much shock as he held up his stumps, he looked towards the boy off to the side, grinning with his mouth but looking at him with utter malice, hand formed as if it was holding something, but nothing appearing visible in the officer’s eyes.
“That’s not a term to toss around lightly, officer… I was in a wonderful mood until you went and ruined it, you know!” Jacob’s grin grew wider, then, and he stepped again and again on the lifeless fingers of the severed hand, the officer hearing them crack apart. There was almost a quality of laughter in his voice. “So run away now, little piggy, while I satisfy myself with this! This is one hundred percent your fault, you know, for trying to arrest an innocent man for telling the whole truth!”
Finally, the pain registered, and as he turned and ran with a look of utter inelegance, the officer screamed pathetically and bolted away, his expensive blue pants moist with an absolute sign of his fear as he tried and failed, again and again, to radio for help.
“I, uh… Appreciate the save.” Richard sighed, relieved on one hand, but otherwise, frowning with further thoughts as he picked up his canvases. “We need to get out of here, though… He’ll get help eventually, and then we are in serious trouble.”
“I concur… This way!”
The nearby streets, minutes later…
Jacob and Richard ran off, but sirens wailed in the distance, and both could see it with utter certainty… The officers in the area had been looking for an excuse to flex on someone, they had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and now, the situation had escalated even further.
Panting to catch their breaths, Richard looked to the younger criminal, speaking quite frankly to him. “You know, Jacob… There’s no way the cops are gonna stop until they have someone to pin this crime on, and we just gave them all the reason to make it one of us on a silver platter. There’s no reason for both of us to go down.”
“Yes I agree,” Jacob answered, bouncing from foot to foot, looking around, “much as I’ve enjoyed our chat, and don’t at all regret helping you back there, I don’t intend to actually go to jail for your sake. There’s far too much police could find if they looked into me, and I’ve made a promise to someone which would be in danger if I were ever in that hot water.”
“So we’re on the same page, then… I have every intent of being the one of us who walks away from this, even if it means they take you in. No hard feelings, yeah?”
Jacob, again, found the situation amusing, seeming to agree if only for the sheer honesty of saying that… It isn’t a deception or a betrayal if they totally understand where they are. “No hard feelings… If you survive this, though, I might save you a second time after all! I have connections at the Academy, yes, and I’m sure they won’t abide by an innocent Stand User facing charges, no! So try to live, and may the best man win!”
Without another word, Jacob bolted off, then, leaving Richard standing there, stretching, and shaking his head with bemusement. “‘If I survive this…’ This a game to him?” A sigh, shaking his head, then followed. “What a kid… Alright, then! Not gonna let myself get shown up here! I’ve been through worse scrapes than this before he was even alive, so it’s time to show him how it’s done!”
Open the Game!
Location: The streets in Downtown Los Fortuna’s north island. Fleeing from the police has forced the players away from all the art and history towards one of its more… Commercial subsections.
The area is shown here with each tile being 7.5 by 7.5 meters with a total length of 90 meters and width of 150 meters. The dark grey are each two lane roads, cars are parked and driving as normal here at around 30 miles per hour and the crosswalks are denoted by double white lines. The arrows show the direction of traffic. The players are represented by their respective tokens on the center crosswalks with Richard on the left and Jacob on the right side of the map.
The yellow circles represent cops, which focus on the character to whom they are closer in proximity. Though not marked on the map, there is steady foot traffic through the area and a regular flow of motorists, miraculously not killing anybody. At the start of the match, the flow of motor traffic is cutting the police off from the players’ initial positions.
The cream-colored tiles surrounding sets of buildings are sidewalks with general foot traffic, but not too busy. The inner light grey tiles are alleyways with the rectangles around them being various buildings or lots. The Orange rectangles (labeled “R”) are restaurants, the Blue rectangles are convenience stores (“C”), the Red rectangles (“F”) are fast food places, and the Grey rectangles are empty concrete lots that are fenced off by 2.5 meter tall fences (“L). The doors to each building are denoted by the yellow rectangles and the doors that lead to the alleyways are locked from the outside.
All of the above are currently open, and the things one might expect to find within them are, indeed, generally all there. They’re a little bit crowded in all of their cases, minus the empty lots, but easy enough for anyone to navigate. The paths from the sidewalk to the alleyways are blocked by 2.5 meter fences that are denoted by the bolded lines.
The top center area is a parking lot with the magenta being the entrance and the purple rectangles being the cars. The bottom center is a grassy park with trees denoted by the green circles.
Goal: Do not get caught by the police! The player that gets caught by the police first will be charged with Resisting Arrest, with more charges to come as the officers think them up, getting Retired as a result. Until one of them is, the police will literally stop at nothing to make it happen. No tactic is outright off-limits, but every possible course of action will have immediate consequences on the behavior of NPCs towards both characters. See below for details.
Additional Information:
Though it’s possible to leave any side of the map, these city streets all look so similar in this unfamiliar place… You get turned around way too easily! The map will effectively loop, in short. If you leave from the left side, like in a game of ‘Pac Man,’ you will find yourself on the right side, and so on. No NPC is capable of understanding or exploiting this phenomenon.
None of the police officers involved in this match are Stand Users, nor can they see Stand phenomena unless it’s a case where everyone can anyway.
The cops have 333 physicals, 3 in Cop (a competent enough but not particularly great shot with a standard-issue handgun, reasonably physically acute, can generally press civilians into showing them where they want to go), 5 in Slighted; basically, these guys are tenacious to a fault and will chase after players, but are also somewhat overconfident in their ability to handle this. They are armed with a baton, taser and pistol, and have hand-cuffs and a radio on their belt.
Police will chase the players they are following as best they can, and will not take their focus off their pursuit until someone they can arrest is sitting in police custody… In which case they will literally just sort of drop it instantly to focus on keeping him that way.
Officers will start off completely clueless to how both of you operate, but gradually learn the tactics of the player characters as the match goes on, so mixing up methods is important for outlasting them on a long-term basis.
The cops will not fire their guns on players unless they have a clear shot, and players have tried attacking them or committed any violent crimes during the match; that one dickhead in the writeup was a freebie. That said, the more aggressive players get with them, the more aggressive in turn the already disproportionate response will grow.
The longer the match goes on, the more cops will be chasing after each player; with each 5 minutes, a new cop will be on each player’s trail. One will also appear immediately from the opposite side of the map from the player if an officer is ever slain.
The civilians (222s with no relevant skills) will usually give you away to the cops if they know what direction you went or where you generally are, but being as indifferent as the average JoJo civilian, they need to be questioned for this to trigger.
Once 30 minutes have passed, each player will have a police helicopter begin to focus on them, relaying the player’s location information to the other cops if they can find them. If a player seems to be moving too quickly for cops to pin down, they will start coming in cop cars to chase them.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Masters of Funky Action Jacob Brown “Go ahead, shoot me! But prepare yourself; the moment you pull that trigger, I’m going to break your finger like a matchstick!” These officers are really quite vexing, and you need to vent more. While completing your objective, find creative ways to antagonize your pursuers!
Black Hill Estate Richard Stone “Hm? You think I’m just running around not knowing where I’m going? I ran here so I can kill you!” These damned cops may have ruined your day and forced you out of one of the cooler parts of North Island, but you still have a day to seize. Make the most you can out of the places you visit on the map in your strategy!
Link to the Official Player Spreadsheet
Link to Match Schedule
As always, if you would like to interact with the tournament community and be among the first to get updates for the tournament, please feel free to PM a member of our Judge staff for an invite to our Official Discord Server!
submitted by AzakiBG to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

[COMC] My cozy personal board game cafe after culling about 90 games, and terribly brief reasons why.

So I've been into boardgaming for a bit over 2 years now. BGstats says I have 748 logged plays with a time estimate of 552hrs which is probably a bit low. At max my collection was 65 games at once. Over the years I've gotten rid of nearly 90 games(a couple of which I don't remember and haven't tracked). My goal was to eventually get to about 30 or so games and be able to repurpose the shelf, that was once full to the brim with only board games, to hold my espresso setup and some cookbooks.
Here's the main shelf:
And the side one:
The big clear container is all the Small World stuff. I also have a crokinole board hanging around that has well over 100 games on it already since july.
I primarily play 1v1 with maybe 8 or so people regularly. Then I have semi regular groups of 3 and 4 players with different combos of those people. We all like very competitive games that we can play over and over and get gud at.
My top game is undoubtedly Catacombs. My friends always have a blast when they play and they're constantly bringing in new friends to try it out because it's so fun. Easy to teach and filled with unique situations and laughter, we play every week. Too many Bones is probably next up then it's a wild free for all among the competitive games.
The games that aren't locked in yet are:
Ecos(which is gone now).
OP Arena
Dale of Merchants
I don't think any of those last 3 are going to get cut, maybe OP Arena depending on how it goes over at 3 players.
My biggest surprise has been Enchanters. It's probably my game of the year. I'm really just adoring it. So easy to teach and it rewards skill and knowledge of the game. You have to watch every purchase your opponent makes, and the drafting is about twice as cutthroat as Azul. Playing through the entire deck every game makes it very strategic and the Overlords/Towns give a tremendous amount of meaningful variation. It's a highly competitive puzzle box. Plays well at 3 also so that's a big plus.
Newest game is Quarriors which I got thursday and we played 10 games of last night. Very surprising, an almost guaranteed lock in, tons of fun.
Oldest game is Trickerion which unfortunately doesn't get too much play. Hoping that'll change now that the big box stuff is in. We got it back maybe a month into t h e h o b b y.
So yea, we play lots of games with a very competitive mindset and we like playing them over and over. If you have specific questions about what's in my collection or want me to go more in depth about why something got cut(in the context of my personal group/opinions), leave a comment!
Here are some too brief impressions on each culled game along with play count and bgg rating(I use their rating scale definitions). If you want a more in depth opinion, please ask!
  1. AEGIS Combining Robots: 2, 4/10: Unexciting, obtuse, slow, unfun drafting, clunky gameplay
  2. Adrenaline: 2, 5/10: Boring, cool damage as area majority thing bogged down by slow and tedious gameplay.
  3. Aeon's End: 20, 7/10: Fun, cool legacy campaign. Good decisions. Lots of content. Only got played by 1 friend who's not around often.
  4. Apocrypha: 5, 6/10: Each of the 5 friends I played this with on separate occasions. "Why aren't we playing Too Many Bones?". Cool "living box" system though. Good Supernatural-esque theme. Wish they liked it more.
  5. Athlas: Duel for Divinity: 3, 6/10: Very very cool ideas on this one. MTG-like chess. Bogged down by terrain rules, large rules overhead in general, and "deck" construction time investment for not enough payoff.
  6. Azul: 10, 6/10: Fun, fast, only 1 person ever wanted to play. Took up too much space for a 6/10
  7. Battle for Rokugan: 4, 6/10: Needs fast, iterative play to be good. Nobody wanted to play it more than once.
  8. Battlecon(all of it): 35, 6(prev 9)/10: One of the first games I got. All the little niggles grew over the past 2 years. Fiancee hates it. Takes too long to play. Got Yomi in. Played that 40 times in a week, fiancee loves it. Battlecon takes too long to get to the depth of a character. Matchups are unique but feel boring after a few games where a single matchup in yomi has like, idk, 30+ games of life in it or more for us so far.
  9. Beasts of Balance(all of it): 10, 8/10: Pure stacking joy. Giving it to my fiancee's nephews.
  10. Bemused: 10, 7/10: Neat social game nobody wants to play.
  11. Bios: Genesis: 1, 4/10: No
  12. Bios: Megafauna 2nd: 1, 3/10: Save me
  13. Brew Crafters: 2, 5/10: Too dry. Beer buds don't want to play euros.
  14. Cerebria: 4, 7/10: Good ideas, good gameplay. Too many obtuse systems layered on top.
  15. The Climbers: 4, 5/10: Nobody liked this. Kills the party atmosphere. Don't want to play it in a non party atmosphere.
  16. Clockwork Wars: 2, 7/10: Too much rules/game knowledge burden to get anyone to play.
  17. Cosmic Encounter(All of it): 8, 7/10: Everyone wants to play Chaosmos more.
  18. Crystal Clans: 6, 6/10: Snappy, fun, didn't do enough to justify space on the shelf
  19. Cutthroat Caverns: 0, ?/10: Pulled this out on 2 occasions with separate groups. "Wait that's the art? I'll pass." New edition looks promising though.
  20. Darkest Night 2nd Ed: 6, 6/10: Only good solo. I don't do solo anymore.
  21. Dice Forge: 4, 4/10: No fun for anyone involved.
  22. Dominant Species: 0, ?/10: Could never get this one played. Too daunting to my friends.
  23. Dungeon Degenerates: 4, 7/10: "Why aren't we playing Too Many Bones again?"
  24. Ecos: 6, 7/10: Nobody wants to put in the plays for the drafting meta to take off and the game needs that to happen to be compelling. Good systems, good gameplay.
  25. Empires(wizkids): 2, 5/10: Needs a big group and is ultimately still boring.
  26. Epic PVP(Fantasy/magic): 15, 7/10: Good concepts and fun gameplay. Kinda overshadowed by Yomi, Puzzle Strike, etc and those game have more interesting matchups. Boxes take up lots of space for a game that will rarely get played.
  27. Epic Spell Wars: 2, 4/10: Needs to humor to hit to be compelling. The humor didn't hit.
  28. Evolution: Climate: 11, 6/10: App came out
  29. Exiled Legends: 2, 7/10: No good at 2p. At3p nobody wants to play over other games.
  30. A Feast for Odin: 4, 6/10: Slow, fiddly, not interactive enough. Compelling solo but I don''t solo no mo.
  31. Flamme Rouge: 1, 4/10: My group of friends after game 1 "well that was a waste of time."
  32. Fog of Love: 4, 5/10: More experience than game. We want competitive, iterative games with meta. We'll watch movies or read books for experiences.
  33. Founders of Gloomhaven: 2, 4/10: Concordia/Zimbabwe mutant gloomhaven baby. Very cool ideas, slow slow slow gameplay and obtuse rules. Nobody will touch this again
  34. The Fox in the Forest: 6, 5/10: "Hey wanna play cribbage instead?"
  35. Gloom: 0, ?/10: Got this as a freebie in a trade, never played
  36. Grimslingers: 2, 4/10: "This RPS mechanic is even dumber and more obtuse than battlecon's" -my fiancee and #1 gaming buddy, who thinks battlecon's rps system is "really dumb and stupid obtuse."
  37. Hardback: 7, 6/10: "Let's play scrabble instead".
  38. Heroes Wanted: 2, 6/10: Too complex for what it is. Humor falls flat. Long setup and tedious gameplay.
  39. Historia: 1(solo), 5/10: Everyone thinks it looks like a spreadsheet. Nobody wants to play a spreadsheet.
  40. Hyperborea: 4, 6/10: Very cool game marred by balance issues and a good bit of setup for what it is.
  41. Illimat: 12, 7/10: Cool game but we play regular Casino much more often and enjoy it more than illimat.
  42. Import/Export: 10, 7/10: Sold to get new version coming next year.
  43. Impulse 2nd Ed: 1, 4/10: waaaaay too opaque and needlessly complex.
  44. Innovation Deluxe: 12, 6/10: Used to be a 8 but cooled off after more plays and got overlooked in a wall of 65 games. Half-heartedly looking to get it again if it comes up for swap.
  45. Istanbul: 1, 5/10: App's out.
  46. John Company: 1, 6/10: Experience that needs lots of people who all would rather play an actual game.
  47. Karmaka: 2, 4/10: Forgettable card game with neat art.
  48. Keyper: 3, 5/10: Too much hassle to get to deeper play. Not interactive enough.
  49. King's Chamption: 1, 3/10: A mess of a small box game. Fiddly, annoying, overlong.
  50. Legend of Korra Pro Bending Deluxe: 4, 6/10: Only 1 friend wanted to learn this one. Needs commitment to be good. Lots of depth and customization to the system but not worth keeping around for 1 friend who's still only meh on it.
  51. March of the Ants: 4, 7/10: I love this game and want to champion it but nobody wants to play a game about ants that looks like it came out of an 80s bio textbook.
  52. Mistfall(all of it): 0, ?/10: Got this to boost a trade value. No intention of playing because, you guessed it "Why wouldn't we just play too many bones?"
  53. Mysthea: 3, 3/10: I think I actually wished for death on my second 3.5 hour game in a row of this. And then I still played it one more time to be sure. Cool ideas, waaaay too long. Make this a 1 hr game and I'm so down.
  54. Mystic Vale(All of it): 14, 7/10: App's out.
  55. Nations: 5, 6/10: Cooled off on this one quick. Buying icons to buy more icons to buy better icons to buy more icons to buy victory points.
  56. The Networks: 1, 3/10: 1st grade math was never fun.
  57. Neuroshima Hex 3.0: 5, 7/10: Cool concepts, a bit too long, overshadowed by other 1v1 games.
  58. Ortus Regni: 20, 8/10: Can't get anyone to play with me anymore.
  59. Patchistory: 1, 6/10: Very neat, good looking game. Too involved, game is too long. Weird scoring interludes. Needs 3 players and I have better 3p games.
  60. Petrichor: 10, 7/10: Beautiful game that we're all collectively over now.
  61. Pixel Tactics(all of it): 8, 7/10: Only 1 friend wanted to play this.
  62. Roll for the Galaxy(All of it): 16, 7/10: Really good game but we wanted more heads up interactive stuff. Newest expansion is cool but some modules make the game way too long for what it is.
  63. Roll Player(all of it): 7, 6/10: Felt too much like doing my own puzzle next to everyone else. The drafting didn't feel good,. The monster thing was clunky. Overlong.
  64. Santorini: 21, 7/10: Gave to my buddy, waiting for deluxe edition to release eventually.
  65. Fate of Fantos: 0, ?/10: Could never convince anyone to play.
  66. Seasons: 7, 7/10: The most fun part is the draft then you still have 30 mins of sitting there waiting to see if your plans worked. Not enough interaction.
  67. Smash Up(All of it): 20 recorded(~50 actual) 6/10: One of my first games. Slow decline in interest over 2 years. Small World is better.
  68. Sol: Last Days of a Star: 6, 7/10: Good, beautiful game that could see a ton of play with the right group. We lost interest at 2 players and would very rarely actually play with 3 or more.
  69. Sorcerer(all of it): 2, 5/10: Just really middling. Nothing felt cool or explosively fun.
  70. Spirit Island + Expansion: 2, 3/10: Bought, solo play, traded, rebought, played with fiancee, stricken from the record of my life.
  71. Theomachy(all of it): 3, 3/10: About 1000 very cool ideas with absolutely 0 streamlining or focus. Could've been a very cool game but is just a nasty mishmash of mechanisms.
  72. This War of Mine: 4, 6/10: Better as a video game.
  73. Tragedy Looper: 0, ?/10: I guess "It's an anime logic puzzle" never got anyone's juices flowing.
  74. Troyes: 4, 7/10: I'm the only one who wanted to play this over and over. Not good for the once-a-month play it would get.
  75. Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down(all of it): 3, 7/10: Very cool, didn't like the direction the game was going with minis and all that.
  76. Untold: Adventures Await: 4, 7/10: I have more fun storytelling games that get played more often. Like Powerplay.
  77. Vinhos Deluxe: 6, 7/10: Cool game, too much setup/teardown. Needs more regular play than once a month but nobody wants to play it that much.
  78. Viticulture(all of it): 16, 8/10: Kinda just got over it. Traded while we still had some love for the game instead of letting it putter out and die a middling death like it was looking to do. Not enough interesting interaction or cardplay. Very pleasant and easy to teach though. A cozy vibes game.
  79. VivaJava: 2, 7/10: I can never get the 6 other people it takes for this game to be good. But it's VERY good if you can get that group together.
  80. War Chest: 7, 7/10: Have better 1v1 abstracts. Why waste time playing this when I can get better at those.
  81. Warhammer Diskwars(all of it...3x): 2, 6/10: This was a big get for a good price between my fiancee and I that never actually got played.
  82. Wingspan: 6, 4/10: This one just didn't work with my group. It was okay but it felt like busywork. Not interactive enough. Looks good though, maybe the expansion fixes some things.
submitted by Kazekeil to boardgames [link] [comments]

[Spark of Divinity] Part 28

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Check out the new story directory for other stuff on Reddit Serials - there are tons of great fiction here, and you might find something you really like :)
If you don’t follow my main sub or just aren’t familiar - the end-of-life for all of my stories like this is publication as a novel on Amazon, and I’ve got six out to date :D This week, I did a relaunch on my space opera/scifi series! If that interests you, check out this thread for more information!
When we left off, Terra and Alice had just left Heracles behind in the alley. Despite attacking Terra, he seems oddly conflicted about her war with Gaia. With him fading into the distance, they set their sights toward Fortune and Fate.
I sighed. My hand stroked back and forth across the skin of my neck, trying to work some feeling back into it. Or to work some feeling into it besides pain, rather. I was feeling that just fine.
Alice hurried along at my side, clutching her clipboard and pen. One of her braids had fallen loose of its pins during the commotion of my encounter with Heracles. It dangled along her face, bouncing with every step. “You’re sure you’re all right, mistress?”
“I’m fine.”
“We could stop, return to Avani for a spell. You could rest. Heal your-”
“I’m fine, Alice,” I said, biting back something sharper. “We need to keep moving.”
Besides, the looming white glory of Fortune’s home was right there in front of us. Right there. If I had to turn around and leave it behind me, I might scream from the frustration.
I froze, my eyes widening. Something was close - something small, something marked by the tiny scritch-scratching of claws on stone. Something like-
Alice yelped as the tiny white shape shot from around a corner. Her hands pulled up, shielding her face from the new threat.
I laughed, steeling myself. Claws dug into my legs a second later.
And then the fox sat perched on my shoulder, its face a thin inch in front of mine.
You survived.
“Surprised?” I said, forcing myself to relax one muscle at a time.
We are. But Master is amused. He laughs.
“I’m glad to know I’m entertaining, at least.”
Alice shrank back, still looking decidedly unsure about our new companion. “Is that thing...coming with us?”
“If it wants,” I said, turning back for the building. “I’m assuming Inari’s going to show up at some point?”
“Wonderful,” I muttered, screwing up my face at the thought of the god poking his nose into my business again.
More than just him, probably. Fortune seemed to be popular - or if not popular, at least needed. From what they’d told me back when I first signed Toby on, I needed the approval of Fortune and Fate to meddle in mortal lives. Or at least, their understanding.
They were aspects, anyway. Avani and Ebb had sequestered me away to keep me from interacting with other gods. Fortune probably wouldn’t do the same.
“Mistress?” Alice’s carefully measured voice slipped across the edge of my awareness. I’d stopped walking. Apparently, she’d finally noticed.
I kept twisting, ignoring her while I inspected the outfit Toby had devised for me. “I’m too conspicuous. I look like- like I just escaped from a-”
“Somehow, I suspect whatever you’re about to say will be wildly inappropriate for someone of your status,” Alice said, straightening her glasses.
I snorted. “Never stopped me before.”
“You never wanted favors from Fortune and Fate before.”
“I guess. I’m not going to stop being me, though.”
She sighed, wrinkling her nose and looking away. “You might try.
“What was that?”
“Simply remember your manners, mistress,” Alice said. “I presume someone at least began teaching you those, before realizing it was an exercise in futility.”
“Fuck off,” I mumbled, turning my eyes back to my clothing. If we were going to be around other gods...this was a bit of a problem. I stuck out like a sore thumb, thanks to Toby’s creative tailoring.
I pursed my lips, holding my hands up ever so slightly. Everyone else seemed to have some level of control over themselves. Fortune was running around changing from man to woman, dammit. I wasn’t asking for much. It wasn’t like I wanted to eliminate all his hard work. Just...disguise it.
I breathed in slowly, still burning at the motion. Heracles really fucked me up. I’d have to find a way to get back at him for that. But for the time being, I put that aside, holding the image of myself in my mind. A cloak would be nice. But, at the same time, with everyone here taking on some sort of semblance of modern clothing…
A whisper of air danced against my skin. Fabric brushed my cheek, my hair. I opened my eyes.
Alice stood a few paces away, her eyes on me - and an amused, smug smile on her face.
Elation shot through me as I moved, feeling something move with me. There was a new addition to my wardrobe. If this had truly been some sort of fantasy realm, I’d have called it a ‘cowl’. Given that everyone was dressing closer to normal humans, ‘poncho’ was about as good as I could do. It draped across my shoulders, falling from neck to waist in drab brown waves that hid most of my cleavage and midsection.
“Better,” I said, satisfied, and reached up to pull the hood over my head. The fox squeaked in my ear, sliding under the fabric and slinging itself around my neck as usual. Part of me wondered how it had stayed put while another layer was added. Part of me didn’t really give a shit. The no-fucks-given part won handily.
“Feeling better?” Alice said, holding a hand out as I stumbled forward again.
These fucking feet. They were going to be the death of me. “I’m fine,” I said, waving her off. “We’re right here.”
The fact I’d already lengthened my feet helped, too. I didn’t have metal to work with, but ‘wood’ was a broad category. It had only been a few changes so far, but already, my steps were more sure, more confident. All I had to do was find the right mix, and maybe I’d be walking like a normal human being instead of an arthritic, amputee grandmother.
Alice let her hand fall as I passed, falling in alongside me.
The golden spire of Fortune’s home rose taller and taller, filling the sky until at last I turned a corner. Just like that, the alley opened up, stretching from side to side into a courtyard wrapping the building in cobblestone paths.
There were other gods here, too. Fucking wonderful. None of them were paying me the slightest mind, which probably had something to do with the fact that my tits weren’t hanging out anymore. So that was a plus. I crept forward, wishing I had a decent pair of pants to go along with the new shirt. The rest of me was normal enough, but the legs were weird.
“Slow and steady,” I whispered, trying to ignore the sweat rolling down the small of my back.
“Relax, mistress,” Alice said, leaning forward to smile at me. “You’re like...a dryad, really. It’s not all that unusual. The children of the forest dwell around some of the Earthmother’s lands.”
“A dryad? Well, that’s just great,” I muttered, hurrying my steps along. “How many dryads trip over their own feet?”
Alice didn’t reply. And even if I was sassing her, it did make me feel a little better to know I wasn’t a total oddity. Taking another deep breath, I forced my limbs to relax, my legs to stretch out more naturally.
Maybe it worked. Maybe I was just kidding myself. But no one stopped me as I slipped through the grand doors into Fortune’s temple and-
My eyes wide and round, I looked from side to side, drinking it all in. Her domain had been normal enough before. Gaudy, yes. Ostentatious, yes. But normal. This?
This was like a gambling addict’s dream, the physical embodiment of foolishness and greed. Lights hung from the ceiling in multicolored, garish waves. A bar pressed against one wall, the backstop covered in multicolored glass bottles and neon signs. The rest of the room was filled with machines pressed side by side, close enough a person would struggle to walk through them. A blackjack table sat in the corner, a deck of cards still waiting on the corner.
The only thing that seemed truly out of place was the chess board set up in the very center part of the room. Everything else looked like it’d been ripped straight out of a Hollywood casino set. That? No. That was different - even before you saw the rows of chairs set up reverently around it. But, well, these were the gods.
And this was why I was here. Maybe Fortune had known. Maybe this was all intentional. It seemed like the aspect’s style to toy with me.
“Back so soon?” With my scan of the room complete, I wasn’t surprised in the least to hear the voice cut across my senses - smooth, and female, and as rich as I’d ever heard. Fortune sauntered out from behind a slot machine, her hammered-brass eyes locked on mine and a grin plastered across her cherry-red lips. “I heard you died, darling.” She winked at me, her grin widening. “Oh, I knew better.”
“Yeah,” I mumbled, feeling a blush spread across my cheeks as she stepped past. “Uh. Gaia really tried, didn’t stick.”
“No, it did not,” Fortune said, taking a seat at the bar and leaning on one elbow. Her chin came to rest on her outstretched palm, her fingers tapping against her face. With a start, I realized that Fate stood in the shadows behind the counter. He just...waited, as somber and rigid as ever.
A pair of fingers snapped. I flinched, looking back to Fortune. She chuckled, low and soft. “Pay attention now, dear.” She tilted her head to one side, inspecting me. “I didn’t expect to see you so soon. I presumed you’d hide, rather than pay your debts.”
My bemusement at her appearance and the state of her temple vanished in an instant. “My debts? I don’t owe you, Fortune.”
“You toyed with the life of a mortal, minutes after awakening,” Fate said. His voice rolled across the gaudy room like the tolling of a bell. “There are consequences.”
“I picked a prophet,” I snapped. “That’s allowed. It has to be. It’s bullshit otherwise. Besides, Toby is mine now. How big of a deal can it possibly be that I needed to get his attention?”
Again, Alice quivered at my side, silent. I turned away, exasperated. She was perfectly happy to nitpick and meddle when it was me sitting around. Put her in front of any of the aspects, though, and she turned into a sniveling puddle of obedience. She was my arbiter, wasn’t she? Assigned to help me? Shouldn’t she actually make that a priority, instead of kowtowing to the arrogant asses?
“Yes, I’m sure you meant no harm,” Fortune said, watching me from across the room. “All the same.” She shrugged. “If you weren’t here for that, well. What can Fate and I help you with, Mistress Terra?”
I almost winced. Almost. I caught myself at the last moment, wrangling my face back to a neutral expression. There was a lot of weight in that name - and in the title she’d attached to it. A lot of obligation, and a lot of derision. It was all her way of letting me know she had the upper hand, I was sure.
So be it. I folded my hands in front of me, tucking the edge of my cowl against my palm and pulling it straight. “I’m here for your help, ma’am.” God, the word burned on my tongue. But beside me, Alice gave a tiny, approving nod. I turned slightly, pushing her from my field of view. “I know...we didn’t start off on the best of terms. But I’d like to make it up, and, well.” I shrugged. “I can’t do that if I’m dead.”
“I suppose you’re not incorrect,” Fortune said, raising one carefully sculpted eyebrow.
In other words, I was right. She could just say it. My fingernails dug into my palms, carving white lines against my flesh. “Helping me helps you,” I said instead, locking eyes and doing my best to stare her down. It...wasn’t really working. She hadn’t even blinked.
Inari’s fox whuffed gently in my ear, then scurried free of my hood. It leapt to the floor, dashing across the tile toward Fortune - and climbed straight up her dress.
She...smiled. Her expression softened a hair, and she held a hand out for the fox to climb onto. Idly, she scratched at its ears with her free hand, pulling it closer against herself. The damn thing whickered.
Its golden eyes glanced back to me, though, and I knew better. It was Inari’s, and that meant it was probably just as manipulative as Inari was. I was still expecting him to come strolling through the door at any second, ears pricked and ready to meddle. Maybe this was his way of apologizing for letting me get tortured nearly to death. In his own twisted mind, maybe this was just how he repaid that debt. The thought of trying to untangle what he was after was simply too much for my tired mind to process.
But Fortune was smiling. And I couldn’t waste the opportunity Inari had bought me.
“I want to deal,” I said. I stepped forward, steadier than I’d been since waking up, and let my hands fall to my sides. I held Fortune’s gaze with my own, setting my jaw stubbornly.
“I have a proposition for you.”
Part 29
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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC Tournament #4: R6M3 - Gioia Arancini vs. Yuigahama Kaito

The results are in for Match 2...
Location - Washington, DC:
It had been quite some time since Pengolo had seen many of the Rascals. Since their home–however involuntary as it may have been–had been destroyed, they had gone their separate ways. Nowhere Man had retreated to his commune; Take had long distanced themselves; and Tunde had joined an alliance with other UU players. With this newfound freedom, Hive returned home and resumed his work with the Red Cross.
It was in his nature to help those when and where he could. And it was for that reason that his mind kept straying back to the fall of La Villa and all those who had been left behind. Hive had managed to convince Lucas not to dive back in for them with the same reasoning his Stands had given him: those still within would be safe as the escapees regrouped. Hive and Lucas had kept in contact since then, eyes to the day when they would reconvene to finish the fight. His dear Marcella would have to wait, just a little longer.
He perked up as he heard the door ring. Lucas hadn’t mentioned he would be around any time soon… he’d said he’d been across the country the other day. He smiled warmly.
Imagine his surprise it was another of his friends!
Sure enough, the woman was standing on his doorstep, donning a head wrap and sunglasses which she lowered to wink at him. “You sound surprised.”
“Well, yeah!” Hive wiped the shock off his face and beamed at her. Tunde had given him no contact info before leaving, but evidently still having kept tabs on him. But when he opened the door wider so that she could enter, she shook her head, staying on the threshold. Hive frowned. “Can’t stay for long?”
Tunde nodded. “Unfortunately not, but at least I bring a gift.” At this, the space behind Tunde warped and distorted, 「AmbitionZ」 shimmering into view. Hive recognized the Stand from its late user’s sojourn in La Villa, but even still...he lifted his eyepatch.
His new friend, 「Solid State Scouter」’s reticle focusing on the Stand leering before him. Even in the glimpse he got before he had to shut his eye and put back on his patch, he could tell much had changed about it.
Hive looked at her with some suspicion. “Where did you find 「AmbitionZ」?”
“I had to run some errands in Egypt. Share some notes, reconnect with some old friends, I thought you two might be able to get along.” 「AmbitionZ」 floated over to Hive, chittering happily to itself all the while, looking over him hungrily.
Seemingly mollified, he could feel the click of it attaching to him, binding to his soul. Could feel the slow drain of its weight on his flesh, as it began to be eaten away…such a wonderful feeling. He stroked over his arm. This Stand…「AmbitionZ」...he’d have to make himself the best meal he could be for his new friend.
Hive understood that 「AmbitionZ」 saw itself as a weapon, something aimless and destructive, but he was so familiar with aimless. He knew his friend was far from the death machine that others may have seen it as. But, if it were a weapon, he sheathed it, dispelling the Stand… for now. He could properly introduce it to the others later. He looked up at Tunde, only to see her walking back into the night.
“Hey, wait up!” He called, extending a hand. She turned a bit, a smirk on her face.
“I’ll see you soon, Pengolo. But I still have matters to attend to first. You do too.” She waved. “I’ll see you sometime.”
Tunde hummed to herself, paging through her trusty little book. So many labs, so many people, so much material… ah, this was a really wonderful day. A breakthrough. A chance to set the wheels turning, to put her little plan into motion. Maybe someone would even come after her soon…Schioppo? Gioia? Kaito?
She smiled, holding the pages to her chest. Oh…all of them were so wonderful…any of them would be. Hadrian, that dear boy, was surely living his life as well. She would have to look into him later….
True warmth blossomed in her. Her life really was a blessed one. Her eyes had been opened, and this sight…she wouldn’t turn down this path for anything.
The winner is Tunde Ó Santos, with a score of 63 to Hadrian Moore’s 55!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Tunde Ó Santos 28-12 Tunde broke away for the goalline with a 4-1 lead and escaped the curse for a 7-3 victory!
Quality Hadrian Moore 17-22 Reasoning
JoJolity Hadrian Moore 18-21 Reasoning
With that, we must now sadly bid goodbye to Team Neptune, Ocean’s 11, the fifth team to be eliminated from Tournament 4. They came out swinging from the very first match, and while they didn’t often make the top of many perceived rankings, no one could deny the impact they had, and they clearly had what it took to stick around into the quarterfinals.
Let’s take a moment to remember…
8th Place: Jeremiah Peacekeeper - This firefighter may have gotten in over his head in a larger than life battle against Fighter Jet, but you can’t deny he put on a show and went out with a bang.
7th Place: Annabelle - She may have been quiet during her time in the Bohemian Archive, but after coming in second during the Running of the Bulls, it’s rumored she began having some… interesting interactions with people in high places.
6th Place: Akira Inoue - Silent and unknown among her teammates like Annabelle before her, Akira RETIRED quietly after losing a football game to the Black Label Society.
5th Place: Calendar Waters - This four swordsman might have gotten eliminated as a player during Round 1 while fighting a confectioner in a corn maze, but don’t let that fool you; he just started adminning matches for them instead! Between a cooking contest and penguin sledding, no one could doubt his loyalty to Andromeda. Of course, being four boys in one took its toll on him eventually and the separate Cals went their separate ways.
4th Place: Jack Norworth - While he may have settled in comfortably to his role as the team’s Mission Control, let’s not forget his own impressive showing as a player. He began his run by teaming up with his Bug Bro to fight in a Georgia apple orchard. After this, he came second in a cooking competition refereed by his former teammate
3rd Place: Eugene “Buggy” Baxter - In this run, Jack’s Bug Bro proved himself a proper Biblical Plague to those who crossed him. It started off strong in that apple orchard, and he followed it up even stronger. You see, he brought locusts back to Egypt with the ultimate result of toppling a corrupt self-proclaimed Pharaoh. But his luck ran out in another desert when he made some tactical mistakes against a pair of snipers under a Bad Moon.
2nd Place: Lenoir “Nora” Kleid - Put simply, Nora was the heart and soul of this team. It started off slow when she lost a football game, but she got a second chance and proved herself worthy of it. Like Jack, she found herself working as the team’s Mission Control, but wasn’t afraid to get her hands dirty in a raid on a Black Beetles Warehouse. Ultimately, she couldn’t quite take victory against Urban Uprising’s other legendary old-timer in a friendly casino collectathon, but her presence can still be felt without a doubt.
1st Place: Hadrian Moore - There are no two ways about it; Hadrian was a force to be reckoned with, and no one doubted that for a second. He took the very first Tag in a high-octane train fight and his momentum never slowed. One of the most effective character-defining moments in the tourney was his Trout Speech during a battle on a rotating iceberg. Seriously. Read it. After that, he raided the Black Beetles’ headquarters and took down their head Stand alongside Demis Roussos. Back in Urban Uprising, he was able to gaze at the Incomprehensible Face of God Which Cracks the Sky and come out unscathed. His biggest impact, however, was undoubtedly when he reunited with Demis and killed Nate Selleck. But even his streak had to end, and ultimately, Tunde had the ambitions to take him down.
Location - Somewhere in California:
Schioppo Fucile wasn’t the only Fairy Feller anxious and brooding during the first weeks of 2021, worried about how he’d be able to take down one of the most dangerous women in the world, a direct threat to those he cared about.
Caring about people was not something Ric Hawks considered a strong suit, and in some ways that was an advantage. Getting too worked up about his fears for Melanzane and the Fellers would play right into the Iron Rooster’s ability. But it didn’t mean he didn’t care at all. Far from it. The departure of Stefan had left a hole somewhere Ric hadn’t known existed.
All of this passed through his head as he lay awake in the dark of his motel room. He’d poured the last year of his time and income into Urban Uprising and then XPLICIT, with nothing to show for it. Sure, Kris, Schioppo, and especially Gioia had succeeded in taking down Lyte thanks in no small part to his own research, but…
Ric’s thoughts were interrupted by the creak of a door and a beam of light from the hallway. The Arancinis stepped inside the room Melanzane and Ric were sharing, moving quietly to avoid disturbing him.
“Hey,” Ric said gruffly. No point in them trying not to wake him when there was no chance he’d get any sleep tonight anyway.
“Ah, did we wake you?” Melanzane asked.
Ric sat up and shook his head. “No. Can’t sleep anyway.”
“I am sorry to hear that, my friend. What’s bothering you?”
Ric clicked on the bedside lamp and shot the ballerino a look. “Guess.”
“Feeling powerless in the face of Saint Cecilia?” Melanzane mused. “I must admit I can relate. There is little I can do anymore without danger, but such is the way of things. We must be strong, yes?”
Ric grunted in noncommittal agreement.
Gioia watched the two men silently, her own worries mounting. Ric, her father, and her boyfriend were all walking into dangerous confrontations, and everyone seemed too afraid to even communicate with each other. Noriko and Kris were both pulling double-duty as the voices of reason and positivity, fine lines for the bus driver and traceur to walk.
“We can’t worry about her yet anyway,” she found herself saying. “She’s been keeping her head down all year, and there’s plenty to clean up closer to home.”
Ric looked up. “Oh yeah?”
“Remember when we were with La Horde?” Gioia asked. “What the guys from Ocean’s 11 said, what they found about the Black Beetles. Selleck and his intern might be dead, but there’s still XPLICIT out there. Hadrian made it all the way through their top Stand to get this information.”
“We already have a mission, Gioia,” Ric growled. “Schioppo’s already chasing a vendetta, and we can’t afford anyone else running off chasing sidequests.”
“Sidequests?” Gioia chuckled sadly. “You’re starting to sound like Stefan.”
“He has a point, though,” Melanzane noted.
Gioia sighed, straightening her back and looking Ric and her father in the eye, each in turn. “It’s more than just Cecilia. I’m not going to let anything go half finished.”
Location - Somewhere outside Sacramento, California:
Clear skies and a nice, lazy morning, a man in a white suit with black floral designs reclined in a lawn chair on his porch and idly strummed on a banjo. Despite being a capo of a massive gang, a lone Lennon played for an audience of plants rather than people, dulcet chords floating out over the orchard.
All the Beetles’ warehouses were changed out, the shipping routes rerouted, and more to ensure others couldn’t get their hands on their product. Instead, the gang’s supplies of XPLICIT were being recalled, all stores sending it to a location.
All stores except one: Lennon’s pride and joy, this farm and his Stand ability had allowed him to maintain the stream of XPLICIT that they had, but all that was coming to an end too. XPLICIT wasn’t worth the hassle, before it was easy to measure out the product to prevent rampant Stand manifestation, but now that the cat was out of the bag, even just holding it was a liability.
Lennon had tried to keep his cash crop, even trying to create a hybrid to match its drug quality without the side effects. However, after countless debates with Carter, he ultimately agreed to burn this bridge and move on with the rest of their operations. At least the shipping lines they had set up were worth something.
The pick broke after days of use. Lennon frowned, before slipping off his ring. He pinched it between his fingers and, after a few picks and plucks to accustom himself to its weight and feel, resumed strumming. Even if the gang didn’t have much use for XPLICIT, others still did. And so, Lennon waited. He didn’t need to waste any manpower to take care of the farm, sooner or later there should be a Stand user or two coming.
All Lennon had to do was wait.
Location - San Francisco, California:
Kaito basked in the air of a sunny Californian winter morning. Not a flake of snow to be found, just a smile on his face, and a train ticket to Sacramento in his hand. The once-member of the Civil Disobedients, now disbanded, found himself walking with a purpose towards the train station. It really felt like he had turned over a new leaf. He was able to start putting the last few months behind him, and continue doing his own thing… which he had yet to decide what it would be.
Never mind a bout of teenage indecision; for Kaito, life was looking up. He had even begun reconnecting with another former Civil Disobedients member, Djimon! As the young brewmaster had angrily departed from the team during a stroke of poor luck, he thought he had ruined that particular relationship forever. But when he had accepted the call to join the Uncivil Umbra, there he found a familiar face in Djimon, and a mutual desire to rekindle the old friendship.
Making his way to the designated platform, he found himself now pondering the disbandment of Uncivil Umbra. It had only been hours, maybe a day or two at the most, but the level of purpose and comradery he had felt while he had been there was unmatched. He had set out to help collapse Lyte, and had succeeded in his task. Arrests were made, perhaps he had found a little too much fun in some particular destruction, but with the danger thwarted, he was able to just have fun with his Stand, act his age again!
On the horizon, a train sped towards the station, and as it pulled beside the platform, creaking to a halt, over the PA, a voice sounded.
“Now boarding for Sacramento.”
Finding a seat onboard, Kaito shoved his ticket into his pocket, staring out the window as he recalled what he had set out to do. He had heard bits and pieces about a certain vineyard through the grapevine—no pun intended. It was run by the Black Beetles, and inexplicably, the operation was tied to XPLICIT production.
If Kaito could have a hand in shutting it down, he’d do it.
Location - Somewhere outside Sacramento, California:
Kaito hopped out of the car at the given address, the taxi peeling away behind him. He looked around at the quaint entrance, the grass and shrubs scattered around the property neatly manicured. Kaito rubbed his fingers idly over the leaves in a shrub shaped in a way he had never seen before. For the supposed drug stockpile of a gang, the villa was oddly serene, quiet. No one and nothing in sight as he looked around. He had been expecting something else, although he couldn’t quite put what that was into words. Maybe some beaten up, foreclosed hideout? Blood splatters on the dirt, “No Trespassing” signs on a barbed wire fence? Soon, however, his eyes fell upon a person walking deeper into the property.
The woman turned to face him, her guarded expression softening to one of recognition. A young man with whom her teammates had become very acquainted, and whose teammate she had the utmost respect for. Gioia waved out to him. “You must be Kaito. My name is Gioia Arancini. I’m a friend of Kris and Noriko’s.”
“Oh!” Kaito straightened out, smiling warmly and waving likewise. “Yeah, that’s me! Nice to finally meet you, Gioia.” Chuckling, he continued. “Fairy Fellers, what’s with me and running into you over and over again? Without you guys, I’m not sure I would’ve been able to take on that Fork-head!”
Gioia blinked, “Who?”
Kaito flushed slightly, “Don’t worry about it! It’s uh—he’s off doing his own thing I think, don’t worry about it!” In recovery, he gestured up the winding dirt road that led to the side of the property. “Let’s see what’s up, c’mon!”
The walk up the long path was fairly quiet, no signs of danger to be found. For a man that could control plants, it didn’t seem like any here would be too capable of harming anybody. Thornless white roses, a bed of 10 leafed clovers, a tree growing multiple different species of apples, an odorless rafflesia and other rare or mildly interesting plants.
As they continued walking they began to hear...a banjo playing in the distance? The performer could just barely be made out now: a man in a white suit with floral patterns, it seemed that one of the leaders of the Black Beetles was sitting right in front of them,
“Hello there,” Lennon waved to them as they approached, lazily rocking in a chair on the porch. “How’d you guys like my collection? Pretty neat, ain’t it?”
Kaito smirked, and broke into a sprint, 「Fujisawa Loser」 summoned behind him. “KANPAI!” He yelled out, a tendril of booze prepped to slam down on the front steps.
Lennon blinked, and tossed a black rose from his suit in his direction. The rose floated down and burst into a small cloud. Kaito stumbled, eyes watering. “ Ah sh… aah…..aaah….. Aachu..aachu!” He began to sneeze uncontrollably, falling to the ground clutching his stomach as it became more and more difficult to breathe, vision swimming as his eyes kept watering.
“Kaito!” Gioia yelled, reading herself into a sprinting position as well—
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” Lennon chimed in, getting Gioia to pause slightly. “There’s still pollen hanging in the air. Besides, I just wanted to talk to you two. Nothing more.” Kaito’s sneezing began to subside, and he started taking deep breaths, gasping as if he had just been drowned and resurfaced.
“...Now, you two are here which means you should know how us Black Beetles work. What we’re doing.” Lennon raised his right hand and flashed a peculiar looking ring. “Now I promise you what I’m telling you is true. The Black Beetles are getting out of the XPLICIT business. Everything has been recalled or is being destroyed at this moment. Behind this house is my XPLICIT farm, I already cut their water supply and mostly killed the trees. I just need some people to help me break and toss them away.” Lennon extended his hand to the two of them, “Now that’s where you two could give me a hand.”
Kaito and Gioia look to each other. Kaito laughed. “So you want people more inclined to kick your ass to do your work for you? Maybe the rest of the gang is busy, huh?” He brushed the stubble on his chin. “You’re totally using us, right?”
“Does it matter?” Lennon stated. “You’re getting what you wanted, for free, and I’m prepared to give you something for the effort. I do have some information you guys may be interested, and you did come all this way to make sure the XPLICIT is gone, right?” Lennon stood up, “The choice is yours. You can leave, break the trees yourselves...”
Lennon walked up to the door. “Or you could try and fight me. I wouldn’t recommend it. Talk to me in the greenhouse behind the house once the deed is done.” With that, he went inside and closed the door.
Gioia and Kaito stared at the house, and glanced to each other awkwardly. There was absolutely no way that the house wasn’t trapped extensively.
“This is odd,” Gioia said simply. “You’re right in that we’re being used.”
“Yeah,” Kaito added. “I wanted to try a little fighting before I did what I came here to do, but….”
“But it would be near suicide to go in without extensive preparations of our own. Very likely fireproofed as well.”
Kaito shrugged. “Well, anyways!” He punched his fist. “I’mma go ahead and get started.”
Gioia quirked an eyebrow. “Even though we’re being used?”
Kaito scoffed. “So what, people have been using me for years. I don’t care, he gets something out of it and I get a good time. Win win.” He began walking to the back, everything he wanted to say said.
Gioia sighed, but she could see his point. She didn’t want to leave the existence of this orchard to continue, and she’d prefer to ensure this herself. Besides that, the information Lennon could give was tantalizing. To have any advantage going forward to her next battle….
She turned away hesitantly from the house and followed Kaito, bemused.
When the two walked around to the back, a vast orchard open up before them, row upon row upon row of trees stretching out into the distance. Yet, rather than bearing fruit, strange pods hung from their branches, their contents apparent to both.
“Hey, Gioia,” Kaito piped up, Gioia turning to face him in acknowledgement. “You remember that time at the swamp, yeah?”
“Yes...what about it?”
“You got us pretty good back there, but I’m running it back,” Kaito smirked. “There’s a lot of trees we gotta smash, so we may as well make this fun. Whoever breaks more of them wins?” He offered her his hand.
Gioia chuckled softly. Her reputation had preceded her, and if this “sidequest” could include a friendly competition, there was little reason to decline. She placed her hand into his, shaking it firmly. “Very well. You’re on, Kaito.”
Kaito squeezed her hand with an enthusiastic grin, shaking it wildly. The buildup to the starting gun always got his blood pumping. He had this competition in the bag. What were a few wimpy trees compared to a raging fire, anyway? Bringing his hand back to his side, he gave Gioia one last glance, both readying themselves to a starting position.
“Three…” began Kaito. “Two…”
“GO!” Shouted Gioia with a laugh, running off into the orchard, a flustered Kaito following suit, yelling after her.
“You didn’t ‘open the game’!”
Location: Lennon’s XPLICIT farm in Sacramento, CA. In front of you, arranged into a square are four square plots of Lennon’s trees, each about an acre big (about 60 x 60 meters each) with trees bearing pod-fruit structures containing unprocessed XPLICIT. Separating the orchard into these quadrants are dirt paths, 4 meters wide.
There are about 5 meters in between the rows of trees and each column contains 30 trees spaced around 2 meters apart. This means each acre contains 360 trees for 1440 trees total. Each tree is only around 2 meters tall, but are fairly durable for their size at around C Durability and well rooted. Given the spacing of the trees, fires wouldn’t be able to jump or spread too easily and it is impossible for them to spread across different rows from their position.
Behind the players is a large tool shed and every 20 meters around the edges of the field are industrial sized plant waste containers. The tool shed has everything from chainsaws to shovels to pesticide and anything else a farm or gardener may need. On the opposite side of the area, across the field from the players is a vehicle shed with farming vehicles such as tractors, motorized lifts, plows, cultivators, etc.
Goal: Destroy more trees than your opponent! Attacking your opponent would violate the competition you’ve set for yourself and result in an immediate loss, but you can mess with them.
Additional Information: Lennon has left a note saying “Help yourself” on the tool shed door and you are free to take whatever you want from inside to start off the match with or take during the match. Lennon has also made the same note on the vehicle shed and the keys to the vehicles are in their ignition. Lennon doesn’t care whatever method you use to get rid of trees as long as the job is done.
Since the XPLICIT is in its unprocessed form, trying to use it has no effect beyond tasting really bad.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Fairy Fellers Gioia Arancini “It’s the second tree from the right. Memorize it. Make sure you don’t forget that spot.” If you’re gonna do this job, it better be done thoroughly. Destroy trees from as large an area as possible over the course of this match!
Civil Disobedients Yuigahama Kaito “Shit, I gotta find it...there should be some sodium chlorate here!” This is your golden ticket to do some demolition, but you’re here to have fun too. Mix things up and use as many different ways for destruction as you can!
Link to the Official Player Spreadsheet
Link to R6 Match Schedule
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